The Ancestors and Family of Steven Harn Redman
In 1875, Ellen Dorcas Harn began writing this manuscript about the Harn family. She completed writing the manuscript in 1893. After which, she proceeded to type up her manuscript. No record has been found that this manuscript had been published.
Ellen Dorcas Harn was an intelligent woman, who had strong feelings about Women’s Suffrage and the education of her students.
The following was from the book, Adams County: A Story of the Great Plains, by Dorothy Weyer Creigh, published in 1972, by the Adams County‑Hastings Centennial Commission, page 899:
“Ellen D. Harn, Kenesaw pioneer and early‑day teacher, made her first airplane flight in 1918 when she was 89 years old. When the open cockpit plane piloted by Burgess Creeth, was over the house‑tops of Kenesaw, she released a banner which said "Votes for Women", clearly visible to the gawking public a few hundred feet below.”
The following obituary for Ellen Dorcas Harn was in the Kenesaw Progress Newspaper, on 01May1930, page 1.
Death Claims Kenesaw's oldest citizen.
She had been ill only two days. Her trouble developed so rapidly that she was unconscious throughout the day Tuesday and at 12:40 Wednesday she passed out of this life at 101 years, 3 months and 13 days of age.
Miss Harn was born in Fredericks County, Maryland, January 18, 1829. She was an early school teacher, one of the first women to teach. She was brave, daring and always fought for the things she thought right. She was never ill to speak of, and late years found her pen as strong as her voice was 75 years ago for woman suffrage, against the saloon, and for higher ideals in her profession as a school teacher.
Miss Harn came to Kenesaw many years ago. After spending half a century in Pennsylvania and Maryland, she came to Nebraska and helped those struggling early‑day settlers build what is today one of the greatest educational systems in the world. She was one of the early pioneer school teachers, in fact one of the first of her sex to teach in the states of Pennsylvania and Maryland.
As she got older, the world got better, and no doubt at all but from some of her teachings. Then she became older, never weakened; her power become stronger and stronger, until today that for which she stood has all come to pass‑ teachers by the thousands of her own sex in the school room‑yes and in congress‑no saloons‑and the women still forging ahead.
At the time of her 100th birthday, Kenesaw and community tendered her birthday party in the Methodist Hall. All afternoon it was packed from the front to the back. Hundreds came to congratulate her; some of then early‑day pupils, their hair gray and their backs bent. The school children marched from the school to the front of the hall where Miss Harn met them and talked to them for 10 minutes as though nothing unusual had happened.
She was young; only the great number of years she lived were old. Just to look at her was to admire her. Miss Mary Williams, who has made her home with Miss Harn for many years and Miss Katie Thrall, of Formosa Beach, Calif.; two nieces were with her when the quiet ending of her life came. Many other relatives will arrive before Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock when the funeral will be held in the Methodist church. At first arrangements it was to have been held beside the 35‑year old lilac bush which she planted and so greatly admired, but since have been changed.
Rev. Harry Wolcott of Smithfield will preach her funeral. He is a former pupil of Miss Harn and spoke at her 100th birthday party.
Early Wednesday morning telegraph keys began to click off the news of her passing, the radio announced it, and later came the press, all carrying with their messages a tribute to her many years of usefulness. Her funeral will be the largest ever held in Kenesaw. It will be attended by relatives, friends and admirers from four different directions. After it then will come a shower of flowers, letters, and cards, from all over the United States‑ from governors, from congressmen, from former students and from other pioneers who are creeping close to the century mark.
In 1977, B. Esther (Oviedo) Harn submitted Family Group Sheets pertaining to the Harn family, to the Genealogical Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. Entries on these group sheets were taken from wills, cemetery inscriptions, birth certificates, living family members, and extensively from Ellen Dorcas Harn’s manuscript of the Harn family. These Family Group Sheets have been microfilmed by the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, as film number 1036595.
In 1991, I received a copy of Ellen Dorcas Harn’s typed manuscript, from B. Esther Oviedo-McCulley. This manuscript contained numerous typos and transpositions. In some cases, the manuscript that was copied was in poor condition.
At the end of 1994, I had completed entering the manuscript into a word processor. In cases where there was a question regarding a word or word’s, brackets ‘[ ]’ were used to denote the uncertainty. Obvious transpositions such as ‘the’ for ‘the’ were corrected. Misspellings of place-names, surnames, given-names, in majority of cases were left as is. There were several places in the manuscript where space had originally been left for inserting a printed obituary or some other insert, but that insert had not been added to the manuscript. There had been no attempt to provide corrections or additions to the data in this manuscript. I tried to maintain the same layout appearance as the original typed manuscript (capitalization of names, paragraph headings).
Steven Harn Redman
07 July 1996
Kenesaw, Neb.,
July 22, 1901
In order to discover the earliest trace of the Harn family we have endeavored to arrive at the primary meaning of the word Harn, or its root. Webster in his definition of the word harness had this to say:
I. W. "harness, from harn, that is closely fitted".
After giving the primary spelling of the word in different languages adds that;
"The primary sense is to fit, prepare, or put on"; and in different languages it signifies not only harness, but furniture and utensils.”
For the word harns in its plural sense then some authority gives as its definition "Brains" signifying, perhaps, furniture, utensils.
The word harns in Scotland is used in the sense of brains. Mr. David D. Shearer, an intelligent and widely read Scotsman from near Edinborough, Scotland & a brother of Alexander Shearer, the eminent gardener of the Marquis of Tweedale, gave me this explanation of the commoner use of the word harn:
"When a Scotsman gets angry at another Scotsman the angry man will draw his fist and say; I'll knock out your harns', meaning his brains."
Webster, also, says that the word harns, in Scotland means brains.
Burns in his poem, Tam O'Shanter, has this couplet:
“Her cuty sark O'Paisly harn
That, while a lassies, she had worn,"
And a footnote explains that the word harn means a coarse linen.
Mr. Joseph E. Leighton, of Harnham, Belsay, Newcastle‑on‑Tyne England, writes me that "Harnham is a hamlet and the name is old Saxon for corner house. It may have been settled about a thousand years since. An ancestor of mine bought it about 200 years ago".
Mr. Geoffory Hitt‑ as far as we can decipher the name‑ writes me from Harnham Vicarage, Saulsbury, England, that: "As far as I can see there is no connection between the surname Harn and the village of Harnham. What the meaning of Harn is I do not pretend to know. It may be another form of the common English surname Hearne", or even of Harn, but it is quite certain that Harnham does not mean the ham or home of people named Harn.
Hoeran, as you will see by looking at an Anglo Saxon dictionary, means an estuary, or the mouth of a river; now from the position of Harnham it is certain that this is the harn or settlement at the mouth of the river. As estuary means an arm or corner of the sea the word harn leads us to the conclusion that in the above two cases it means corner‑ hence Harnhamor corner home, or rather home at the corner.
So far as we have been able to trace any connection between Harnham, Harnhill, or Harnchurch with the surname Harn it gives us no light in tracing the family name.
A letter from "The British American Heraldic Office, 22 South Moulton Street, ‑ Oxford Street, London, England, of August 17, 1899, Mr. R.A. Hather, Manager, says: "We have come across the following in some genealogical manuscripts, formerly in the collection of a government official (an eminent geologist) and hasten to send it to you:
Extract‑ Hearn, Hearne, Hearon and Heron appears to be one and the same family as shown by pedigrees upon record. The surname is prominent in Wales, Ireland and the United States as Harn or "Harne".
There is a tradition in the Harn family that the name was originally Harnes, and because of some infraction of some English law the first settler in America fled from England and on reaching America dropped the final syllable to avoid detection. I have heard my father John Harn, (son of Caleb) tell this story frequently. I wrote to William Harn, son of Singleton, son of Denton Harn) of Unionville, Frederick County, MD., asking if he had ever heard of such a tradition. An extract from his answer runs thus:
"I don't know anything about he old generations of Harns, only what father and mother (his father and mother were cousins) have told me. Their great grandfather was a Welshman‑Left his country for some crime he committed. The original name was Harnes. He left off the es."
So far as we have discovered no authentic record to vouch for the truthfulness of the above named tradition.
There was a neighbor of my fathers‑ their farms lay adjoining and a portion of that farm became a part of the Harn farm under the ownership of my brother Thomas Wesley‑ whose not remote ancestors did come over with a "ball and chain". I have frequently heard my father say, rather boastingly, that if he was the owner of fewer houses and less lands than his neighbor his family record had no "ball and chain" attached to it.
My father always referred to the traditional change of orthography and the reasons therefore in a light and jesting manner. He never attached any significant importance to it. Mr grandfather, Caleb, assumed towards it the same attitude. Because of the free and easy manner, as well as the publicity with which they spoke of it, the "crime", or infringement of the law, must have been of no serious nature. Had it been otherwise they would not have alluded to it in so trivial a manner. Both of them were proud gentlemen and touchily jealous of the honor of the family name. It is a matter in history that often in those days the early settlers, if not by law deported for its violation, made their escape voluntarily in order to escape its punishment. The shooting of small game for instance, on the preserve of the English nobility by the nobility, was considered a grave offence, but in our day and generation such trivial infringements of law by those who had no lot in their formation is of minor importance and little heed is attached to it.
Mrs. Humphry Ward sets forth in forcible terms the difference of views as viewed from the two angles of visions of the nobility and commoners as regards the stealthy shooting of a hare or pheasant on the lands of the nobility.
Be the tradition true or false, so far as we have authentic record, the family name has been wonderfully preserved from dishonor or disgrace, up to the present.
My eldest brother, George Upton Harn, makes this statement on page 1 of his diary:
"I have little to say about my parentage for I am unapprised of anything worthy of notice, except it be that my genealogy on both father's and mother's side could not be impeached with anything short of common honesty, so far as I am acquainted."
It was a matter of family pride that their word was of as much value as a legally executed bond or deed. Though their educational advantages seldom rose above the common pay schools of the day their business abilities were not generally below par. So far as I know, not many of them became wealthy; certainly none of them were on the border of indigence. As a general thing they are independent, frugal livers of their day and generation. They were mostly farmers, mechanics, merchants, physicians, lawyers, editors etc. But few of them took to politics although they were deeply interested in everything that pertained to the best welfare of the country and its government. Some have attained to the legislatures of their respective states, some professors and presidents of colleges, some mayors of cities and some have received appointive offices of the general government, but none have made themselves widely known either by wealth, political attainments or in literature.
We have no record to establish the fact, but my memory is very clear, that my father and grandfather always asserted that the first comer settled on the Severn River in Maryland. Younger members of the family than myself are certain that Philadelphia, Pa, is the initial settlement, and that the ancestors left property there that was never looked after by the heirs. William Harn, eldest son of Singleton Harn, son of Denton Harn, son of John Harn (1) my two sisters older than myself‑ Sarah A. and Susan C.‑ remember nothing of the settlement at Philadelphia.
The stately forest trees that line its banks are doubtless the same whose leaves trembled as the tramping feet of Braddock's army woke the stillness of the forest on that memorable fruitless march to Fort Duquense. Somewhere along the vine clad dunes and the "bonny braes of this mystic stream lies buried the remains of the noted Indian chief Linganore, from whom the embryo river takes its name. The precise spot of this Indian mound is lost to human ken but the tenants of the valley hold in reverential memory the noble character of this woodland chieftain.
A great, great, great granddaughter of this early settler, Minnie Tonka Williams‑ who was somewhat of a genius and also of a poetical temperament of no mean degree caught the musical cadence of the name of this valley and stream and when but a bit of a girl addressed to this valley the following scrap of sentiment.
White are the torn clouds
Scented by the breezes
That float up the valley of fair Linganore
Gone on the mountains
The echo of cannon's mouth;
Battle smoke darkens her summers no more.
Pine trees of Linganore,
Ceaselessly calling me,
Oh, to repose in your shadows once more
Lost there regretfulness,
Found there forgetfulness,
Found there the longed for, sweet Lethean shore.
This bit of verse was written after a visit to her grandfather's home in the summer of 1868. She was then about ten years old. She was a great lover of clear flowing streams and the never failing flow of water from the old spring beneath the great oaks and willows of her grandfather's homestead together with the gurgling symphonies over the yellow brown pebbles of the various streams that met her in meadow and shady dell, caught her poetic fancy and she ever longed for a more mature duplicate of her young experiences. But at the age of 22, a sullen sluggish prairie stream made her its victim and the light of her promising young life went out under a "torn cloud" of mysterious darkness.
Scribner Monthly for January 1887 gives a poem from the graceful pen of Mrs. M.W. Hackleton. Four stanzas are so beautifully descriptive of this valley and stream that we cannot refuse to help perpetuate the memory of the fine writer by giving them a place on these pages.
The evening wind blew sweet and cool
O'er hills and vales of Maryland,
And swept the dimpling stream and pool
Aglow with sunset splendors grand;
While leaves of crimson gold and brown,
And silvery tufts that float and soar,
Along our path came fluttering down
Amid the hills of Linganore.
Neath the overarching trees we rode,
And watched the mists that mountains climb
Below the singing river flowed
Above us rang the herd‑bell's chime;
The distant mountains dimly blue
Leaned soft against the bending skies
While towering o'er the homes we knew,
We saw the spires of Frederick rise.
The flock went bleating to the fold;
The song bird fluttered to her nest,
And purple waves of twilight rolled
O'er all the crimson flooded west‑
As fast we rode o'er hill and dale,
The river rambling on before;
While night and silence softly fell
Upon the hills of Linganore.
Then musing as we homeward went,
"Oh friend" I said "how fair would seem
A life in some low cottage spent
Beside yon softly flowing stream
My robins there should build and sing,
My roses bloom, my ivies climb,
And every golden moment ring
Some note in joy's bewildering chime."
My brother, George Upton, was very fond of discussing the lineage of the family with both father and grandfather. He was well posted as to the history of these early periods, but unfortunately the records he made thereof are meagre. But what records he did make are reliable. In my research through his papers and diary I found but one error and that was in reference to our immediate family‑ the order of birth of a brother and sister.
In my researches for data of early Harn history among the papers now in my possession, of my brother George Upton, I find an unfinished letter never sent to the person to whom it was written. From the paragraph in this letter referring to his religious convictions I come to the conclusion that it was intended for Eden H. Davis, (whose mother was Hester Harn) of Shelbyville, Indiana, Mr. Davis, I am informed was a Universalist. It seems from the trend of my brother's letter that he and Mr. Davis were then in correspondence in regard to the kinship of the two. I surmise the reason why this letter was never finished and sent was because of the exciting times just previous to the Civil War and the organization of the Republican party, in which my brother took and active part. The letter is given entire as follows:
Wooster, Ohio, July 11, 1859.
Dear Sir: ‑
Yours of the 8th is received. I thank you for your kindness, and hope we shall have no cause to regret our relationship as well as our growing acquaintanceship.
Your great grandfather was my great‑great grandfather. He was the first of our name I have been able to trace in America and he came from London and was of Cymbro of Welsh decent of the Old Celts, or Britons, of Ceasar's notice. These are the facts, I believe, and harmonize with Webster's philology of our name. This old tree had three branches, two sons and a daughter. The second son had, I believe, one son, Isaac, whose descendants are chiefly in Howard County, Maryland and spell their name Hearne. The daughter left an heir, Overton Harn, of Middletown Valley, Frederick County, Maryland. He has a son Horatio who was elected to the legislature from Washington county, that state. Overton, I learn, is ignorant of how he is related to the family, and, indeed, when I last saw him, twelve years ago, did not know that we were related at all.
Horatio, his son, knows and lives in Hagerstown. My grandfather, Caleb, was the oldest son of your grandfather, John. He had four sons and two daughters, my father , John, being the eldest, and I am the eldest of fourteen children, nine only of whom are living, three sons and six daughters. My mother and two sons reside near Mr. Airy, Frederick county, Maryland. Four sisters are in that vicinity and two in Minneapolis, Minnesota, one, there being married to a Free Will Baptist preacher, named A.D. Williams, a clever fellow and a finished scholar, of celebrity in that denomination. My father is dead since '52. I am a married man, having a wife and two children, sons. One seven years and the other forty one days old. We have lost two children between, one son a daughter. If I live to see the 30th day of the present July I will be thirty‑nine years old. I was reared upon a farm in Frederick county, took to preaching when I was grown, have travelled a great deal east and west, have been in your place I think. In faith, I differ very materially with you, being as I am of the Orthodox belief, and strongly Baptistic in the practive of the ordinance of Baptism. The people I cooperate with wear no human names or titles, but call each independent church, or congregation a Church of God, at the place where it assembles. I do not spend now the whole of my time in the ministry, but am partly engaged in the show business in this place of 3000 population. I was a Whig as long as that party lived, and although at one time my father was a slave holder I was what was denominated a Wooley Head Whig, a contra‑distinction to the SILVER GRAY faction of that party. I have always been rather active in politics but never sought an office till last fall. I was a candidate for the Congressional nomination in this, the 14th District of Ohio. There were nine candidates in convention, four from this county, and by my influence Gen. Spink, now dead, was nominated and then elected by 2100 majority. I am a candidate to fill his vacancy and flatter myself that my chances are good for the nomination, although I am contesting the ground with the Lieutenant Governor of this state. He resides in this village and is a good man, but has a perfect mania for office. (Martin WELKER)
You have an own cousin, Isabella Harn, at St. Marys, in this state. She has two sisters, married, residing there and at Sidney. I have two cousins, Harns at Dayton, I have also, a cousin in Columbus, named Grafton Douty, a very fine fellow, an active member of the capital city council. He is the oldest son of my fathers oldest sister. Isabella has a brother residing three miles west of Elkhart in your state. He is named Elisha Harn. As to Aunt Harriett Grimes, I know nothing of her since you saw her ‑ the same year, I think, not since. The relations at St. Marys, descend from Denton Harn a brother to your mother. William a son of his, Denton, resides at Carlisle, Pa., and Singleton ‑ near my mother.
Here the letter seem to break off right in the middle of the narrative and the Harn family has lost much reliable information as to its genealogy.
Today the ground is covered about four inches deep with snow. Be good enough to give love to all the friends and much oblige.
Eden H. Davis
At the time this letter was written my sister's husband, A.D. Williams, was president of West Virginia College, an institution of learning located at Flemington, Taylor County, W. VA. George Upton Harn II, was a student in the institution. Mr. Davis, probably, obtained his address from the catalogue of the school.
In my search of material for this volume I have come across a record of names of the family in which I recognize my own hand writing. If memory serves me aright this record was made while acting as administrator of my brothers estate. I find therein I have the name Caleb to the "Old Tree" mentioned by my brother in his letter to Eden H. Davis. I have no recollection of the source of the name Caleb but I have little doubt but what I am right, as I have often heard my father say that John (his name) and Caleb (his father's name) were handed down from father to son in rotation. The first authentic Harn we know was named John, his eldest son was named Caleb; Caleb's eldest son was named John, and John's third son was named Caleb Jesse. My father was always anxious that the names should alternate perpetually but the name Caleb ended with my brother Caleb Jesse, he having died unmarried, in the Civil War.
So far, we have been unable to give the date of birth either of great grandfather John, or that of the "Old Tree", my great great grandfather. My brothers diary shows that grandfather Caleb died January 9th 1840 in his 75th or 76th year. Hence, he was born in 1765 or 6. He was the eldest child of his father's family. Allowing his father John to be 21 years old when he married (the early line usually married young) would make the date of his birth as early as 1744. Then allowing the "Old Tree" to be 21 years old when John (1) was born, brings the date of his birth in the early part of the eighteenth century, somewhere in its first quarter. We have no authentic data for the birth of the "old Tree" or that of his son John.
The children of John Harn (1) were as follows: Caleb, Elijah, Denton, Greenburg, Mathias, Horatio, Johnzee, Ary, Ellen, Hester and Harriett ‑ seven sons and four daughters. We are unable to five their names in order of birth, for lack of data. My brother's diary, gives Caleb as the eldest. The diary gives Johnzee as the youngest, son, but whether the youngest of the family is not known. At the time this diary makes the statement December 17th., 1846, that Johnzee was the youngest son, there were still living Johnzee and two sisters, Ellen Harn Crawford, and Harriet Harn Grimes.
Daughter of John (1) and Sister of Caleb.
The diary states that Ary died May 23, aged 63 years, "beloved of all who knew her", and it adds:
"Well do I recollect hearing my father speak of her virtues and kindness when I was yet a boy. She left Maryland a great many years ago and went to West Pennsylvania in its infancy. Ary never married, and made her home with her brother Johnzee. She lived an exemplary member of the Methodist church for 47 years".
The diary notes that Ary was sick at the time of a previous visit made, December 17, 1845.
Daughter of John (1) and sister of Caleb.
Otis Harn, of Merrittstown, Fayette County, Pa., has this to say of Nelly:
"You wish to know here Nelly and her husband settled, They lived a number of years on the property of Johnzee Harn in Fayette County Pa., and Nelly died there. Crawford her husband, lived years after his wife' death. He was a tailor by trade and a worthless, drunken scamp. They had no children. I think they were married on the Pike in Fayette county."
This last scrap of history as regards their marriage savors of romance. It was not an uncommon thing in the early days in the south for a couple, when objections to their marriage were urged, to slyly slip away on horseback and have the parson perform the ceremony of marriage in the middle of the highway. If this marriage was clandestine as it seems to be on the face of it, it appears to have ended as most such marriages, do in failure. The most sensible thing the parties did was to leave no posterity to inherit the weakness of the father. My brother's diary, of 1846, speaking of her death states that Mrs. Crawford had been a member of the Methodist church for many years. It is from her whence came my first name, Ellen.
Daughter of John (1) and sister of Caleb.
In my researches I find great difficulty of reaching the posterity of the different members of great grandfather's family. It came to me that if I kept sub‑rosa my sex, as well as my object, I might be more successful in getting replies to my inquiries. Hence, under cover of initials of my given names I addressed my letters to members of the family, whom I was confident were no longer living, or to any one of their living heirs. The word "heir", bearing the significance of inheritance, in most cases brought me prompt replies so far down the line as great grandchildren. Being unable to reach any member of Harriett Harn Grimes' family, I addressed to her a similar letter but it came back to me from a fruitless errand through the dead letter office. The only history, so far, of that branch of the family is the reference made to them in the letter of George U. Harn to Eden H. Davis, that of the latter to Thomas W. Harn, of West Fall, Md. and the following excerpt from the diary of George U. after a visit to Steubenville, O., under date of May 21st 1846.
"Saw my relatives and found them all well, except being distressed a great deal about the death of Uncle Grimes".
Son of John (1) and Brother of Caleb.
Our knowledge of Elijah Harn is about as meagre as that of Harriett Harn Grimes. My only recollection of him is the oft repeated assertion that he, with his sister Hester Harn Davis, emigrated to Kentucky. I addressed a letter to him or heirs at Flemingsburg, Ky. and the letter was returned unopened. Mrs. Emily Foxworthy Davis, daughter of Dorcas Davis Foxworthy, of Mount Carmel, Ky., writes of Elijah Harn as follows:
“My knowledge of the family is very limited. There were three families of that name who lived in this (Fleming) county some ten years ago. I was told they were distant relatives of mine, but what the relationship was I never knew. The men are all dead now and the families scattered. I do not know their father's name, or anything of their ancestors".
Son of John (1).
So far, we have been unable to reach a single descendent of this son of John Harn (1). There was a Jarrett Harn, of whom I have often heard my father speak, as living somewhere along the Ohio River. There are Harn's living in the eastern part of Ohio, in the vicinity of Steubenville who are supposed to be the posterity of Horatio and Jarrett Harn, but this fact is not authenticated.
Second or third son of John (1) and brother of Caleb. He with his posterity ought to follow Caleb in the book.
Denton Harn, it seems was, perhaps, the third issue of John Harn, he being born in 1769, and the eldest son Caleb, in 1765 or 6 leaving space enough for the birth of another child between. His daughter Mrs. Rachel Harn Hollingsworth, of St. Marys, O., writes that her "father was born in 1769 and died July 1836. He married Rachel Pickett, who died September 1841, aged 59 years" hence she was born 1782.
His grandson William Harn, of Friendship Factory, near Unionville, Frederick county, Md., eldest son of Singleton Harn, eldest son of Denton, writes:
"Denton, Harn, (fathers father) owned the old Harriett Hammond property and there killed the last wolf ever known there. He married Prudence Pickett, daughter of Charles Pickett, great uncle to the confederate General Pickett. This farm lies near "Fair Hill" the old Harn homestead".
It seems that Miss Harriett Hammond had fallen heir to it at her ancestors decease. She was a very pleasant maiden lady and lived on her property, carrying on the farm through the instrumentality of her numerous slaves. In later life she married Ben Todd, a wealthy man, living on the Frederick and Baltimore turnpike near Ridgeville, Md.
Mrs. Lethe Anne Robertson, of Elkhart, Ind., daughter of Elisha Harn, son of Denton Harn, writes:
"My father, Elisha L. Harn, left Hagerstown Md., May 1838, and came to Sidney, Shelby county, O., Grandfather and Uncle Arbuckle Lethe Harn's husband, came to Ohio two years after we came. He brought four girls ‑ Aunt Amelia, Aunt Rachel. Aunt Belle and Lousia. Hence Denton Harn must have disposed of his property in Maryland previous to 1837 the year he emigrated to Ohio.”
I have been unable to locate the place of his death but it must have been either at Sidney or St. Mary's, O. The daughters of Denton Harn give the name of their mother as Rachel Ruth Pickett, and the grandson gives it as Prudence Pickett. There was a Prudence Picket often mentioned in my father's family but I am unable to locate her. I am inclined to think the daughter, and not the nephew, are correct and that Prudence was the mother of Rachel Ruth.
According to the various family records Denton Harn and Rachel Ruth Picket were the
parents of four sons and five daughters, all of whom were born in Maryland, except the youngest daughter, who was born at Sidney, O., and emigrated from Maryland, except Singleton Wesley, Levi Orendorf and William Hillery.
The issue of Denton Harn, was born near West Falls, Frederick county, now Carroll county, Md., June 1, 1802. He died at Friendship Factory, near Unionville, Frederick county, Md., July 16, 1879. He married his cousin, Maria Cordelia Harn, daughter of Caleb Harn, by his second wife, Charity Duval, of Montgomery county, Md., and was born April 15, 1802. She died at the "Factory" June 7, 1887.
Friendship Factory‑ a woolen mill‑ is located in Frederick county, Md., on Talbotts branch, a tributary (one of the largest) of Singanore river. The property was formerly owned by John Lawrence, a large landed proprietor, and the owner of numerous slaves. Singleton Harn rented this property from the Lawrence family for a number of years. He made his annual trips to the southern counties making Elkridge his landing headquarters to gather up wool, which he manufactured into what was called "linsey‑ woolsey", a coarse kind of woolen goods with cotton warp, which was used for the winter wear of slaves. He did an extensive business in this line and during slavery times, accumulated sufficient wealth not only to luxuriously, for the
The first‑authentic‑record we have of any settlement of our ancestors is that of my great grandfather, John Harn, who purchased landed property in what is now Carroll county, Maryland, Carroll county having been organized from the counties of Frederick and Baltimore. The records of Carroll county do not go back beyond the year of 1837 hence this property before 1837 was in Frederick county. This explains why the birthplace is sometimes given as Frederick county and by others of the same family as Carroll county.
This old homestead is located less than two miles northeast of what is now the post office of West Falls and is about five miles in the same direction from Mr. Airy on the B & O R.R. West Falls is on the Buffalo road leading from Mt. Airy to Westminster at its junction with Worman road. This road is a part of the boundary line between the counties of Frederick and Carroll. The post office of West Falls lies on the Frederick county side of the boundary. Before the days of this post office the hamlet was locally known as Harrisville or Owings Hill.
The members of the family know this farm as the old "Harn Homestead". It is now owned by a man by the name of Lewis Hood. The early settlers, many of them, brought over with them the English custom of giving specific names to their farms and many of them are so recorded in the deeds of transfer of the early settlers of the Province of Maryland. The specific name of this early settlement bore the name of Fair Hill.
In passing from the low lands of Mayland bordering the Chesepeake Bay in a northerly direction over the Old National Road leading from Baltimore to Wheeling, W. VA., a traveler encounters near Mr. Airy the second off‑shoot of the Appelachain [sic] system of mountains. This rise of land is known locally, as Parrs Ridge, while the first rise near Elicott city is known as Elk Ridge. The trend of Parrs ridge is northeast from the junction of the Monoccacy and the Potomac, passing Mt. Airy and Westminster the county seat of Carrroll county and loses its visibility in southern Pennsylvania east of Hanover. This elevation is the divide between the waters of the north that find their outlet through the Monoccacy and Potomac rivers and the streams that flow into the Chesepeake in and around Baltimore.
The old domicile into which great grandfather John took his bride, Dorcas Davis, was a log structure about as pretentious as most of the houses of that period. It stood prominently on rather a high elevation on the northern slope of the Ridge, surrounded by several large forest trees. At the foot of the hill on which stood the house was the spring from which the family obtained its supply of water. This spring is referred to on another page of this history together with an interesting bit of romance. It is one of many springs on the north slope of the Divide whose waters converge near the post office of Lingamore in Frederick county and from what is locally known as "The Lingamore" ‑ a stream of considerable pretentions, tributary to the Monaccacy. The valley through which it flows bears its name and is one of the most romantically beautiful spots of the "Western Shore".
times, raise a large family, but to purchase the mill‑seat and quite a number of acres of land belonging to it. Singleton Harn was a man of high probity of character. He was quiet in demeanor, seldom taking part in public matters. In politics he was a Whig, naturally drifting from that party into the Republican party. In his family government he was most mild and gentle yet held a most benign influence over all his family kin. In all ethical relations he held a wide reputation. For his quite, unobtrusive benevolence, his honest, upright, manly dealings in all matters pertaining to business, he was held in conspicuous high repute. So far as we know, his children follow in his footsteps. His eldest, William, born December 2, 1825 and his third son, Augustus, born March 28, 1828, both unmarried, at this writing, 1901, still live at the mill‑seat.
ABNER, the second son, born January 8th, 1827, married Margaret, eldest daughter of Samuel Eury of Unionville. Mrs. Harn died, being the mother of six children. Mary Belle died in infancy. Alice M. married Jason Hood. They lived in Baltimore and are childless. Laura O. married Claggett Dorsey, a farmer, near Unionville; Samuel E. married Nannie Nicodemus, and is a merchant in Unionville. Kenly E. born at the commencement of the civil war married a lady in Mitchell Ind. Annie the youngest, married Walace Shipley and lives in the vicinity of the old home.
EVAN THOMAS, the fourth son was born November 22, 1829. He was killed in an accident on Pennsylvania Central railroad near Altoona, Pa.
ELIZABETH CORILLA, the eldest daughter and the fifth issue, was born November 28, 1831. She married John Luzenbeel, farmer. He died in middle life, leaving two sons and one daughter.
WILLIAM E., has been for a number of years and still is, President of Austin College, Effingham, Ill., and is not unknown as a prominent educator of that state. CLINTON S. is also a teacher and lives in Georgia. EMMA, the daughter died within the past year, 1900, in Baltimore, where her mother still lives. She was a beautiful girl, a blonde with blue eyes and a wealth of curly hair. She was one the three noted Luzenbiel "beauties". She was directly the opposite of a cousin in Ohio who was a dark brunette. The other, of wide newspaper notoriety, not only for her popular beauty, but for her marriage, a girl in her teens, with the aged Sen. Christiancy, of Michigan, died in Washington, D.C., where her parents reside, and where she held a position in one of the departments before her marriage.
Lillie LUGENBEEL was handsome, gay, without years of experience. The glamour of Washington Society, emoluments and high position caught her young fancy and to obtain it she married her rheumatic old lover, who was old enough to know better. The sequel was, for her, no rest from divorce courts and rust old jealousy this side an early grave. John Lugenbeel, the father of Emma, and Mrs. Christiancy were brother's children. Since the above was written the following notice came to hand.
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lugenbeel.
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lugenbeel, widow of John Henry Lugenbeel, of Unionville, Frederick county, died saturday at the home of her neice Mrs. Jason Hood, 2327 Barclay street. Death was due to general braking down incident to old age. Mrs. Lugenbeel was born in Frederick county 70 years ago and coma to this city about 10 years ago.
She leaves two sons, Prof. W.G. Lugenbeel, president of Austin College, Egginham, Ill., and Prof. C.S. Lugenbeel, president of Fort Smith Commercial College Fort Smith, Ark.
RACHEL REBECCA HARN was born October 16th, 1834. She married William Fleming of Carroll county Md. They live in Mount Airy, Md. Mr. Fleming is a highly respected merchant of that place. They have two children, JAMES W. and AMELIA, James married Bettie Gunn and Amelia, Joseph Gosnell. The families of the two young people live on the Old Flemming homestead in Carroll county.
WESLEY JALEEL HARN was born December 16th, 1835. He married for his first wife Urith Mannahan, by whom he had eight children. NETTIE married Jacob Ecker; CALVIN married Miss Doyle. They live in Blomongton, Ind. CORA BELLE, AMBROSE B., WILLIE E. and EMMA M. find a home with their Uncle William at the Mill‑seat. For his second wife Wesley Jaleel married Susan Shipley. As with his first wife one child died in infancy. The names the three, living are HERBERT, DELIA and MAMIE.
JOANNA MARGARET HARN was born January 9th, 1837. Somewhat late in life she married a wealthy farmer, John R. Stevens. He died leaving his widow and two daughters, EMMA R. and GEORGIA. The daughters married two brothers, Lona and Hickson Pearre, sons of Hamilton Pearre, a son of James Pearse, a local minister, of abundant wealth and of French extraction. Tradition has it that the father of James Pearre was induced by the gift of a farm to marry the mulatre daughter of a wealthy slave owner. The husband of one of the Steven girls, Georgia, I think, is a young lawyer of Frederick City. The girls both died within a year, one of them very suddenly and the other in a tragic death. They were both highly beloved within the community esteemed for their eminently social qualities, their commanding presence and their unimpeachable moral endowments.
JOHN HENRY HARN was born November 26,1839. He married Clemintine Long, the daughter of a wealthy farmer, John Long, who purchased from the heirs what was known as the "Thornton Poole place". They have two children LETHE and BENTON. With a bachelor brother of Clemintine, William Long, all live at the "Thornton Poole place" on the "Poole road", leading from Friendship Factory to Mount Airy. John Henry was a quiet unobtrusive member of Company B, 7th Maryland Regiment, Volunteers, of which his cousin, Thomas Wesley Harn, served as first lieutenant. He fought it out on this line, through the battles of the Wilderness, on the Weldon railroad and in and around Petersburg, and came home with an honorable name, unscarred by wound or ill repute as a soldier, but with a rich inheritance of war rheumatism.
ALBERT WASHINGTON HARN was born February 19,1842. He died soon after coming to the age of manhood.
LUTHER EDWARD HARN was born December 7, 1843. He married Josephine Long, a sister of his brother John's wife. They had two children Corda, (Cordelia, I presume, as John Longs's wife was Cordelia Spurrier.) and EDWARD ELMER. Mrs. Harn died in 1891 Corda lives with her father in Unionville, is lately married. Edward Elmer was a rising young lawyer, a member of the Frederick county bar. He studied law under Judge John C. Motter and after a year at the Maryland University Law School was admitted to the bar in 1896. In 1897 he was nominated by the Republican party for the House of Delegates, and elected. In 1898 he was appointed a clerk under Major Noble H. Creager, of the commissary department of the United States army and spent a year in Cuba. On his return he resumed the practice of law in Frederick, but was compelled by ill health to retire from practice. He was a promising young man possessed of high intellectual endowments and engaging social qualities. He died at the age of 25, having been born September 30, 1874.
LUTHER EDWARD was a member of the same company and regiment of his brother John Henry. He was less fortunate than John Henry. He received a scalp wound by a spent bullet. That, together with having accidentally shot and killed a comrade, incapacitated him awhile from active duty. His furlough having expired and with convalescing health he returned to his post and did service to the close of the war. Since the war he has devoted his leisure to artistic pursuits. In portrait painting in oils he manifests considerable talent ‑ one from memory, of his father, is at once recognizable. This family of eleven children were all born at the mill‑seat, and still live at it or near by. The third generation is somewhat scattered but with scarcely an exception like their fathers and grandfather Singleton they are proverbial for quite unobtrusiveness, high moral rectitude of character and unimpeachable honesty and integrity. The record of Singleton Harn's family as to order of births and deaths dates, etc. are correct‑‑the only one so, so far, of which we can say so much. It speaks of the business methods of its head.
The rest of Denton Harn follows here.
Son of John (1) and brother of Caleb.
Not until yesterday (September 2u, 1901) have we been able to establish the identity of Mathias and Horatio Harn. A letter dated West Falls, Md., September 22, 1901, from Mrs. Amelia [?.] Lowman, in part has this to say:
"Your letter was written to Dennis Lowman but he never will answer. He died the 18th of February last. You have asked of him information concerning his maother's [sic] family. Mathias Harn was Eliza Harn's father. His children were ELIZA HARN, HESTER HARN, DORCAS HARN, MIRANDA HARN‑four girls. EPHRIAM HARN and JOHN HARN were the two boys. I know but little about my husbands people. ELIZA was his mother. All I know of his people is what I have heard him talk about them. If there were any records kept they have been destroyed. The old people are nearly all gone and the young people don't know".
We can give but a curtailed history of this line and but little system as to order of births, deaths and dates, hence will take up each member in order as given by Mrs. Lowman.
Daughter of Mathias was married (no dates) to Perry Lowman and lived on a farm in a southerly direction from the old Harn homestead near Cabbage spring schoolhouse. Their eldest daughter, Jane, married CEPHAS Sheckles and lived in Baltimore. She died leaving several children. Their eldest son, John, married and brought up a family near Mt. Airy. His wife died April 30, 1901. Dennis Lowman who, his wife informs me, died February 18, 1901, owned a farm near West Falls in Frederick county. The children of Eliza Harn Lowman are given by Mrs. Dennis W. Lowman as follows:
JOHN W. LOWMAN, who married Cidney Anne Goswell, and have the following children all married before their mother's death and have homes of their own; Anne E., Emilie C., George W., Dennis W., Ida E., Jinnie, Jesse C., John, Fannie and Thomas ‑ten in all. Their home was on the Buffalo road about halfway between West Falls and Mt. Airy.
Amelia Jane Lowman, (Mrs. Cephas Sheckles) John Wesley, Thomas E., Mary E., Dorcas C., Zachariah W., and Dennis W. Including John W., as above mentioned, are the children of Amelia Harn Lowman.
Mrs. Lowman further writes: "Dennis C. Lowman was born September 22, 1834, and married to myself ‑ Amelia C. Fogle‑ November 22, 1860. Our children are Samuel W., born June 21, 1862; Perry G., born October 16, 1866; Rosie G., born March 12, 1869; Harry A., born October 23, 1871; Littey C., born November 16, 1875 and Leonard C., born September 6, 1882. With the help of Leonard I am running the family until his is twentyone that he may have a home as the rest had. The other children are married and have homes of their own".
Daughter of Mathias Harn, never married. For many years she made her home with John Douty, son of Corrilla Harn Douty the eldest daughter of Caleb Harn.
The wife of John Douty was a lifelong invalid and "Aunt Hester" was a most tender motherly nurse to her. She outlived Mrs. Douty and died at Unionville, Frederick county, Md. She was one of the salt of the earth. The community as well as the relatives all loved and admired "Aunt Hester".
Was another daughter of Mathias Harn. But little is known of her save that she married a man, Runkles by name, and died young. She left one daughter, who married and went west and is lost in history.
Another daughter of Mathias Harn also died young after she married Mr. Pickett, leaving three girls and two boys, the former named Louisa, Martha and Emeline. The names of the boys , Elisha and Warner.
One of the two sons of Mathias Harn, for many years loved in Elysville, now Alberton, Howard county, Md. His daughter Amelia writes me under date of March 31, 1902, that her father was Ephraim Harn and that her mothers maiden name was Elizabeth Gosnell, she adds:
"I know very little of my father's people. He was born about the year 1815 in Carroll county, I believe. He died in Montgomery county, Maryland along about the year 1859, when I was but nine years of age and I was married and left my people in Mayland in the year 1867 then not quite 18 years of age. I was married at Elysville, now Alberton. My people had eight children, Edwin W. Harn, who know lives in Havre de Grace, Md., Thomas Harn of Alberton, Luther Harn of Alberton, John Wesley Harn who died in childhood, was as I remember now, named for my father's father, but I an not sure about it. (Mrs. McDonald is mistaken Her father's father was Mathias. Hence the child must have taken the name of the great grandfather John (1)) Christine Harn Giffin of Alberton, Esther Harn Burgee, Oella Md., and Elizabeth Harn Remmey, of Havre de Grace, Md. My mother, at the present writing is 88 years old, hence was born in 1814. My father had a common school education , and raised a great deal of tobacco".
Ephraim Harn's family lived in Elyville duribg [sic., during] the great flood in the Potapsco river of the summer of 1869 at which time the waters carried away the front part of the house (a brick one) up to the second story. They lost all their household effects, save what was hurriedly carried to the attic, the water rising so rapidly that the mother and girls were carried out on the shoulders of the boys. It was during this cloudburst that a daughter of Postmaster General Gary climbed a tree for safety and remained there until the waters subsided. Two weeks after I passed through on the train and household effects were still hanging on the limbs of tall trees.
I wrote to each one of the children of Ephraim Harn and have no replies except from Mrs. McDonald and Elmer M. a son of Edwin M. Harn. Elmer writes that his father was born in Howard county, Md., February 11, 1840 and was married to Leoline E. Ueslin, at Elicott city. Both father and mother are living. The children of Edwin are Williard E. born Horace L., Willard E. and Elmer M. Horace L. died at Alberton of gastric fever. Elmer M. is a well educated young man receiving the rudiments of his education in the public schools of Howard and Baltimore counties. An item sent me from the Baltimore American speaks of him in the following flattering terms.
Mr. Elmer M. Harn, formerly of this city, has been appointed a teacher of english in the
government schools of the Philippine Islands. The appointment was made by Professor Frederick Atkinson, superintendent of the public schools of the Philippine Islands, upon the letters of recommendation that Mr. Harn enclosed with his application.
Mr. Harn has had several years experience in teaching. He first taught at Roxbury Hills, Howard county, Md. His next post was at the Ellicott City schools, of which he was principal. After three years servi[ce] here he accepted a chair in Rock Hill College. He resigned this place to engage in reportorial work on the American. After leaving The American Mr. Harn occupied the chair of English in Calver Hall College, this city.
Mr. Harn graduated from Rock Hill College with the highest honors of the class of '92. He was given the degree of master of arts by the same college in 1895. Last year the State Board of Education of Maryland granted him a life certificate to teach in the schools of this state. He is a young man and has many friends in this city.
The children and grandchildren of Ephraim Harn as well as those of Eliza Harn Lowman mention the name of John Harn as the only brother of Ephrain Harn, who left home at the age of twenty‑ one and was never heard of afterwards. It was mere accident that I arrived at any knowledge of this line the Harn family. Through my housekeeper who had been on a visit to Cameron, Mo., I learned of Josiah Harn living in Cameron. I at once wrote him and from him gained the following story of his family.
“My fathers name was John Harn born October 16th., 1808, in Carrol county, Maryland. He was married to Henrietta Hettenhouser November 8, 1844, in Washington county, Maryland. He was the youngest of the family. His mother died when he was but two years old. His sister cared for him until he was of age. Mother does not remember which sister but she says my father talked most of his sister Hester. He had on brother, only, name Ephraim. My mother is still living, aged 81 years, in Cameron, Missouri. The mother of my mother was named Charlotte Hettenhouser and her husband was Frederick Hettenhouser. They both were born in Germany and married there. Charlotte Hettenhouser, my grandmother, died January 1, 1847, in Washin[gton] county, Maryland. My grandfather Hettenhouser died in Seneca county, Ohio, but we dot not know the date. My great grandfather was Rudolph Forence. Great grandmother died before my grand parents were married, hence we do not know her name. They were all Germans. My mother was seven years old when she came to America.
To John Harn and Henrietta Hettenhouser were born six children viz; William Harn, born January 10, 1845, and married to Mary E. Schlosser, May 22, 1880, at Cameron, Missouri; Lucinda C. Harn, born January 5, 1846, and married to Charles W. Gilmore February 23, 1878 at Cameron Missouri. She died November 22, 1885; Josiah Harn, born April 2, 1847, and married to Jennie L. Meredith of Holmesville, Ohio, April 14, 1886 at her sisters in Clinton county, Missouri; Mary E. Harn, born September 14, 1848, and married to Samuel H. Watkins of Warren county, Ohio, May 23, 1871, at home, Clinton county, Missouri; John Henry Harn, born March 31, 1851 and died April 16, 1851; Charles Winters Harn, born January 29, 1857 and died July 4, 1858.”
The descendants of John Harn, son of Mathias, all seem to be living in Missouri. Josiah Harn is childless. Have no information as to rest of children of John.
End of Mathias Harn and his posterity.
The eldest child of John Harn (1), was born in 1765 or 6, and died at the home of his son John Harn (2) in Frederick county, Md., near West Falls, Jan.9th, 1840. His remains, beside that of his second wife, Charity Duval, lie in the family cemetery. There is no tombstone to either grave, but they are both recognizable by the members of his family. His first wife, Sally Davis, is buried in the family burrying grounds on the farm a mile or less east of the Mount Airy the B.&O.R.R. a beautiful farm once owned by the Davis family. There is no headstone to mark her grave. The farm is now owned by Mr. Thomas Clary. There is no date of either marriage extant I remember my grandfather as a gray haired old gentleman, rather above the medium height, and as straight as an arrow and firm of step. He was most venerable looking with none of the desrepity of age save wrinkles and blanched hair. He was most decidedly a born companion of the grandchildren and eager eyes were but to catch the first glimpse of his home coming. A favorite pastime of his was to sit upon the top rail of the fence that enclose the immediate grounds of the old homestead and see the race of clattering feet down one hill and up another. and the rifling of his pockets for chinchapens and chestnuts, bon‑bons, etc. On his return from visits and errands. His favorite grandchild was the eldest of the family, George Upton. He was considered by the grandfather a remarkable brilliant lad, and his love for him was enduring and strong. The strong bond of sympathy for each other, the mutual and reciprocal admiration, each for each was broken only by death. The grandson makes this mention of him in his diary; "My grandfather, Caleb Harn, was man of good natural abilities, and was possessed of a theoretically and practically cultivated mind, above many of his equals."
His education was limited to the common schools of the day, but he availed himself of all the reading his limited means could command. He was a faithful student in all that pertained to the then young government and we have listened with rapt attention, during some early hours of our life, a the frequent animated discussions between grandfather, son and grandson, as to wise means and methods of building up the governmental structure, its solidity and the intense desirability of the perpetuation of the freedom and liberty it embodied. These discussions usually took place in the tobacco house during the mild, damp days of the late winter and early spring, while the leave were being stripped from the tobacco stalks and tied into bundles preparatory for the market.
Caleb Harn II married for his first wife Sally Davis. In comparing dates it seems he was about twenty‑two years old when he married. He lived on Fairview farm, inherited by Elizabeth Owings, from the Harris estate, near his fathers until his wife died. He was no adventurer like most of his brothers and kept within reaching distance of the Harn Homestead. "To him and his first wife were born the following named children in the order of their birth; John Corrilla, Thomas and Otho. By his second wife, Charity Duval, were born Maria Cordelia and William Allen ‑ four sons and two daughters. We have no dates of either the birth, marriage or death of Sallie Davis. After her death Caleb took his four children home to the Harn Homestead and were tenderly cared for until years of maturity. Because of her motherly kindness and her inexhaustible solicitude for their highest welfare "Granny Darkie" was ever held in the profound reverence and loving remembrance by these grandchildren.
Caleb Harn was a builder by trade, and because of this seems never to have had a very permanent abiding place of his own. After he retired from business he and his wife had rooms with his son John and after his wife became disabled for housekeeping he went to live with his daughter Maria Cordelia, at the Factory where she died, surviving her husband a short time.
John Harn, the eldest of the family of Caleb Harn and Sally Davis was born in Carroll county, Md., at the Fairview farm afterwards owned by Elizabeth Owing. From his tombstone in the family cemetery on the homestead where he raised the most of his family is taken the following:
Sacred to the memory of
John (II) Harn
who died
July 2nd., 1852
Aged 63 yrs. 1 mo.
and 11 days.
According to this inscription he was born May 21st., 1789. There were two Bibles with the family records but both have been destroyed. The Bible with the first record is in the hands of the (once) slave girl Harriett, but the records had disappeared before she had become its owner.
Like his father, John Harn was a man of more than ordinary cultivation and natural endowments. His education was limited, like most of the laboring classes of that period, to the common schools of the day. He had a wide range of knowledge gathered from the sources at his command. Books were highly treasured and read. The Hagertown Almanac was never forgotten when it made its annual rounds and was a source of real pleasure from the head of the family, to the youngest reader. For the Frederick Examiner there was always a lively tussle as to who should have the first reading thereof by the youngsters, as it made its weekly rounds. But when the head of the house hung his hat upon its peg, took his seat and adjusted his spectacles, the paper was promptly, and without any show of reluctance, handed over and all listened with eagerness for the comment and criticism on the news it contained. Without exception he was eminently successful in fostering a love of study and reading in his children. We remember the exceeding pleasure it gave him when the announcement was made that the State had adopted the free school system. The law at that time, required a payment of twenty‑five cents per month for each pupil. Now said the father, I can afford to send every one that is old enough to school, and a prouder day never dawned upon six happy children as they started off for the new log school house that stood on the hill side.
As a young man his habits were clean. He neither indulged in tobacco or strong drinks and being of a thrifty turn he usually dressed beyond the young people of his age and had money at his command. For this reason he was best man at most of the weddings. Whenever Jackey Harn was seen wending his way to the county seat it was well known that his purse was enlarged by an additional four dollars that would be exchanged for a marriage license. He was leader of the society in which he moved and few weddings considered complete were he not the groomsman.
Upon his marriage with Charlotte Hay, of Baltimore, when he was about thirty years old, he laid aside his trade of house‑joiner and purchased a plantation in the southern part of Frederick county near West Falls once Owings Mill. Notes in my brothers diary say.
Afterward we rented a place adjoining it and went there to live two or three years.
This was the Harris farm afterwards bought from Mrs. Har[ ] Stephenson, sister of Mrs., Dr., Owings, a farm known by the family as the Meadow farm. Upon this farm was a spring of exceeding cold water and known by the early settlers as the Green briar spring. It was once of the source of the Linganore river and its water rippled over the yellowish pebbles untold lost in (Dorseys branch) a creek of some pretensions that gathered the waters from some seventeen springs that found their sources on the family homestead. The Green briar spring was the resort of the sportsman of the surrounding country. The heavily wooded stretch on the hill just above the spring (land which was cleared of its timber since my recollection) afforded shade for the grassy card tables and lunch baskets. Cock fights were the principal attraction and not unfrequently ended in drunken brawls.
When John Harn became a resident of the Meadow Farm these festive occasions ceased. The diary states: Having lived here two or three years we rented the place with John Runkles of old preacher Higgins, About a mile and a half from the place we bought." This farm was somewhat extensive and owned by a widow lady who held many slaves. I do not know if she was the widow of Higgins or not. She married her overseer, Nathan Harris, who was a man of thrift as well as a cruel master to his slaves. He is buried in the private cemetery of the family, and the negroes for years after his death, insisted that he was so wicked that the grass would not grow on his grave. That the grave was devoid of any signs of vegetation for many years ia fact, the cemetery was not enclosed. The soil thrown up in digging the grave was a yellow clay devoid of what was necessary to vegetable growth. A well trodden sheep path was over the full length of the grave. Hence the lack of anything green growing upon it.
This burial ground has become lost to human kin, The plough share no longer respects either the white or colored resting places. There were many of the latter. Below the gently sloping burial ground of the negroes in two separate fence corners holes were dug and the bodies of two slaves were thrown in and covered up. They had quarrelled over a negroe woman, fought a duel with sythes and when they had hacked themselves near unto death were left to die there with orders from the master that no one should give them aid. One lived several days. A slave woman under cover of darkness ministered to his wants. Not till death came to the latter were they buried.
Many of the slaves were savagely inclined. When in the estimation of Mr. Harris it was necessary to administer correction the slave was taken to my Uncles smithshop and there handcuffs were riveted upon him or her by my Uncles slave, Josh. Then the master armed with cow‑hide administered correction until the slave was cowed into submission and promised loyalty to his master.
An old field turned out of the commons, adjoining the property of John Harn was called
"Bob's field". A slave by the name of Bob, belong to the Harris family had several times run away and was as many times captured and taken back to the slavefold. The last time Bob started for freedom he said he would never be taken alive. When surrounded by his captures in the field which bears his name, he suited the action to the word, drew a razor across his throat and found his freedom in death.
When dead and the bark peeled off, the wood of the chestnut tree, blanched by the elements, becomes very white. In this field stood a very large chestnut stump burned out and blackened on the inside. The contrast of the inside and the outside was striking and in childish fancy we imagined the ghost of Bob inhabited this stump. It stood near where Bob found his freedom. When sent there for the cows which often ranged there especially when alone, we gave this old stump a wide berth and never felt safe from the ghostly presence of Bob until in sight of home. For fear of ridicule we never divulged those foolish imaginings until long after slavery ceased its black spot upon the nation.
John Harn then, with his family of three children, returned to his first purchased farm and resided there where most of his family was born and reared. The deed of transfer of this farm from ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑ Higgins to John Runkles is now in the hands of Harry Pettichord, who is the present owner of the property, he being its purchaser on the death of Thomas Wesley Harn. The deed of transfer from John Runkles to John Harn as also the ones of the Meadow farm and the Burall farm are not to be found among the family papers. The latter farm was purchased with the money John Harn's wife inherited from her mother's estate. It was customary to loan these deeds to person surveying adjoining properties and by carelessness of both parties the deeds were forgotten and finally lost.
In the spring of 1841 the family moved again to the farm once owned by Mr. Higgins and afterwards by Nathan Harris, John Harn having purchased it from one Richard Bonham. The two youngest children were born here, the eldest in Baltimore, the next two on the Meadow farm and the rest on the Runkle's farm.
Sometime after the purchase of this property came one of our periodical financial summer‑saults, that of 1837, which involved the family in financial ruin. The Runkles farm was bid in at the forced sale of the property by the second son, Thomas Wesley which became again the home of the family and remained such until after his death.
Not in the book.
Charlotte Hay was, according to the German Lutheran church in Baltimore, of which Dr. John G. Morris was for years its pastor, the fifth child of John Hay and Barbara Mayer, his wife. On her tombstone in this inscription:
Charlotte Harn
Born July 25th., 1800
Died August 3rd., 1867
Aged 67 years and 9 days.
In our possession are two different translation from the German from the church record saying; "Seventeen hundred and ninety‑nine, July 24th. our fifth child, a daughter was born; christened October 6th, and named Charlotte. Witnesses were John Hay and Mary Lizzie Beadlish (or Baeklish). There is discrepancy between the tombstone and the church record as to the date of birth of one year and one day. As the record of the Harn family is not extant we surmise, the church record is correct. Both the parents and the grandparents of Charlotte Hay Harn were of German descent. According to the church record and its translation her father Johannes (John) Hays, was born 1764 on the 18th, of February, was the son of Adam Hay, county of Pa. His witnesses when christened were: John Mohr and wife, in the year 1791 he was married with Barbara Mayer the daughter of George Mayer of Baltimore, Md. She was born 1769, May 6th and christened at the same year June 25th. Witnesses were Adam Ulen Uhler and his wife, Susanne. She was named Barbara.
The county left blank must be Southampton, as I have often heard my mother say that her grandfather, Adam Hay, lived in or near Easton and Bethleham, Md.
The given name of the mother of Barbara Mayers Hay was also Barbara. Her maiden name was Uhler, when she married George Mayers. Barbara Mayers was a cousin of Dr. Morris, her father George Mayers and the mother Dr. Morris being brother and sister. Barbara Hay was for many years a member of the church of which Dr. Morris was the pastor. She was buried with her husband in the old Lutheran cemetery in Baltimore. The remains were afterwards reinterred in Druid Hill cemetery by their son Jesse Hay, who owns the family lot there.
Dr. Morris was a leading divine of great celebrity in his denomination and was pastor of the Luthern church of Baltimore for many years. A letter from the granddaughter of Barbara Mayer Hay, Elizabeth Bargar, dated March 28th., 1893, states that Dr. Morris was then his ninetieth year and as active as a man of sixty. He is a good old man. She adds, there are so many of our family look like Jews, I asked him if our forefathers were Jews. He would not say no or yes, but beat around the bush, A paper without date found among the papers of George Upton Harn has this to say of his ancestors.
" George Mayers, my great grandfather by my mothers side was born in Pa. He fell Heir to his fathers estate under the old continental law. One of their properties is now owned by a gentleman by the bame [sic] of Wearheime two and a half miles from Manchester. He had no right to it by law. George Mayers was the oldest child of his parents. He moved to Washington city about sixty years ago, where he died. His widow Barbara Mayers with six children, three boys and three girls, George, John Catherine, Eve, May, Polly, Samuel (the names were crossed out, we don't know why) maintained themselves at Washington City. Great grandmother Barbara after the death of her husband, washed made sausages and sent the children to sell them at it is said helped dig and haul the dirt for the foundation of the present Capital, while the boys conveyed it away in cars. John Mayers now lives in Glasgow, Amherst county Va. Other members of the family say that George Mayers was a contractor in building the foundation of the capital and that after his death his wife and sons fulfilled the contract.”
The following is a translation from the sermon of the church record of the Hay‑Mayers family, the original now being in the Historical Society. The translation was obtained by Mr. Al King, the husband of Barbara Widerman King, the daughter of Harriett Hay Widerman and a sister of Luther E. Widerman, a prominent M.E. minister belonging to the Baltimore conference.
Johannes (John) Hay born 1764 on the 18th day of February was the son of Adam Hay,
[ ] county, Pa. His witnesses when christened were John Mohr and wife. In the year of 1791 he was married with Barbara Mayer, the daughter of George Mayer of Baltimore, Md. She was born 1760 May 18th, and christened the same year June 25th. Witnesses were Adam Uler and his wife Susanne. She was named Barbara.
John Hay records further as follow: 1492' [sic] Sept. 1st., our first child a son was born at Baltimore, Md., he was christened October 4, Witnesses were John Hay and wife Barbara. He was named Samuel.
1795, October 17, between eleven and twelve P.M. Samuel died and was buried at the Luthern burial ground. His age was 3 years, 1 month and 17 days. He died with scarlet fever.
1794, January 23, our second child, a daughter, was born at Baltimore, Md., and christened January 27, witnesses were Jacob Hay and his wife Elizabeth. She was named Elizabeth.
1795, September 4, our third child, a son, was born at Baltimore, Md. He was christened November 1 at the Luthern Church; Witnesses, John Hay and Catherine Mayer. He was named Daniel.
1797, August 13, our fourth child, a daughter, was born at Baltimore Md., She was christened October 29 at the Luthern Church; witnesses were John Hay and his wife Barbara. She was named Catherine.
1799, July 24, our fifth child, a daughter, was born; christened October 6 and named Charlotte. Witnesses were John Hay and Mary Lizzie Baedlish (or Baeklish).
1801, August 5, our sixth child, a son was born and christened November 29. Witnesses were John Hay and wife. He was named Thomas. Thomas died 1802, August 15, aged 1 year and ten days. He died with skin disease.
1803, August 5, our seventh child, a son, was born, christened and named Jesse September 25. Witnesses were John Hay and his wife Barbara.
1806, May 3, our eighth child, a daughter, was born. Shortly after she was christened and named Susanne Barbara. Witnesses were John Hay and Susanne Bein.
1809, February 27 our ninth child, a daughter, was born and christened January 1, 1810. She was named Harriett. Witnesses were John Hay and Pattie Mayers.
1813, April 12, our tenth child, a daughter, was born. Christened and named Caroline.
The parents of Charlotte Hay Harn were educated in German and could read and write in that language only. Those were the days when it mattered not as to the education of the daughter. Hence the education of Charlotte was lamentably circumscribed. She never went to school but three months during her life time. She loved study, learned her letters and to spell and pronounce all the words in the spelling book at school. Her teacher, a lady, (name forgotten) was almost an idol in Charlotte's estimation. She heard discussed by her brothers and others the novel "Charlotte Temple". She got possession of the volume and spelled it through from beginning to end. By the time she went through it the second time she was a fluent reader. She never gave up her love for reading and at the close of her life was considered one of the best informed women of the day. Nothing was left unread that come within her reach. She was a woman of remarkable natural gifts of mind, a most pleasing conversationalist with a wide fund of accurate information, and, with all a comly presence, the latter inherited from her mother who was sweet, amiable, beautiful woman.
She was an undisputed authority in the estimation of the negroes. Often we have heard them settle disputed questions by exclaiming "T'is true, too, you fool nigger. Miss H‑a‑n (they invariably omitted the r and gave the bread sound of the a) tole me dat, wif her own mouf, and she know dats suah." Feeling keenly, as she did, the lack of educational opportunity for herself, when entered enthusiastically with her husband in throwing in the way of the children every educational advantage that was in her power.
To John Harn (II) and Charlotte Hay were born fourteen children five of whom died in early infancy. Their names in order of their birth of the nine who arrived at maturity are as follows:
George Upton, Thomas Wesley, Sarah Anne, Susan Caroline, Ellen Dorcas, Corrille Elizabeth, Margaritte Jane, Jesse Caleb, and Catherine Maria.
A stray leaf or two from "Wooster Sketches" in the "History of Wayne county, Ohio" has been place in our hands. It seems that the author of the sketch entitled "Captain George U. Harn" had access to Captain Harn's diary. As the article is so succiently written and also truthful we prefer to give the article as a whole in preference to anything we could say upon the subject.
"Whether on the scaffold high
Or in the battles van,
The noblest place for man to die,
is when he dies for man."
[Manuscript has a nearly blank page left at this point, with the words “Biographical sketch nearly two columns long”, and “printed insert”.
[Manuscript appears to be missing the beginning of this section]
The subscription school referred to above was taught by one George McCartney, a highly educated man but sadly addicted to drinking. He boarded in my father's John II family about two years and in the mean time quite a reformation took place in him as to his alcoholic habits. With one or two exceptions he was the finest teacher I ever met. He was never at rest unless he saw progress on the part of his pupils. He and George Upton grew to be inseperable friends. McCartney saw great possibilities for the lad and was untiring in and out of school hours in helping him with his studies. The stable chores were done before daylight, the fore in the school house lighted and by sunrise teacher and pupil were at work. After school hours was the same until twilight forbade further study.
The school house was a log building, with a broad board for desks running the full length of both sides of the house, with slabs for seats or benches, rather. It was built on the side of a hill surrounded on three sides by woods and was the mutual gift of the neighborhood to the cause of education. The land having been donated by John Cochran it was known as the Cochran school house. Its specific or given name was Friendship school house. Mr. McCartney was its first teacher, and George Upton recited the first lesson‑arithmetic‑in the building. It was here, also, he preached his first sermon. To somewhat verify what Wooster Sketches has to say of him, and to enlarge upon what was said, we make some excerpts from the "Missionary Signal" published at Barkeyville, Pa., April 1894, under the heading
Historical Mission
Elder George U. Harn.
Elder Harn was a man of medium size, with high forehead, black hair and beard, which with his piercing black eyes gave him a striking appearance.
The Missionary Signal describes Capt. Harn as having black eyes. His eyes were dark gray. When his soul was aroused from whatever cause his eyes gave forth a piercing, straight forward, unflinching look that made them appear black. In repose they were calm, tender and confiding. He was in the advance guard of all reforms. He took strong sides with Mrs. Swisshelm both by pen and rostrum, in rectifying the legal wrongs as to woman and her property rights. In 1853, Aug. 20th. at Conteroga Center he heard the maiden address of James R. Black who afterwards was the first Presidential candidate of the Prohibition party, on the subject of temperance. He was worshipful admirer of Neal Dow and worked with him in the Main Law campaign in Pa. in 1854.
Human nature, however depraved, is prompt, not only to recognize but to admire bravery. It suffices to say that he was permitted to finish his address without further molestation.
In the organization of the Republican party in the Western Reserve he was a prominent factor. At the congressional convention which met September 7, 1858, at Lodi, Medina county, Ohio, he lacked but two votes of receiving the nomination for congress. On the thirteenth ballet, seeing that Wayne county would loose the nomination, he withdrew his name, thus giving the nomination to Gen. Cyrus Spink of Wayne. Spink having died during his incumbency Mr. Harn was a candidate for the place made vacant, We have no record of the result as the last volume of his diary that is [?]tant closes with January 23, 1859.
He was a delegate to the national convention that met in Chicago May 16, 1860, which convention nominated Abraham Lincoln for President.
For the three months campaign he was mustered into service as private in Co.,C. 16th O.V. In. April 20, 1861; appointed 1st Sergeant April 27; reduced to a private at his request June 27; mustered out with company August 18, 1861.
When about to leave Camp Jackson, Columbus, on May 21, 1861, the three months sixteenth was named "Carrington Guards" in honor of Ohio's Adjutant General. In presenting the regiment a fine stand of colors of embroidered silk, Gen. Carrington took from his [ ] a small piece of wood saying:
"This splinter is a fragment of the Fort Sumter flagstaff, which Major Anderson recently gave me here in Columbus, while on his way from the surrendered fort to his home in Kentucky. I give it to the "Carrington Guards" and shall have it inserted in the top of your regimental flagstaff, so that you shall carry over your heads the sacred momento and may you never surrender it to traitors."
The regiment served about four months with a loss of one man killed and the death of two from disease. G.U.H. (II).
In this campaign he served under Rosencrans in West Virginia in and around Mannington, Fairmount, Grafton, Webster and was present at the battle of Phillippi, after which he spent the time guarding the turnpikes from Romney to Clarksburg.
(The regiment was engaged in battles of Phillippi June 3; at Laurel Hill July 8 and at Carrich's Ford, West Va., July 14, 1861. At Phillippi Private Harn made prisoner a very fat rebel major who was gorgeously attired in a very red round‑about, and wore a tremendously large sword, likely a family heirloom. The sword is now is the possession of Private Harn's youngest son.‑G.U.H.(II).)
On December 1, 1861, he reenlisted for three years and was elected Captain of Co. I 16th O.V.I. The roster says he was killed in battle at Chickasaw Bayou, Mississippi, December 29, 1862. He was elected captain between December 1, 1861 and December 5 of the same year but had not at the later date received his commission.
He was under marching orders from Camp Dennison, December 16 to Lousiville Kentucky and dates his next letter in Camp Clay, Lexington, Kentucky, December 26, 1861. While here he called on James B. Clay, son of Henry Clay, who lives on the old Clay homestead. Captain Harn was a worshipful admirer of Henry Clay and much to his regret found his son under a $10,000 bond, he being, it is said, a Secessionist. Leaving Camp Clay on 13th of January 62, the forces camped at Camp Cedar, near Nicholson, Jassamine county Kentucky, January 14 and on the afternoon of January 19, reached Somerset, or near there while the battle of Mill Springs eight miles distant, was in progress.
In company with several officers he visited the battle ground, of which he writes;
“I also saw the body of the traitor chief Kollicoffer. He was shot by Col. Fry or Danville, Kentucky. I put my finger not into the print of nails, but into the bullet hole that let his traitorous spirit pass through his heart out into eternity".
From Somerset the forces went to London, Laurel county where he and his company were detained, much too his regret, to guard supplies. While here he was asked to settle a trouble between his Col. John F. DeCourcey and a number of the subordinate officers. He spent all night interviewing and counseling the disaffected parties, and finally succeeded in adjusting difficulties.
(DeCourcey, a British subject, an officer of Her Majestys army, a veteran of the Cremean campaign, at the outbreak of our civil war offered his services to the Union cause and was commissioned colonel of the Sixteenth which became part of Gen. Geo. W. Morgans brigade. DeCourcey was a gentleman, a fine organizer and disciplinarian and able soldier, and merited promotion but the fact of alienship prevented it and automatically kept others back. Many years afterward he died when an Irish member of the House of Lords. G.U.H. (II) ).
Moved from London to Cumberland Ford and thence to Cumberland Gap and had an engagement with the Rebels March 24th., '62. With a small force engaged the enemy for two hours, May 8th. Passed through Big Creek Gap into Tennessee, the Wednesday previous to June 14th. The rebels evacuated the gap and the Union forces entered it June 18th. On a foraging expidition [sic] the brigade to which the 16th. belonged was surprised at Tazewell Tenn. Two men of company I wounded, the first disability from any cause since enlistment. Routed the five and returned to gap with abundance of hay and corn.
Left the gap Sept. 17th. and reached Greenup, O, October 3rd. Marched to Hampton, Jackson county, Ohio, thence to Gallipolis.
(The battles of this campaign was at Cumberland April 28th. and in Tazewell, Tenn. Aug. 6th., '62. It is since conceded that the evacuation of the gap was a great blunder, and the march across (Tenn. and Ky. to Ohio was an unnecessary hardship. When the troops went into camp on the Ohio side of the river they were ragged and dirty and tintless. In a few hours thereafter however, fresh supplies were issued. Capt. Harn refused a furlough to visit home because he did not want to set an example. So my mother, brother and myself visited him. Then we parted forever. G.U. Harn (II).)
Crossed the Ohio river Oct. 23rd., rested half hour at Point Pleasant, thence up to Charleston in putsuit of rebels. They fleeing returned and shipped on the "Key West" Nov. 13th. '62 for Covington, Ky. Spent Nov. 17th at Louisville, Ky, then proceeded to Memphis reaching the Mississippi river Nov,. 24th. and Memphis Nov. 26th. '62, Left Memphis Dec. 20th. '62 and reached Millikens Bend Dec. 25th., '62.
We simply give an outline of his movements with dates of important events. The results which are to voluminous for these pages, are records of history. We give however, the last letter he ever wrote. The diary he kept fell into the hands of the enemy.
Fanny Bullet, Twelve miles up the Yazoo River,
Dec. 20th., 1862.
Dear Wife‑
We rounded the bar, at the mouth of the Yazoo River, about one this afternoon, and shortly after two disembarked at this point on the lower bank of the river, seven miles from Vicksburg, Va. We had on the shore but a short period, when we opened a skirmish with a set of rebel soldiers whom we compelled to retire. What their number was I am unable to say, possibly a thousand, calvary and all. Only a portion of the Sixteenth was engaged in the firing. My company was deployed as skirmishers on the extreme right of the line of the regiment, although in consequence of the detachment of Botsford and Richerson's companies from the regiment for the present, I formed the left flank company of the line of the battalion. I was thrown in that position to guard the advancing column against flanking movement of cavalry, that was feared might move between our right and the river below the landing. We advanced two miles over a densely flat timbered country, or thickly clad with cane brake. Night coming we fell back to the river, where we now lie encamped, but I write from board of steamboat. I feel much better than I did yesterday, and think I shall have good health. The weather is very warm. I slept last night with both of my state room doors open and yet I lay sweltering nearly all night. While skirmishing the woods today I Sweat profusely. I do not know that this will ever reach you, but whether or not I shall ever cherish the same fond regards for my dear wife and sons. My next I hope will record the down fall of Vicksburg.
Your dear
In the assault on the bluffs at Chickasaw Bayou, a raw Iowa regiment had been assigned a certain duty. It was commanded by an inexperienced young colonel. Early a rebel shell exploded in its midst, creating havoc and a panic from which the officers of the regiment were unable to rally and reform the line. The Sixteenth was thrown into its place. Otherwise the Ohio men, perhaps, would not have been in the engagement of Dec. 29th [1862] or at least met with the severe loss they did. On that day twelve men of the Sixteenth were killed; and about that number died within a few days, of wounds; while several were made prisoners.
The attack was a serious failure as even any person without military knowledge would foretell. Gen. Sherman was justly relieved of command within a few hours after the repulse and retreat. In his Life by Fletcher Johnson, the cause of the disaster is blamed on Grant, who was to "come up before this," whereas all now know that Sherman, with 43000 men and Porter's fleet, too far away to take part, attempted an impossibility. The approach to the Bluffs, then lined with rebel batteries, in December is an almost impassable swamp, foul bayouon two narrow, flimsy, old plantation, wooden bridges.
In his Memoirs Grant said: "Seeing the ground from the opposite side of the attack afterwards, I saw the impossibility of making it successful." Further along: "The expedition failed more from want of knowledge", ec.
Notwithstanding all this, the union troops in several places sealed the abrupt hill, only to be driven back by a withering fire of minies, nearly as cruel in extinction as the later fiendish explosive bullets.
This glaring, inept, fruitless, needless sacrifice of 173 lives heartened the slave holders and prolonged hostilities.‑G.U.H.(II).
Captain Harn wore the uniform of a private and carried a gun. He had no marks of identification on his person. Therefore, if he was interred in the Vicksburg cemetery his narrow cell is marked unknown.
The grave of Cap. Harn is unknown. His wife for years after the cessation of strife, looked forth for his home coming and kept his meals in readiness for him. Reports were rife that he was in Macon or Andersonville prison, others that he was some where in the south looking after the gathering together of property, but the following letter to the writer, from the Col. of the 16th.9. Reg.X.V. sets at rest all doubt as regards his death.
Springfield, Ohio.
Dec. 8th., 1867.
Miss Ellen Harn,
Dear Madam‑
Owing to my absence from the city your letter was not taken out of the office until today. I hasten to reply, and give you what information I can concerning the death of your brother, Capt. Harn.
On the 29th. of Dec. 1862 an assault was made on the enemies works at Chickasaw Bluffs. Your brother and myself were among the wounded and taken prisoners. I was taken to a hospital in the city and your brother was placed in a field hospital in company with other wounded of my regiment. Capt. Harn was mortally wounded in the thigh, and died in about two hours after being taken to the hospital. This information was obtained by myself from persons in the same hospital, belonging to my Regiment, and personally acquainted with your brother.
The rumors afloat in reference to two men of the 16th. O.V. whom is said have recently made their escape from prison must certainly be false. Because, none of my regiment has been in the rebels hands for the last year, and I am aware of all the absentees, and from what case. It is barely possible that two men out of the 16th. regulars have been prisoners and have seen some person by that name, and have reported accordingly.
On the first of May 1863 a full exchange of officers was effected so far as to include all these that were captured at Chickasaw Bluffs and Stone River except such as were held as hostages. The names of these held such was duly published, and your brothers name not appearing in that list, puts it in my opinion beyond a doubt that he is dead.
The ways of Providence are mysterious, and for purposes all wise. Should your brother be still living to be returned to the bosom of his family, none would be more profoundly thankful to the Giver of all good than I would. You brother was a true and consistent soldier, brave and generous to a fault. I loved and admired him.
Your friend
P. Kershner
(We are indebted to the late Mrs. Van Dorn, wife of Capt. W.P. Van Dorn, Co. K, 16th., for the following from Corporal, afterward Reverend George W. Synder, Company E:
Mrs. W.P. Van Dorn,
Zanesville, Ohio
Dear Madam‑
I beg your pardon for so long delaying answering your letter of Nov. 8th., the more so because of the nature of your queries. I was quite well acquainted with your husband, Capt. W.P. Van Dorn, especially so during the last year of our service in the 16th. O.V.I. During that year I was commisarry sergent of the regiment and frequently [ ] close to his quarters. I saw him a few times after the close of the war and then heard no more of him. I suppose from the nature or manner of your question that he is now deceased. If so would be much pleased to have you tell me the time and place of his demise.
I will tell you what I know concerning Capt. G.U. Harn's death. He was Captain of Company I. At the charge of our troops on Chicasaw Bluffs, between Vicksburgh and the Yazoo river we had to cross a small bayou, and then over about a quarter of a mile stretch of level ground before we would reach the enemies breastwroks. It was on that stretch of ground where our forces, especially the 1yth. O.V.I. suffered such he[avy] loss. Many were wounded or slain right at the bayou, or soon after they advanced from there towards the enemy's works. We had six hundred in our regiment in company. line, and lost 312 in killed, wounded and prisoners. I was then a corporal in Co. H, ‑ Captain A.S. McClure commanded. I remained in the ranks until the regiment was cut to peices and all of our officers lost. We were forced to fall back in disorder, every sold[ier] looking out for himself. I was among the very last to fall back; but I did start back I hastened for the bayou where all of our men were running to in order to escape from the scathing fire of the enemy, and from being captured. As I reached the bayou I jumped down an embankment for shelter right amidst the explosion of shell that killed several s[oldiers] beside me. As I landed at the bottom of the embankment I recognized [Capt.] Harn lying there. I asked him if he was wounded and he replied that he was, and pointed to a bullet wound in his left leg about half way between his thigh and knee. He requested me to move him a few yards to where he would be better sheltered from the bullets. This I did. Then he requested me to undress him sufficiently to bind his leg around the wound. This I also did, and had to tie it up three different times before I could make it tight enough to suit him. He was evidently bleeding profusely inwardly. He told me twice that he was dying‑ bleeding to death. I told him my name, that I belonged to Co. H, of his regiment, and was a clerk in George Plumers's dry goods store in Wooster, Ohio, at the time of my enlistment, and that I knew him before the war broke out. This statement gave him confidence in me. He then asked me to take his pocketbook and watch from his clothing and send it to his wife; Also wanted me to find a gold pen holder, a gift from Mrs. Harn, which he prized highly; and wanted to return it to her for a keepsake, I searched his pockets but could not find it. I asked him what message I should give his wife for him. He said "Tell her that I died for my country." While yet seeking for the penholder the enemy came on a charge, drawing near where we were, so that I was compelled to leave the spot, or be killed or captured, I could not adjust he clothing but hastily bade him goodbye, and ran back towards where our troops were before the charge. I waded through the bayou up to my neck, ran through a stretch of timber, fell down frequently in order to divert the enemies shots from me, until I reached a large tree in a woods behind which I secured shelter. There I found A.M. Johnson of your husbands company. After resting a few moments there I hunted for the remnant of our regiment, and found it near the spot we started from. A strong reserve force was also there, which kept the enemy from following us far. I found Lieutenant Jones of Capt. Harn's company. To him I gave the Captains watch and purse, which he, after a long delay, sent to Mrs. Harn.
The Captain was near the point of death when I left him. A soldier of our regiment, ‑ I forget his name, ‑ who was wounded and taken prisoner said he saw them bring Captain Harn on a "stretcher" to the hospital tent where he was lying, and that he asked the Captain if he was seriously wound, and faintly replied that he was. The next day he saw them take the Captain out dead. One of our officers, who was taken prisoner, said that rebel surgeon told him that the bullet glanced up the bone of the Captains leg went into the stomach, and caused internal bleeding until he died. There have been no further truthful account given of the Captains death, than this I now give you. Where he was buried no one knows. There are many thousand unknown for his great bravery as a soldier, for his uncompromising abolition views, and for his ability as a pulpit orator. I personally saw his merits in these three capacities. I trust these lines will be of some interest to you and to the Captains grandson.
Very Cordially Yours,
C.W. Snyder.
On Oct. 16th, 1859, the John Brown insurrection at Harpers Ferry, occurred. A few days afterwards two weary tramp‑ like young men entered the fathers shoe store and continuously asked for him. My father had been dealing in western lands and the clerk imagining them to be farm seekers, answered the spokesman, "yes", he replied. The clerk then directed them to our home. There they met my father and disclosed the fact that one was one of the four sons of John Brown. The other named Merriam, both of whom had escaped from the Ferry. My mother at once prepared meals for them and my father secreted them He then consulted with trusted abolitioni[sts] and they were safely carried via the underground route into Lorain county, and thence to Canada. When the civil war broke out Merriam enlisted in the union army. He was reported a suicide. Brown died in Erie county, O., an old man, a farmer.
At that time Wayne county contained many pro slavery person who were eager to claim the money reward and glory of the capture of the unfortunate young men. G.U.H. (II).
(To the first Chicago convention Ohio had 46 delegated, W.B. Townsend and G.U. Harn, representing the 14th district. On the first ballot Ohio gave McLean 4, Lincoln G, Chase 34 votes, one of the votes for Lincoln being by Harn. The second ballot resulted; McLean 3, Lincoln 14, Chase 29. The third ballot gave McClean 2, Lincoln, 25, Chase 29 ‑ Lincoln and 231 1/2 lacking 1/2 votes of the nomination. Whereupon D.H. Cartter, chairman of the delegation, jumped upon a chair and shouted, "I rise to change four Ohio Votes from Chase to Lincoln".
Mr. Harn, with Columbus Delano, Jos. H. Barrett and five others voted each time for Lincoln.
He stumped Ohio and other states in his behalf, but asked no favors of the administration. Within eight days after Beauregard fired on Ft. Sumter, and within five days after the President called for 75,000 volunteer soldiers, he enlisted as a private, and served as such for about four months.
Nearly every one of the Ohio delegates became distinguished, several as members of federal cabinets, as congressman, military men, and in State politics.‑G.U.H. (II).)
Was the youngest of eleven children and the twin sister of Eva Ann who died at about the age of four years. Her first meeting with her future husband when she was but a "young girl" as recorded in his diary was in 1842. This natural gift of quiet dignity which she never lost in her many years seems to have been the paramount attraction in the mind of my brother. Her educational advantages were about all that were vouchesfed to girls of her day. She was a clear thinker and her business capabilities were the equal if not superior to that of her husband Marys father died at about the age of 46 when she was thirteen months old.
Taken from the Church Advocate the organ of the denomination is her obituary:
[Manuscript had comment of a ‘Printed obituary insert about 1 column long’, but not found.]
September 13th, 1894, Mrs. M.A. Harn states the following information to W.F. Harn at Tecumseh, O.T. and signs it:
"My father's name was Joseph Bricker. He has one brother, Jacob, and no sisters. Jacob died when Joseph (my father) an my mother still lived in the log house where Joe Brant lives, 8 miles east of Carlisle, Cumberland county, Pa. Joseph Bricker was born in Cumberland County. The only way I can fix the date of his birth is in this: He died when he was 46 and at his death I was not quite one year old. I was born in 1825 I think. This would make the year of my fathers birth 1779. I think my father was 21 or 22 when he married. I know my mother was 18 when she married, for I remember of her telling me so often. "
My father's father, that is my grandfather on my father's side, I think was named Jacob Bricker. Jacob came from Berks (or Dauphin) county. He had three or four brothers that I know of. They lived on the Susquehana near Harrisburg. Some of them were very wealthy. One of my father's uncles, or rather my grandfather's brother, was named David. I think. My grandfather and grandmother were very delicate. David was a large man. I think.
My grandfather married a Mrs. Walters, a young widow. She had two girls and a son. The latter a cashier in a Harrisburg bank.
My mother's name was Barbara Young. She was born in Cumberland county. Pa., and died at the age of 92 (April 25, 1872, aged 91 years, 8 months and 13 days). Her father went hunting and never returned. I have no remembrance of his history or name. I barely remember going with my mother to see her mother on a little place one‑half mile east of Churchtown. My mother's mother's name was Gertrude Huffman (I think) Gertrude was the mother of Samuel, John, Peter and my mother and a sister Elizabeth, who married a man named First, near Churchtown, and another sister named [ ] who married a Diller, about one and one‑half miles from Churchtown on the Carlisle road. Mrs. Diller moved to Ohio, near Jacob Kesler's in Wayne county, east of Wooster, and was killed by a falling tree. My mother had another sister married to another Diller, but I do not think they were brothers.
My father and mother had the following children all born in Cumberland county, Pa.
Samuel, died at Churchtown, Pa.
John, died near Smithville, Ohio. 3 Children‑1 son,
Eliza died without issue.
Margaret (Peggy) married George Stroch, Churchtown, Pa.
Joseph, died at Smithville, Ohio.
William, died at Earlston, Kansas.
Moses, died in Kansas.
Julia Ann (Kesler) died near Wooster, Ohio, in 1892, aged 79 years.
Mary Ann (myself)
Eva Ann (my twin) died at 4 years of age.
I was married by Elder James Mackey, from Shippensburg, in Carlisle, Pa., on the 27th day of March, 1851, to George U. Harn of Frederick county, Maryland. Ellen D. Harn, George Jones, Harrisburg; Julia Ann Bricker (Kesler) and my mother were present at the marriage. Kate Reynolds (hired girl) was there also. I was then living at Carlisle having moved from Churchtown about two months before marriage. After remaining about a week and then visiting the Harn family in Maryland, we (Mr. H and myself) left for Ohio, locating at Wooster, Ohio.
Mr. Harn took charge of the Church of God at Wooster and remained one year.
On Sunday afternoon, April 4, 1852, George Upton Harn, was born on East South street, Dr. Coulter attending.
Mr. Harn after one year at Wooster, and while George U. Jr. was four weeks old went to Lancaster, with me and child, where he took charge of a Church of God congregation and remained two years, after which he went to Shippensburg. At the latter place in March 22, 1854, there was born Francis Louisa Harn, Mrs. Wagner attending. Francis Louisa lived but sixteen days, being buried in the Church of God graveyard, Shippensburg. We remained one year in Shippensburg, after which we returned to Wooster, where Rev. Harn took charge of the Church of God congregation again.
On July 27, 1856, in Wooster, Ohio, John Joseph was born and died in same place 11 days later, August 11, 1856. In 1858, we spent a year travelling in the west (Iowa & c). In 1859 Rev. Harn had charge of a church at Smithville, Wayne county, Ohio. Except the two years last named Rev. Harn had charge of the congregation of the Church of God at Wooster up to the time of his enlistment in the Union Army in 1861.
Wednesday morning, June 1st, 1859, William Fremont was born, on South Walnut street, Wooster, Ohio. Dr. L. Firestone was [attending] and Mrs. ‑‑‑‑‑ Barton was present.
signed Mary A. Harn
The second son of John Harn (II) and Charlotte Hay Harn was born Aug. 30th., 1823 and died Sept. 19th., 1893, at the old Homestead of his father known in the family as the Runkles farm. His remains lie burried [sic] in the family burying ground. There is an error of three days between the record on his tombstone and the family record.
Like the rest of the family his education was limited to the common schools of the day. Because of the responsibility he assumed of providing for the large family, when not yet out of his teens, any prospects for a further education was a foregone conclusion. Yet he was an inveterate reader. No history upon which he could lay his hands escaped his eager perusal. In this he was considered an expert. He was the neighborhood authority for historical information, ancient, medevial or modern. He was also equally an adapt in Bible history. In the current literature and events of the day he was about as familiar as he was with his multiplication tables. He was not the born orator that his older brother was but he had, it is said, a great command of language, but somewhat deliberate in expressing his thoughts. So far a probity of character was concerned his word was as binding as his legal bond. He would never sue. He claimed what he would lose first, and in return he was never sued. He was of a conservative turn of mind and when the Civil trouble arrayed itself for the final encounter, he cast his ballot for the Constitutional Union party under the leadership of Belle and Everet. He made no move as to enlisting until his native state was about to be invaded by the Confederates. He was of a very reticent nature. His mother observing in him an unusual dissuade and surmising the reason thereof and said to him:
Thomas, if you feel it your duty to enlist do not hesitate a moment on my account. The girls (meaning his three sisters) and I can get along somehow. We have no fears because of being left alone.
The next day he offered his services to the government. His discharge paper given at Arlington Heights, Va., May 31st., 1865, states that First Lieut. Thomas W. Harn of Capt. John Mc. Kechneys company (B) 7th. Regiment of Maryland Volunteers, was enrolled on the 20th. day of Aug. 1862, to serve three years or during the war and given his discharge because of the termination of the war; The sentence in the discharge papers "No objection to his being reenlisted is known to exist was not erased. Hence he came out of the army, as he went in, with an unsullied name.
Among his papers is a commission as Second Lieut. granted on May 2nd, 1861, signed by Gov. Thomas Hicks as also by Grayson Eichelberger, Secretary of State, and N. Brewergun, adjutant general. This was a militia company, organized for the defense of the state, and of which John Douty a cousin of Second Lieut. Harn, was captain. It did much drilling in the callow days of the troubles and is referred to elsewhere. His commission as First Lieut. of Company B, 7th, Md. Vol, Inft., signed by Gov. Bradford, and others, was dated Aug 20th., 1862 when he enlisted for the regular service. He left his business in the hands of his youngest sister, Kate, asking only that a living be made from it, which was done to his satisfaction.
Though not altogether opposed to slavery, yet at the close of civil war he became wholy in sympathy with the government in all its war measures. He said to me on one occasion, "I must acknowledge that my brothers were far in advance of me." Previous to the war in discussion in which Fred Douglas was the subject, I remarked that from the trend of northern sentiment I would not be surprised if some day Douglas should be sent from his adopted state a member of Congress. "Then," with asperity he replied, "I will be one of the number to take his life if ever he attempts to cross Mason and Dixies line on any such errand."
No one lamented with deeper grief his death than the negroes. After the war he always had a word of encouragement for their uplift to a higher plane of humanity. More than one fragment of his farm he sold to them on which they erected themselves permanent homes. They were exceedingly slow to accept a deed for the land, averring that they were safe in their possessions so long as Mr. Harn held the title.
From "The Banner of Liberty" Libertytown, Frederick county, Md., we make the following excerpt.
[Excerpt is missing in copy of manuscript, space was left, and had a comment of ‘Printed insert, half column’.]
His diary, which he kept during the war until reaching home Thursday, April 20, 1865, commences May 4, on which date he left Culpeper. He mentions:
"A small fight on the 5th and terrific fighting on the 6th and 7th; charged the enemy on the 8th. Saturday 14th left skirmish line amid yelling and firing after us, taking position near Spotsylvania. On 21st moved towards Richmond and picketed near Grant's headquarters. Passed Guineys Station on 22nd, crossed the Matapan. On 25th crossed the N. Anna and met the rebels in heavy pine timber. On the 28th crossed the Pa Ky with a sharp skirmish with rebels. Here ordered to take possession of the Gibson House at all hazards. Did so and wouldn't let the boys burn it. The Maryland 1st found Gibson's burried pork and confiscated it. Moved by night on June 2nd and on 3rd formed a junction with 18th Corps. Two men, John Vanesta and Daniel Welling, of Co. B, 7th; d, wounded. June 6th changed underclothing for the first time since crossing the Rapidan. On 12th crossed the Chickahominy at daybreak. Reached Charles City C.H. about 10 o'clock on 13th having marched without rations. Sick but walked. On 14th bivouaced. Had a pleasant rest on an empty stomach. Evening of 15th got rations. On the march by sunrise of 16th and crossed the James river at Willcox's Point; rested awhile, then marched all night to near Petersburg, reaching there 17th and formed into line while 9th corps were fighting the rebels. Fighting on 18th in which Jesse T. Anderson was killed and Wm. F, McLaughlin and F.G. Miles wounded, of Co.B.7th. Md. Nineteenth and 20th firing day and night. Geo. W. Haines wounded Co.B on 21st. In no battle 22nd, 23rd and 24th though in line and 25th lay in reserve. Sunday 26th relieved Col. Hichen's brigade at night. Threw up breastwork commencing seige work in rear and around Fort Hell. Myself in command of detail that broke first ground for the earth work the engineer, in the darkness giving orders by motions and whispers. Sick with diahorea since three days before reaching Charles City C.II. The usual cannoning and musketry firing for a long time. July 27th. left trenches and retired to rear to recuperate a bit. A months hard siege work and fighting one begins to feel a little veteranized. Late at night 29th, ordered underarms, and on the 30th, marched to the railroad. Connection on the Norfolk road and wittnessed the blowing up of the rebel fort. Simultaneous with the blasts all hell broke loose. Our brigade was not ordered in, for which they have our thanks. From 30th of July to 17th of August in camp, and shelled by the rebels. On the 17th whipped the rebels at Yellow House, on the Weldon R.R. Davis Saylor and Jeremaih Iser wounded. Iser fatally, and Henry Nusban prisoner, all of Co. B 7th. Md. The 7th. behaved extremely well delivering its fire with steady nerve when on the second round the rebels in front broke and run. Eighteen rebels again repulsed. Nineteen and twenty skirmished fighting and building earthwork. Wm.O. Richardson of Co. B 7th, wounded August 21st. rebels charged with their whole line but repulsed with great loss, and but little loss on our side. The 7th. Md. massed in the breast works with 7th. Ill. and 7th. Wis. regiments. When the action was over many dead rebels lay in front. The 22nd, was spent in burying rebels dead and gathering arms. From this date to December 5th. repulsed the rebels a number of times, held state and national elections, received visit from Gov. Bradford etc., when we were releived by 9th. corps. and sent to destroy the Weldon R.R. which was completely done as far as Hicks[ ]rd. Returning through Sussex C.H. found (in a letter to the writter) th[re]e of the First Maryland and others shot through the head, their throats cut and entirely stripped of their clothing. They had been murdered by the guerrilla. This was exasperating. One of the murderers was hanged in the jail yard and the whole country set on fire along the line of our return march. We were out six day, ate and slept but little, marched and worked night and day. On the 11th of December returned within our lines very foot sore. Usual camp duties until 6th of February, then we met the rebels in force at Dobney's Mill, near Hatchers Run company B 7th. Maryland, lost two good men killed ‑ First Sargent Dan J. Albaugh and Corporal H. Baltzell. Levi Manginnis slightly wounded. From above date to 25th. camp duties and putting up breast work. When we were paid off and I left for home on leave of absence.
March 12th. returned to camp; 14th. had Corps. review; 15th. Suttlers moving; 16th. corps. review by Gen Mease; 17th. Regimental inspection. Begins to look like fight. On the 29th. marched at 3 o'clock in the morning across Hatchers Run and bivouaced on Vaughn farm. At ni[ght] took position in line of battle, and on Nov. 31st. fought the battle of White Oak Road. Jacob Beacht fatally wounded, and Jesse Hyder and Jas. Willhide slightly, all of company B, 7th. marched all night up Boynton Blank Road. At day break left that road, April 1st. took a private r[oad] and at sun up communicated with Sheridan. At about five o'clock moved the rebel line and captured nearly their whole force. James Shelton and Cornelius Smith were mortally wounded, and in this action I received a severe wound in the right hip, and Washington McPherson a slight flesh wound, all from minnie balls. Went to farm house where Gen. Sheridan made his head quarters that night. Sunday April 2nd. sent to the field hospital and had ball extracted.”
He once told the writer that when placed on the operating table the Surgeon drew his shinning knife across his face some two or three times, in quick siccession[sic]. He looked up and smiled, when the Surgeon said "Oh, you'll do", and went to work.
Left for City Point on twelve miles of corderoy road to Humphrey Station. He told the writter this coderoy ride caused him more suffering than all the war put together.
“Monday 3rd. at Humphrey Station sore, the 4th., 5th. 6th., 7th., Saturday the 8th. do. Old Abe visited us and had a shake hands. Heard Lee's surrender at night, great shouting and cannon firing. Feel better on 10th. same on 11th., 12th., 13th., and 14th. Saturday 15 left on leave of thirty days absence, on hospital boat Conneticutt. Arrived at Washington late eve 16th. and staid at American Hotel. Left on 3:15 train 17th. for Baltimore, and stopped with a cousin, Caleb Douty Tuesday QIth. left for home; stopped over night with sister Jane, Mrs. Grove. Wednesday 19th. came home.”
In a letter to the writer, of July 9th., 1864, after refuting a false report in regard to his failing health, he says; "I intend to follow the fortune of this army until it is victorious in Richmond, or driven from before its fortifications in defeat. I am not seeking dangers here, but if such destiny should be offered me I shall not refuse it, though there should be another sacrifice in our family."
In regard to some dissatisfaction as to promotion he says; "I have never sought any part of distinction, have only obeyed orders, therefore Col. Phelps appointments do not hurt me badly. I resent an indignity as readily from Col. Phelps as anyone else. I have only one way to resent this, and that way is to fight through this campaign without him, and then to abandon him. I have no ambition to be a captain other than of my own company. If the colonel had have offered another company to me I would not have accepted it."
Col. Phelps was killed near Spotsylvania. Lieut. Harn always vowed that no difference what suffering he was called upon to endure because of the war no rebel should ever hear him utter a groan. The vow was held sacred to the end. Eight years after the close of the war he came near death because of the wound, and though his sufferings were extreme, never a murmur escaped his lips, and when the end came he faced death as calmly as he faced the cannon. He had no less courage but was a less rash and more discreet soldier than his elder brother.
The third child and eldest daughter of John Harn (II) and Charlotte Hay Harn, was born near West Falls, Frederick county, Md. May 30th., 1825. She received the highest advantages of the subscription schools until she was fourteen years of age. Her teacher George Mc.Cartney, was quick to discover her aptness to learn and was not slow to stimulate her natural love of study. Because of the financial reverse of the family she worked at the millenary [sic] business in Baltimore from sixteen to nineteen. Her brother George invited her to visit him at Mt. Joy, Lancaster county, Pa. where he was stationed as a minister. She arrived there July 25th., 1845 and after visiting Harrisburg, Mechanicsburg, Middletown and other points with her brother entered as a pupil, Cedar Hill Seminary at Mt. Joy, November 25th. April 4th. returned home and taught a term of school, thence back to Cedar Hill and received a diploma from the institution March 30th. 1848 making an acceptable teacher there until she married. The Misses Ellen and Mary Winebrenner and Mary the daughter of Simon Cameron, were then schoolmates. Ellen Winebrenner married James Colder a prominent M.E. minister, and with him went as missionary to China. Like Judson, Mr. Colder while there became a Baptist, and on his return identified himself with the Free Baptists. Miss Cameron married a prominent politician who figured in Republican politics contemporary with his brother‑in‑law Dora Cameron.
April 25th. 1850, Sarah Harn was married to the Rev. Alvin Dighton Williams, a Free Baptist minister, and with him went to Carolina Mills, Rhode Island. From thence Mr. Williams went to Pawtucket, R.I. where their first child was born, and died, and near there lies buried. In the spring of 1854 Mr. Williams was called to another pastorate of the Free Baptist church in Lawrence, Mass. In Sept. of 1858 he took charge of the Free Baptist church in Minneapolis, Minn. and in the spring of 1860 became President of the Free Baptist Seminary of Wasioga. From the pastorate of the Fair Point church, Minn. he went to Cheshire, O. as principal of the Academy then moving to Flemington, W. Va, Mrs. Williams again took up teaching in W.Va. college and also studied successfully, German under one of the professors, her husband, in the meantime, serving as president of the college, and also as state superintendent of Public Instruction, From her Mr. Williams went to Peru, Neb. as principal of the State Normal School. The health of both husband and wife having become seriously impaired they located as pioneer settlers at Kenesaw, Neb. in 1873. Here Mrs. Williams first experience as pioneer housekeeper was, with the two younger children, in the wagon bed with no neighbor within six miles while her husband went to Lowell, some eleven miles west, for the first load of lumber for a house. Having started at noon it was after dark when he returned. Finding he had lost his bearing, he stopped to reconnoitre in the darkness. According to arrangements, for fear of prowl[ing] indians, no light was kept burning. The cow, perhaps lonely and lost without comradeship, and hearing the receding rattle of the wagon, promptly made known the pickett line by a bovine bugle call. They were the first settlers at Kenesaw, located on the southwest quarter section of section 26, township 8, Range 12, which was given the name of Desert Home.
Mrs. Williams went to Washington, D.C., and with her daughter Mary, who was holding a position in the government printing office spent the last several years of her life there, coming to Nebraska to spend the August vacation allotted her daughter.
The Nebraska State Journal pays her the following tribute:
. "On Monday evening, February 4, 1901, Mrs. Sarah Harn Williams died, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Williams, with her husband, the late Prof. A.D. Williams, and family, were the first permanent settlers in Kenesaw township, Adams county, Nebraska, having settled here in 1872. Prof. Williams died six years ago. Mrs. Williams was a native of Maryland, where she was born in 1825, so that at her death she was nearly seventy‑years old. In her youth educational advantages in Maryland were meager, but Sally Harn was ambitious and so Cedar Hill Seminary, Mount Joy, Pa., found her first a student and then a teacher, at a time when it was the exception for girls to acquire anything more than the mere rudiments of an education. She became proficient, not only in the text books of the school, but a person of wide range of reading and general culture. Her mind was analytical; she asked for the reason of things. With a rare command of language her conversation was a delight to her intimate friends. In 1850 she married and shared with her husband the enthusiasm of labor in church and educational fields of more than forty years.
Mrs. Williams father joined the Maryland militia in repelling the attack of the British on the Capitol in the war of 1812, and her great grandfather was wounded in the war of the revolution. Her three brothers served in the war for the preservation of the union. George U. Harn, her eldest brother, was a preacher of great eloquence, an active abolitionist and a member of the Chicago convention that nominated Lincoln for president. Five sisters survive her, only one of whom, Miss Ellen D. Harn resides her at Kenesaw. Three daughters and one son mourn her loss, Mrs. I.D. Evans, Miss Mary Harn Williams, and Mrs. J.R. Thrall, all of Kenesaw and George T. Williams of Denver, Colo."
Mrs. Williams if not by active service a "new woman" was in cordial sympathy with all movements having a tendency for the uplift of woman to civil, intellectual as well as spiritual equality with man. She identified herself with the Nebraska State Suffrage Association during the suffrage amendment campaign in 1882 and was a charter member of the Kenesaw Womans Christian Temperance Union, to both of which organizations she was ever a loyal sympathizer.
While in Washington she enjoyed the cordial friendship of Miss Anthony, Mrs. Colby and many other leading lights of the suffrage movement.
To whom Sarah ANNE Harn was married, by Rev. J.H. Hurley, April 25, 1850 at her father's home was the only son of Phineas Cromwell Williams and Mary Marilla Loomis Williams, born October 13, 1825; at Smithfield Center, Bradford county, Pa., His parents were both from Conneticut, his father being born at Granby, that state, October 3, 1786. He died at Cadmus, Kansas October 10. liyt(?), having in later years made his home with his youngest daughter, Mrs. Anna Adelma Kempton. His eldest daughter Mary Sophia married Mr. George Norton, of Pawtucket, R.I., a brother‑in‑law of Edwin French, a well known artist of Massachusetts and a first cousin of Ex‑Governor John Davis, of Rhode Island. Mr. Norton died in Andersonville prison during the Civil war, having enlisted at Attleboro, Mass.
Cromwell Williams traces his lineage to Oliver Cromwell. A.D. William has stated to the writer on more than one occasion that it was a certain fact that his father, Phineas Cromwell Williams, Was a direct descendant of one Williams that served under Oliver Cromwell, who for many years was in hiding in the thinly settled portions of Massachusetts. Some historian described him as an old gray haired veteran coming down out of the forests into the settlements and creating no little excitement when his identity was disclosed.
Alvin D. Williams was a self‑education man. He inherited his love of study from his mother. His father lent no helping hand towards his sons education. On retiring to his room, a candle, sureptitiously placed there by his mother, afforded him many midnight hours of study. With less than five dollars in his pocket he entered Whitestown Seminary N.Y. and from thence at the age of nineteen, entered Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y. from which institution he graduated at the age of twentyfour, in 1849, in the meantime defraying his expenses by carpentering, preaching, writing, or whatever came to hand, He identified himself with the Free Baptist church, East Troy, Pa., at the age of thirteen. Besides pastoral duties he taught a number of common schools, was chairman of town school board in Pawtuckett, Mass., city superintendent of schools in Lawrence, Massachusetts, principal of Minnesota seminary, Wasioga, Minn., Cheshire Academy, Ohio, president of West Virginia College, Flemington, West Virginia, state superintendent of schools in West Virginia, principal of Nebraska state normal school, and president of Oakland City College, Oakland Ind. to which institute he gave his library of some fifteen hundred volumes. He received the de[gree] of Doctor of Divinity in 1871 from Chaddock College, Quincy, Ill. He originated the Free Will Baptist Quarterly, was its business manager as well as part of the time its editor. He is the author of five books‑ "History of Free Baptists in Rhode Island;" "History of Free Communion Baptists;" "Four Years of Co‑operation in Nebraska;" "The Church and its Institutions;" and a biography of Rev. Benom Stinson. He edited and published two denominational local papers, the Northwestern Free Will Baptist, monthly, and the Western Free Baptist, Neb. He edited the Lowell Register, and when Kenesaw Nebraska boasted three or four houses, a depot, post‑office and school house, he published the "Kenesaw Times". For six years he published the Hastings Nebraskan and lastly the Christian Herald." published in Tennessee, the object of which was to unite Southern Free Baptists.
Mr. Williams was born a student. His natural endowments were far from being below the average. He was a pleasing platform speaker though not really eloquent, owing to a life‑long bronichal affection. He had a wide range of thought; a most ready command of language; a clear, acute reasoner, and especially gifted in prayer. He was a strong forceful writer and when so minded, trenchant. He was a man of no idle moments. His life‑long friends, Dr. Ball, now (1902) President of Keuka College, Keuka Park, N.Y. has this to say of him:
"Dr. Williams was a strong resolute, earnest man, always doing something, and generally successful in reaching good results. He could not be discouraged, nor easily resisted, He had ideas and believed in them; plans and pushed them. He aimed to do good, All his schemes contemplated benefit to somebody; and though they involved toil, sacrafice and exposure to disappointment, unfriendly critism, he prosecuted them cheerfully and persistently assuming large burdens, doing the hardest part of the work and was content with the smallest part of the honor and reward."
Dr. Ball was for many years pastor of the Free Baptist Church, Buffalo, N.Y., While on a visit to the General Baptists, southern Indiana, in the fall of 1884, inadvertently mentioned, in the hearing of a country editor, the lapses from virtue of a presidential candidate, where upon the next issue of the paper set the political world aflame with a cyclone of scandle.
In the fall of 1894 Mr. Williams went to Florida hoping to recuperate his failing health but finding himself rapidly sinking he hastened home and on the last day of the year 1894 died. He was buried with Masonic honors in the Kenesaw Cemetery.
The eldest child of Sarah Anne Harn Williams and Alvin Dighton Williams was born in Pawtucket (then Massachusetts, July 14, 1851, and died in infancy September 4, 1852.
The second child of Sarah Anne Harn and A.D. Williams was born in Pawtucket, Mass., October 1, 1853. Removed with her parents to Lawrence, Mass and thence with parents and sister to Minneapolis, Minnesota when four years of age. Attended district schools at Wasioga and Fairpoint until 1868, when she entered Cheshire Academy in southern Ohio and afterwards West Virginia College at Flemington, W.Va. At eighteen years of age she taught her first school at "Slab Camp"‑on the mountains‑in Breston county the same state. In 1871 she secured the degree of M.E.L. (Mistress of English Literature) from Wheeling Female College. Taught a country school in Harrison county same state, and in March 1872, entered the State Normal School‑of which her father was principal ‑ Peru, Nebraska. She taught a common school at Tecumseh, Neb., then entered the State University of Lincoln. Taught in the city schools at Lincoln. Here she boarded in the family of Prof. Church, of the University. Mrs. Church was a niece of Grace Greenwood, and finding the trend of their literary proclivities lay in the same direction they became life‑long friends. Mrs. Evans cemented this friendship by naming her first daughter Grace Alice, Alice, being the name of Mrs. Church. Immediately after teaching a term in Kenesaw she married to Mr. I.D. Evans at Kenesaw, Neb., April 25th., 1878 "and lived happily ever after". Some newspaper work was done on the Hesperian Student while at the university. Mr. Evans was editor and proprietor of the Sutton Register, and during his absence in Omaha, in the Internal revenue office, she assumed the duties of editor and business manager of the Register Office and made it of it a success in both departments. She wielded a graceful pen and her teaching, and family duties, probably was an obstacle to her entering upon a wider literary sphere.
She lives a delightful cottage home "The Walnuts" in the suburbs of Kenesaw. She is the mother three children, Grace Alice now a student at the university, born Sutton, Neb. February 12th., 1881. Fred Williams was born at Stockham, Neb., July 13th., 1888, and Esther Evilison, Stockham, Neb., November 22nd., 1893, who now in her ninth year is making remarkable proficiency in her studies.
[Manuscript says "Printed insert", but none there]
. Was a Welsh parentage. His father Evan Evans, and his mother, Margaret Williams, were both born in Caermarthen Shire, Wales, the former about 1818. Evan Evans died in 1863, and Margaret Evans his wife, in 1861, at Spring Green, Wis. They came to the United States in 1840 and settled first in Blossburgh, Tioga county, Pa. where Isaiah was born December 25th., 1844. At the age of four years the family moved to Sauk county, Wisconsin, where he was brought up on a farm. After attending the public schools he availed himself of the commercial course at Gilby's Academy, Spring Green, Wis. During the civil war he served as First Sergt. in Co. E, 49th Wis. Vol. Infantry. Having driven a four mule team across the plains to Montana in 1866 he spent four years there in the mines. In the palmy days of the city of Lowell, Neb. ‑ a City now passed from earth, except a depot, school house, blacksmith shop and post office ‑ he served as postmaster and edited for two years the Lowell Register. April 25th., 1878, he married Emma Loomis, the eldest daughter of Prof. A.D. Williams of Kenesaw, Neb. During the year 1879 he was associated with Mr. Williams in the publication of the Hastings Nebraskan. In 1880 he located in Sutton, Neb. and established the Sutton Register, which published about seven years. During the part of this time he served as cashier of the Internal Revenue Office, Omaha. In 1887 he bought and laid out the town site of Stockham, Neb. and organized the Bank of Stockham and managed it as its cashier for more than six years, besides doing the town site and much other business. Because of the failure of crops consequent upon Nebraska three years drouth [sic] and especially because of the financial panic of 1893 the Bank liquidated in 1894 every depositor being paid in full. In June of 1893 he and his daughter Grace visited the Columbian exposition. The family moved to Kenesaw in 1896 and Mr. Evans took up his favorite employment, that of farming. Besides owing a large tract of land four miles southwest of Kenesaw he operates one of the most beautiful farms in the suburbs of the above village.
Mr. Evans in politics is a Republican somewhat actively so, and in 1898 was nominated in the legislature and was elected. He served with distinction, being accounted one of the leading members of the House. He was the author of a number of bills some of which became law. A staunch supporter of Senator Hayward he unflinchingly stood by him during that memorable and long contest, being selected by Mr. Hayward as one of his managers.
For the twelth Census, taken in June 1900, he was appointed supervisor for the fifth Nebraska district. Under his charge he had eighteen counties and one hundred and ninety enumerators, and for the very prompt and efficient manner in which he preformed his work he received the thanks and commendation of the directors of the census.
Mr. Evans is an extensively read man, a genial companion, liberal minded, generous to a fault, and fixed and immovable when convinced of being in the right. Though not a party prohibitionest he considers the liquor traffic a moral and civic evil. He is also as firmly convinced that taxation without representation is tyranny applies equally was well to woman as to man.
The name of Mr. Evans grandparents, were Evan Evans and Esther Evans on his fathers side and Thomas Williams, called "Williams Wisken" from the name of his farm, and Elizabeth Williams, all of Caermarthen, South Wales.
The second daughter of Sarah Harn Williams and A.D. Williams, D.D. was born at Lawrence, Essex county, Mass. Nov 26th., 1855. The family moved to Minneapolis, Minn. when she was two years old. She received the rudiments of education in the village school of Fairpoint, Minn. She entered the preparatory department of Cheshire Academy, Cheshire, Ohio, when she was thirteen years old. On the removal of the family to Flemington, W.Va. she entered West Virginia College of which her father was President. She spent two years in the Nebraska State Normal School at Peru, thence entered the State University at Lincoln. At an early age she manifested a preilection for the printing office and proved herself a helping hand in not a few of her fathers publishing ventures. She had a case on the Lowell Register, the Kenesaw Times, the Hesperian Student (college paper) Central Nebraskan (Hastings) and Womans Tribune, Beatrice. When the editor Mrs. Clara Bewick Colby, transferred the Tribune to Washington, D.C. she went with it as its chief workman. While thus engaged, under Congressman Laws, of the fifth congress district of Nebraska, she received an appointment to a position in the government printing office, and held it through the changing administration from Aug. 4th., 1890 till Sept. 1900, when she resigned bringing back with her to Kenesaw her invalid mother, who died the following February 4th. 1901. While in Washington she became acquainted with and enjoyed the comradship of many of the prominent leaders of woman suffragists. She served as delegate from Nebraska to the National Suffrage Association at Washington D.C. three or four different times. Having at one of the conventions been appointed a committee to interview the governors of the several states as to their status on equal sufferage she at the succeeding national convention made a public report of the results. She served several years as secretary of the Woman Suffrage Association of the District of Columbia also, later of the Nebraska State Equal Suffrage Association. She served as secretary of Winndaughs[?] for four or five years till she returned, permantly to Nebraska in 1900. In February 1900 she served as delegate for Winndaughsis to the national convention of National Council of Woman, Washington D.C. In June 1898, she was elected as alternate, but sent as acting delegate from District Federations of Woman Clubs to the benmial meeting of General Federation of Woman's Clubs at Denver, Colo. She was a efficient, painstaking clerk, and because of it she received a beautiful silver set on leaving Washington as a token of appreciation from Dist. U.S.A. Div. She wielfs a graceful faber but never entered very extensively into literary work. While in her teens, at West Virginia College, she received flattering recognition of her ability as a young writer, winning prizes, but she has made no extensive effort in literary work. Since her mothers death her home is with her mothers sister in the suburbs of Kenesaw.
The third daughter of Sarah Harn Williams and A.D. Williams, was born at Minneapolis, Minn. February 4th.1859. She had all the advantages of education that befell her older sisters, having entered school at Fairpoint, Minn. She was the only one of the family that manifested a love for music, being a sweet singer. At an early age she showed the rudiments of an artistic mind and has left many products of genuine merit, though from untrained pencil and crayon. The trend of her young aspiration was towards the artists studio. The schools of Rome was a goal of her highest ambition. In school she was a close student and stood high in her class, receiving the degree of A.B. from the University of Nebraska in the summer of 1881. She was appointed teacher in the Sutton schools and considered the position a very complimentary testimonial to her worthiness. Preparatory to entering upon her duties in September she made a visit to Lincoln in August. On Monday morning the eight (4th) of August, she rose early to be ready for the noon train. Three days after her body was found floating in the stream near Lincoln. The mystery of her death has never been solved. Because of her very near‑sightedness it was supposed that in taking her accustomed early morning walk she made a misstep on the turfy bank of the stream, fell in and was drowned. So far as natural ability is concerned she was considered the most gifted member of the family.
. The youngest daughter of Sarah Harn Williams and A.D. Williams, was born October 15, 1860, at Wasiga, Dodge county, Minn. She entered the public schools at Fairpoint, Minn., and thereafter enjoyed all the educational advantages of her elder sisters. She, however, chose the State Normal school at Peru rather the University to complete her education.
While in West Virginia College, when but a little tot, she was sent to town to run an errand. Taking the railroad she was compelled to pass through a deep cut, about one fourth mile from the village. On her way to town she met two strangers who asked her the whereabouts of a certain man. She gave the desired information. On her way home, passing through the cut, she again met the two strangers (one of which proved to be the sheriff) both holding a third man by an arm. Passing her they stopped, when the third man who proved to be a horse thief, ran past her, keeping her in direct line with the officers and himself until he thought he was beyond range of their guns. The officers fired, hitting him in the hip. He dropped, then sprang to his feet and escaped, but afterwards was arrested, and died in the Ohio penitentiary. Katie reached home white and breathless with excitement and rehearsed her escapade in gasps. For a long time she was teased as making the gravel fly behind her, she being barefoot she ran so fast for her safety.
As youngest daughter she was for many years her father's and mother's housekeeper. She married at "Desert Home", Kenesaw, Sept. 3, 1896, Joseph Richard Thrall. Mr. Thrall was born at Butler, Montgomery county, Ill., January 9, 1861. His father, Joseph S. Thrall, was born in the state of New York. His mother, Ruhama L. Rose, born at Granville, Licking county, Ohio, August 8, 1837, was married to Joseph S. Thrall in 1858. Loosing his father a the age of fifteen he entered the office of Rev. James M. Haughey, editor of "The Independent", Mason City Ill. Because of poor health he alternated between the printing office, the farm and grocery business for seven years. He left this office as foremand and went to work for Horace C. Hathaway of the Enterprise as foreman at Clearfield, Taylor county, Iowa. In the spring of 1881 he purchased and published the Wert "News" till the spring of 1885, when he took up land at Deloit, Hall county, Neb. Here he became well established in all that pertains to a farmer, when a prairie fire left him devoid of everything save the soil. Thence he drifted to Kenesaw where he lived until February 1902. He and his family are proving the climate of Harriet, Cal.
Their only child, Iskah Ruhama Thrall was born at Kenesaw, Neb., September 9, 1897. She was named Iskah by her grandmother Williams, Iskah and Sarah meaning the same. The name was taken from a novel a story, entitled "A Romance of the Faith". The author, learning of the name given to her, at once wrote for her photo which he now has.
After several solicitations for a sketch of his life up to the present and in answer to one of some pressure my nephew writes:
" Trust you will not be wrathier than ever upon the receipt of this jumble. You must learn to curb your passions. But really I have not been able to evolve anything more satisfactory, and, as I said, will appeal to Mary (his sister) to complete the job. It is a little difficult for a man to be his own biographer, anyway."
His sister has the following to say of him:
"George Thomas, second son and youngest child of Sarah Harn Williams and A.D. Williams, was born at Wasiga, Minn., June 17, 1862. He was an object of very great interest to his four sisters, who have never known their elder brother only as he was taken about, and his loss deplored, naturally arrived at the conclusion that it would be a very fine thing to have another brother. Notwithstanding one of them declared on seeing him that he was too small to be of any good, they devoted themselves to him with a zeal not always discreet and were no doubt responsible for many of the falls and bumps and bruises of his early life. He was round, chubby and good natured, however, and took it all in good part, as he had similar mishaps in later life. Being a preacher's son, the sisters early decided, as a matter of course, that he must be a preacher also, and no sooner had he learned to stand alone than he was stationed on a flat‑topped trunk with the wall at his back and two or three pairs of outstretched arms waiting to intercept any weak‑kneed tendency, and exhorted to preach a sermon. Obliging in disposition, then as always, he immediately began a discourse which, though not very intelligible to older ears, did not lack eloquence and was entirely satisfactory to his eager audiance [sic], But he did not become a preacher, nor has he yet developed as an orator, though his pen has been active since his boyhood. He was named for his mother's two brothers, both of whom had entered the army in defense of the Union, and the older of whom had died on the battlefield (Chicasaw Bayou) in the winter after his birth.
The school, of which his father was head at the time, having lost most of its students through enlistments, and his father's physical condition excluding him from active service, the family moved onto a farm in Goodhue county. Here, at Fairpoint, George entered school for the first time. At the close of the war they went to Cheshire, Ohio and in the public school there and the preparatory department of West Virginia College, Flemington, W.Va. and the State Normal School at Peru, Neb., when his father was in charge, George received his early education. In July 1871, the family went to a homestead near Kenesaw, Adams county, Neb., and soon after Mr. Williams started the publication of a paper "The Times", in the village of Kenesaw. Finding the prospects more alluring than farm work, George to work in the office. He had however, before this made an amatuer effort in the publishing business on his own account. In the early days of homesteading time sometimes hung heavy on the hands of himself and his youngest sister. To supply, as far as possible, the lack of school facilities and incentives to study their mother advised the writing out of their daily experiences, with description of things seen as well as imaginative occurrences. These were copied in the form of paper and the result called the "Desert Home Times". For two years or so the papers life was in manuscript form. Afterward it was printed in the office of The Kenesaw Times and published at monthly intervals, taking its place, with a list of paid subscribers, as one of the many amateur papers published by boys at that time. Its publication continued up to the fall of 1877, when its editor joines his sisters at the State University of Lincoln. Here he studied until the spring of 79 partially paying his expenses by work in college and other papers where he went again in his father's office in Hastings. The Central Nebraskan. Later he worked for his brother‑in‑law on the Register at Sutton. At this time he undertook to pay the expenses of a sister at the University, continuing until her graduation in 1881. In the fall of 1881 he entered Hillsdale college, Mich., But at the end of the year entered his father's office in Hastings. On the sale of the Nebraska he undertook the publication of the Kenesaw Times, a weekly on his own responsibility, and on April 8, 1885 he was married to Miss Grace Barton at her father's home in Kenesaw.
In the fall of 1880 his newspaper work was diversified with a months hunting trip to the valleys of the Loup and Dismal rivers. Goose hunting on the Platte was a favorite diversion. On one of these trips he had a hair‑breath escape from physical injury, with which his career seems to have been checkered since he followed his mother across a Minnesota snowdrift in his bare feet, soon after the preaching episode. An explosion of gun powder, while cleaning a gun, for a time considerably impaired the usefulness of his eyes as well as injury to one of his hands, but fortunately both not permantly. A chill induced by a jump into the midst of drifting ice to swing a boat load of hinters out of dangerously swift current, made necessary the use of very prompt restoratives, and a miscalculation in with drawing his [han]d from the platen of a running press seriously threatened the cripling of that member. While living at Cheshire he fell off a log into the river. His playmates pulled him out and when his mother asked him how he came to be so wet he replied "I fell into the Ohio creek." His boyhood escapes were many, but he always came up smiling in the end, and finally developed into a stout, well built young man of considerable muscle, a lively and generous disposition, having a propensity to teaze, whereby he repaid his sisters for some of their mistaken kindness and over jealous interest in his early wellfare. He is a ready forceful writer and a pleasant companion.
On March 15th., 1886 in Kenesaw a daughter was born to him named Minnie Madine, On Jan. 30th., 1888, Kenesaw another daughter, Ethel May; Feb. 13th., 1890 in Denver, Colo. a third daughter to whom no name but Georgie would adhere because of her likeness to her father, and on Feb. 7th., 1892 a son called Barton Cromwell. These children have all made rapid progress in the schools of Denver. Minnie having entered the High School 1901.
George gives this account of himself after going to Denver: "I came to Denver, I believe in July 1888‑the summer of the Harrison‑Cleveland campaign. Worked as reporter on The Republican for several months until Grace and the babies arrived, when I quit and went to work in a job office in order to have day work. The family didn't want to say alone nights "in a great city". Shortly after this change Will Stinchcomb was made city editor of the Times, an afternoon paper, and he offered me a job as a reporter, which I accepted. A couple of years here where spent as a reporter, sporting editor, real estate editor, assistant city editor and city editor‑making the greatest success as real estate editor, I believe. Somewhere about 1891 [ ]H. Griffith sold The Times and founded The Sun, a morning paper, taking me with him as city editor, a position I held until financial difficulties assisted by political reverses put the management of the paper practically in to other hands, although he still retained normal control. Then followed work at the printing trade as advertisement compositor until January 1895, when I was appointed State Treasurer of printing under Secretary of State Albert B.McGuffey. Two years in this office was followed by about six months work at the trade again,when I was appointed editor of The Times, which had passed under the management of Earl B. Coe. A year and a half was spent here preaching the free silver doctrine and supporting Senator Henry M. Teller untill the fall of 1898 (I believe) the Wolcott ‑ Republican element gained control of the paper through the financial necessities of Mr. Coe and the wishes of the other stockholders, and not being able to follow the flop, I found my services no longer required.
In the legislature of 1899, I was clerk to the committee appointed to examine the books of the state auditor and the state treasurer, followed by a few months employment upon special work in the state auditors office. In June 1899, I was appointed secretary of the Board of Public Works of the city of Denver, serving two years. Since then I have been employed on the Part in the dual capacity of proof reader and special writer." He now June 1902 holds the position of editor of the Denver Post.
The second daughter and fourth child of John Harn (II) and Charlotte Hay Harn, was born February 6th., 1827, near West Falls, Frederick county Md., at the old home, the Runkles farm. Because of paralytic misfortune incurred in infancy she was unable to cope with the rest of the children in securing an education, yet she was a great reader, and had a range of information far superior to the general average of the more fortunate of her acquaintances. When her interest was aroused she became a most pleasing conversationalist. Though a Baptist in principle she was an exemplary member of the M.E. church for many years and a most consistent christian. She died unmarried at Mount Airy, Md. of internal cancer, June 11th. 1902, and was buried in the family cemetery near West Falls, Md.
There being so little that is praise worthy, or even interesting to say of the fifth child and third daughter of John Harn (II) and Charlotte Hay Harn that we are somewhat reluctant to make notes of that personage, because that identical person is my veritable self. As the records have it, I was born at the old family homestead near West Falls, Frederick county, Md. January 18th., 1829. I was given the name Ellen Harn Crawford, and the name Dorcas for my great grandmother, Dorcas Davis Harn. In early life my health was somewhat delicate, having trouble with pain in the ears consequent upon erysipelas tendencies of the temples. Now at the age of seventy‑three my health is robust and strong and my hearing and sight about normal. My greatest suffering during the years of childhood was not because of lack of health but because of extreme inordinate bashfulness, which to me at least accentuated itself in real suffering.
When about six or seven years of age I was sent, with the older children to a school taught by a kind and indulgent man by the name of Knox. The school was taught in the cellar kitchen of a log house about midway between Friendship Factory and Lawrence Mills. I went to school every day for near two weeks and could not be coaxed to face the big boys and girls of the school and say my letters. It was not stubbornness‑simply bashfullness. The ice was broken by the teacher telling me that if I would 'say my letters' I might go home before school was out and ride home with my father in the wagon‑ who passed by to and from the mill. The lesson was recited, the ride home was had, and from that hour I have never seen the day when the schoolroom was not a beloved place for study. In memory of that fortnight misery I never suffered a pupil to leave the school room until it, at least said "a".
My advantages for a common school education was in line with the other children. It was a happy day for us when school opened in the fall and a sad day when it closed in spring.
My second teacher was George McCartney, whom I dearly loved and respected because of his excellency and imparting knowledge as well as his level headedness in holding control of his school. After my first experience with the alphabelt I was a rapid learner, not do much in books as from hearing others recite. While in the school of Mr. McCartney, and while my sister Susan was standing in the spelling class, I would take my seat in front of her and spell the word for her, in a whisper. The teacher caught on, cuffed my ears with the Bible and marched me into the class saying;
"I never dreamed you could spell those words, now spell if you want to."
A boy about my own age, James Cochran, usually stood at the head of the class. I never could reach that coveted place unless he staid at home. Then, with much trembling, I watched his rapid strides towards the head, and by the time he places himself by my side, I, from sheer excitement, would miss the next word, and own him conqueror. He stood first, I second, and I kept my sister next to me or third. We were not forbidden to whisper those days. In this school I learned to conjugate the verbs, to love, and to be through all their moods and tenses by hearing a young man, Cleggett Dorsey, recite his grammar lesson. I was not more than nine years, if that, I had no idea what it all meant, but it served me a good purpose when years after I took up the sience [sic] of grammar
. Time was simply lost with the next two teacher, to whom I went. Charles Meade and Joshua Howard.
The next teacher, a Mr. Spitler was somewhat of a loose brained fellow but had the faculty of interesting the pupils and imparting the knowledge he had.
By this time my mother had concluded that I was now to old to go to school and must turn my attention to learning domestic affairs. This was a sore trial for me. The teacher had put my younger sister Corille to studying grammar, and the idea of her being in advance of me in any study was not conducive to a peaceful frame of mind. I undertook to seruptitiously keep pace with her but I found it uphill work, at my age, trying without help to master an abstruse science. When school closed in the spring I proposed to my two younger sisters, Corille and Jane, that we continue our studies by having a little school of our own, to which they readily assented. To avoid ridicule from the older brothers and sisters we betook ourselves to a thick clump of pine woods on the hill opposite the house one beautiful Sunday morning. It was very pleasant in the early morning seated with back to the trees with the fallen pine‑needles for carpet. Finding as the day grew apace, the heat oppressive and that the lapping and ober lapping of the thick foliage shut out the air, Corille suggested that we ascend the trees. Being expert climbers we were soon perched as near the top as we dared. Swinging to and fro on the slender trees we found our school room most pleasant could we have secured pleasant seats on strong limbs. However we pursured our studies there asking turns in asking and answering questions for a number of Sundays, until a torn dress or two provoked strong dissent from mother, and we abandoned our aerial school‑room.
We puzzeled our young brains over what the science of grammar all Meant. However, I there mastered the difinitions of the different parts of speech but the meaning of it was held in abeyance [of] mature years. It gave me great comfort; likewise, that now, I stood on equal grounds with my younger sisters. This was the final of my common school education.
I was a voracious reader, devouring every thing that came to hand. In my first tussle with Home's Illiad, I came near being floored. I naturally fell into the rythm of the metre but the expression of thought in unvested sentences I was not able to master. I resolved to read the two volumes from beginning to end, and I did, without much idea of the ground gone over. A second reading, which I at once commenced, opened up new and beautiful visionos, both poetical and historical and I reread the volumns with delight. I read much of Unites States, English and Roman Histories and read and reread all the volumns of Gardners outlines of History. The Hagerstown Almanac to me was an annual feast, and the Frederick Examiner, a weekly one.
In the spring of 1849 I went to Baltimore on a vist. While there I received a letter from my sister Sarah, who was then teaching at the Cedar Hill Seminary saying she would defray my expenses for the coming year. Fearing that my parents would file objections to any such undertaking, without any preperation, or returning home, I proceeded at once to Pennsylvannia and entered the Seminary as student on May 10th., 1849, In the spring of 1852. March 31st. a class of seven, viz: Miriam Darby, Margaret A. Long, Kate Kirtz, Frances Dodge (a daughter of the principal) Anna Tatem, Elizabeth Basler and myself received diplomas, the honors of the class being conferred on Miss Basler as salutitorian and myself as valedictorian. Miss Tatem was a most brilliant pupil but could not tale part in the graduating exercises because of severe illness ‑ typhoid fever.
My first experience in teaching, save a little pay school at Friendship school house, was at Nephsville, Lancaster county, Pa, the winer of 1850‑51. After graduating I taught at Cedar Hill, untill the spring 1853, when I entered the village schools of Pawtucket, Mass. My sisters husband having changed his pastorite to Lawrence, Mass., in the summer of 1854, I returned home and taught a nine months school commencing in September at Unionville, Frederick county, Md. My sister Corille also taught at Ridgeville, Md.
Here, I would note, that we two sisters were the first to enter the public schools of Frederick county Md. as lady teachers. Because of this innovation we were closely scrutinized but we both closed the school year giving satisfaction. Since we thus opened the door it is gratifying to make note tht the doors have never been closed to lady teachers in Maryland.
Returned to Lawrence, Mass., and entered the grammar schools [of the] city under George A. Walton and in September of 1857 went with my sisters family to Minneapolis, Minn. Went into the graded school when it was organized under George B. Stone, in June of 1858. Remained there until September of 1867, when I taught the winter school at Fairpoint, Minn. From thence entered the Academy at Chesire, Ohio in the spring of 1868. Mr. Williams having taken charge of West Virginia College in the fall of 1869 I entered that school as its preceptress and; also taught the district school in a room of the college. In August 1870, I received the appointment of second assistant by the Board of Regents in the State Normal School at Fairmont, W. Va. I as transfered to that institution, much to my own gratification. Owing to a change of the political status of West Virginia in the fall of 1870 my teaching head with the rest of the teac[her]s, received decapitation. The winter of 1871 I taught a winter school near Flemington, W. Va., and at its close entered the State Normal School at Oswego, N.Y. in order to acquaint myself with the methods of teaching in that institution. Returned to Flemington, W.Va. in February 1873, and taught the following summer and winter the village school of Flemington. In September of 1873 entered the Protestant Methodist Academy at Prunty town W. Va. as second assistant and teacher of the public school, held in the same building. The denominational school not proving a success, I took charge of the public school of that town as its principal, with two assistants, during the year of 1874‑5. In September of 1875 asked for a position in the public schools of Barton, Allegheny county, Md. and was given the principalship of the primary department with 90 pupils, in a small room. Was rapidly promoted from one department to another ‑ six in all ‑ to that of first assistant, which I held for some eight or nine years. Because of a failure of one of the principlals, with the desire of the trustees that I should ask for the position as a permanent one. The School commissioners refusing to pay me man's wages for man's work I declined to ask for the position of principal, and took my old position of first assistant.
Because of the tragic death, by drowning of my sisters third daughter, I wnet, in August of 1881, to Hastings, Neb. with the intention to rest a year from teaching. Meeting at Kenesaw, some of my old school patrons in Minnesota, I was prevailed on to teaching a three months school there in the summer of 1882. At the close of this school, in company my neice Mary Williams and her father, visited the Rockies, Denver and Georgetown, Col. On out return started immediately east having received a telegram that I was wanted in my old position in the school of Barton, Md. I remained here until December of 1885, when teaching my eleventh year in this school, I resigned to take charge of the Kenesaw school with one assistant. I taught here ‑ with an interregnum of one year‑ the only interregnum of a full year during my work as teacher ‑ when in the summer of 1888 I quit the school room for good.
In the spring of 1886 I builded myself a comfortable home on a ten‑acre lot, for which I paid $40 per acre, lying across the section line from "Desert Home". After principally educating two of my younger sisters, and helping to educate three of my neices, with my avails in teaching I purchased fourty acres of land the ten acres on which my house stands, the hould and out buildings costing about $1200, and have at interest $400 and own $600 in bank stocks and yet I have taught school when at the close of the term I found, when board bill was paid, I had only enough left to buy a pair of slippers and a calico dress.
I have not found time to pursue a literary career though I rather enjoy writing. I have seldom been refused access to papers, and for six years filled a column in the Kenesaw Citizen, principally on temperance and equal sufferage. Upon the latter I am much of a crank as was ever Abigail Adams or John Randolph. Ever since I was eleven years old I have never been able to understand why I should hand over my earnings for men to spend, and I forbidden to say how it should be spent.
I went into the proffession [sic] of teaching with some foolish vagaries. One was that it was no use to try to teach girls mathamatics. Their girl brains could not comprehent that 7‑3=4. It took me two years to demonstrate to my satisfaction that with the generosity of pupils their progressive or retrograde tendencies depended altogether upon the stimulating or repressive influences of the teacher. This trial of "no sex in brains" was a number of years previous to the researches of the author of "No sex in Brains", and while the mastership of higher education for woman was in its incipiency. For two successive years I sent into the high school two different classes that highly disgusted the principal because the girls were far superior to the boys, especially in mathematics. He demanded the reasons therefore and I honestly told him ‑ and concluding that if a man persisted in dealing by repressive influence ‑ unjustly with woman it was no reasono why I should persue a similar course with the boys and thence forward used inpartial stimulants as far as I understood them.
Being on the streets of Kenesaw, the day of the election in November of 1898, the impulse seized upon me to go to the polls and demand my vote. The consternation of the judges, and their pepturbation of mind, when I made known my errand, puts into full play one risible muscle even thought nearly half of a decade of years have passed. The scene was simply to funny, to see those judges so completely thrown off their bases. One of the judges flushed and paled by turns with anger yet maintained his pose to the end, another was so disturbed he could not find the page, his hand so trembling, of the word male, which closed the door of the polling booth against me. Several times he looked up at me hopelessly bewildered and confused, and when he did find the precious masculion bolt against universal freedom his countenance changed to one of relief second delight.
The sixth child and fourth daughter of John Harn (II) and Charlotte Hay Harn, was born at the family homestead near West Falls, Frederick county, Md., August 1st., 1830. As the widow of David D. Shearer, she resides at Barton, Alleghany county, MD. So far as her common school education is concerned it differs none from her elder sisters.
She graduated at Cedar Hill Seminary September 2qst [sic], 1854, and at once entered upon the profession of teaching in the public schools of Frederick counties. She once taught a summer school in the private residence of Mr. Gosnellm an overseer on one of the farms of Carrolls manor. She was a smart successful teacher and her services as such were in constant demand. During the civil war she met Sergeant David D. Shearer, who was on military duty at Mt. Airy, Md., and at the close of the was they were married on July 26th., 1865 and settled in Barton, Md., where they built themselves a pleasant home.
For many years after they married Mrs. Shearer, having no children of her own, continued teaching day and evening school in her private residence. Her evening school consisted of young men who were working in the coal mines and had no the advantages of day school.
The husband of Corille E. Harn, was born August 4, 1825 in Haddingtonshire, near Edinburg, Scotland. Beside his education in the common schools of Scotland he was educated at the hands of his father as a civil engineer. Mr. Shearer was several times tendered the position of overseer in mines in which he worked but it seems he was not constitutionally built to control men. His engineering capabilities, however, stood him a good service, because of it he could command high wages as well as secure regular work. He was free‑hearted and generous to a fault. No one in need ever applied to him in vain. His wife has said that if there was a ten dollar bill in the house Mr. Shearer was perfectly miserable until some one had the spending of it. He came to America while the American party, or Know nothings, was in line and he immediately identified himself with that party, claiming that foreigners needed a twentyone year schooling to fit them for American citizenship. The American party being ono the wane he identified himself with the Republican party then in its infancy and from the time of casting his first ballot for that party uncompromisingly voted the full Republican ticket, save once, when hee cast a single ballot for a Scotsman friend.
He was a man of most extensive reading and of wide information. He served as a Member of Maryland House of Delegates the winter of 1886, having been elected from Allegany county in November of 1885.
He enlisted during the early days of the civil war under his fellow townsman Captain Inskeep, in Company A 3rd Md, Potomac Home Brigade as 1st Sargent. Having served three years he received his discharge at Buckannon W. Va., because of termination of the war. He was in the surrender at Harpers Ferry under Colonel Miles, much to his personal disgust. He ever maintained that it was an unnecessary surrender. Though a most courageous soldier he could never be trusted on duty that required silence or secrecy, because as his superiors who loved and respected said "he was constitutionally too tonguey". Because of this constitutional predilection he never gained admittance to the brotherhoold of Masons, and yet he died an honored member of the Odd Fellows. He was present at the raising of the flag at "Dompey Smash" the first Union flag raised at the commencement of the civil war, south of Mason's and Dixon's line.
His eldest brother, Alexander Shearer, was the head gardener of the Marquis of Tweedale. Mr. Shearer was an extensive writer on agricultural matters in Scotland and was considered an authority on matters pertaining to that subject.
The United States government applied to the Marquis of Tweedale to recommend an expert gardener for the botanical gardens of Washington, D.C. The Marquis placed the request at the disposal of Alexander Shearer who promptly recommended a pupil of his, a Mr. Smith, who was offered the position and accepted, and is at the present writing the trusted head man in said gardens.
The younger brother, William Shearer, was sent by the English government to introduce the raising of Cotton in India, during the blockade of our southern ports. This brother is now engaged in tea culture in India.
The seventh child and fifth daughter of John Harn (II) and Charlotte Hay Harn, was born at the family homestead near West Falls, Frederick county Md., April 18, 1832. Her priveleges for education in the common schools were similar to her older sisters'. She entered Shippensburg Academey, Shippensburg, Pa., with her brother Jesse in the year 1853. After studying there for a year she spent the year of 1854‑5 at Cedar Hill Seminary. During the winter of 1855 she taught the winter school at Franklinville, Carroll county, Md. Instead of returning and taking a diploma from Cedar Hill Seminary she was married to Martin Luther Grove at Libertytown, Md., Dec. 8, 1856. Taking charge of his father's farm near Mt. Airy, their eldest child, Florence Jessie, was born there October 23, 1858. Mr. Grove purchased from his fathers part of the Grove homestead that lay in Carroll county and improved it by a comfortable home and surroundings. Here were born, Wilhelmine, November 8, 1859; Mary Lotte, who died in infancy; and Georgia, February 28, 1865.
Martin Luther Grove was born January 20, 1830, was a son of George and Mary Mentzer Grove, of Frederick county.
Mr. Grove died October 20, 1867. Mrs. Grove remained on the farm until the spring of 1870 when she built a cottage near West Virginia college and moved there to educate her children. Afterwards she spent two years in Pruntytown, same county, for the same purpose. She was a popular teacher and spent many years in the profession. Her most efficient work was with the colored schools which she brought up to a higher standard than most of the surrounding white schools.
After removing to Fairmont she became President of the Political Equality Club of that city and so acted for a number of years. One of her most successful effors for justice was being instrumental in having the doors of the University of West Virginia opened to girls by her ceaseless pleading with the State Regents of Schools. She now lives with her eldest daughter at Fairmont. ‑ G.U.H.(II)
Mr. Grove was a first class farmer, and prided himself on being able to command his own price on the tobacco he shipped to the Baltimore market. He died in the prime of life in the year 1867, from the effects of typhoid fever, which he contracted before his marriage. Notwithstanding his very delicate health he ws one of the conscripts of the civil war. He paid his commutation and remained at home to lock after the women on both sides of his house.
The eldest daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. M.L. Grove writes:
"I was born at the homestead of my grandmother, Mary Menser Grove, near Mount Airy, October 23, 1858. Went with moth and two sisters to Flemington, West Virginia, in the summer of 1870, where I received my earlier education. In 1877 entered the State Normal school where I graduated in June of 1877. I afterwards taught in the Fairmont public schools until I was married to Charles E. Manley, then deputy Sheriff of Marion county, W. Va., on November 7, 1878. He was born in Marion county, W.Va., on the Manley homestead, his father being a well‑todo farmer, in the year 1854. Mr. Manley adds that he was born the first morning of the "big snow".
In 1895 the West Virginia Suffrage Association was organized with myself as the first state president. Served one year and because of the press of business refused re‑election. Attended the National Association in Washington, D.C. in 1896, at which convention was one of the number who addressed the Judiciary Committee of the House in behalf of equal rights. Attended the convention again in 1900, simply as a delegate.
Charles E. Manley, is a son of Harrison and Sarah Righter Manley, who were born in Monongalia and Harrison counties, Virginia, now Marion county, West Virginia. He was born near Fairmont, Marion county, W.Va.
He was born and reared on a farm, attending the county schools, taught school, and later graduated from the State Normal School of Fairmont. He was twelve years deputy sheriff and twelve years county clerk of his native county. Served four years as postmaster of Fairmont, after which he returned to farming and raising of thoroughbred Durham and Jersey cattle.
Jessie Grove Manley, after attending West Virginia College at Flemington, West Virginia, and receiving the major part of her education from her Aunt Ellen D. Harn, graduated at the State Normal School at Fairmont, in 1877, taught school about three years, and during her husband's county clerkship, was his assistant clerk. During this time she took up the work of woman suffrage, being the first state president of the West Virginia Equal Suffrage Association, and was prominent in all the work thereafter until the ratification of the National suffrage amendment by the West Virginia legislature. ‑G.U.H. (II)
Through Mrs. Manley the jew of the Mayer family crops out. She inherits the dark complexion and brilliant black eyes of the jewish women; is endowed with a most comely pleasing pleasant presence; a fine musician; intelligence far above the average, high business endowments and is much admired and beloved for many pleasing social qualities. When in West Virginia the national officers of the suffrage association receive a hospitable welcome in her beautiful, cultured, home, at Fairmont, W.Va.
WILHELMINA‑‑the second daughter was born in Carrol county, Md., November 8, 1859. She had the same advantage of her older sister as to education. She graduated at the Fairmont Normal in 1878 and engaged to some extert in the profession of teaching. Her musical abilities were above the average and she handled the keys with much grace and precision. She married David Tobin of New York in 1880 and went to the city of New York to live.
Learning tht her husband had lost his life in the Spanish Ameri[can] war, in 1899 she went with a colony, first to Dawson City and in 1900 to Nome, Alaska. She left Dawson, February 6, on a trip, which took seven weeks, down the Yukon, a distance of nineteen hundred miles, on dog‑sleds, walking nearly the distance to avoid freezing, and reached Nome April 1, of the same year. She kept a diary of the journey, which, it is said, is fearful but most interesting. At Nome she engaged in gold mining and speculation. On reaching that city she traded her dog team for four claims.
While at Nome Willamina married John C. Caldwell, a native of Scotland, who died at Seattle, January 1918. She now lives at Oakland, Calif. ‑G.U.H.(II).
GEORGIA‑ the fourth and youngest daughter, was also born in Carroll county, Md., February 28, 1865. She, too, graduated from the Fairmont Normal and entered the profession of teaching both school and music. She with her mother spent a year in Nebraska. Returning to West Virginia she was married, January 18, 1888, to MacClellan C. Clayton, a pharmacist of Mannington, W.Va. which place [ ]
Georgia Grove Clayton was born February 28, 1865, near Mount Airy. She was married January 18, 1888 at Fairmont, to MacClellan C. Clayton, born September 1862, at Mannington, Marion county, West Virginia, son of John Wesley and Harriet Jane Bogg[ass] Clayton, both born and died in Marion county. MacClellan Clayton was reared in Mannington and was engaged the greater part of his life as a druggist, there, and in Clarksburg, W.Va. Later he became interested in the oil business and for several years was president of the Clayton Oil Company, from which he lately retired, and now lives at Mountain Lake Park, Maryland.
Georgia Grove Clayton spent her early life at Flemington, West Virginia, where she received the first part of her education from her mother and her aunt Ellen D. Harn, in the public schools and West Virginia college. She later attended the Fairmont State Normal School, taught school, and after marriage was a devoted wife and mother and exceptional home keeper, yet finding, like her mother and sister, much time to work for political freedom.
Mary Grove Clayton, the only child of MacClelland and Georgia Grove Clayton, was born July 26, 1899, at Mannington, West Va., and died at same place September 14, 1892. ‑G.U.H.(II).
To each of these girls were born a daughter all of whom died in infancy.
The third son and ninth child (the 8th, Louisa, died in infancy), was born December 26[?], 1836. His education was that of the common schools of the day with a year in Shippensburg Academey in the year 1853. He did some teaching but his occupation was that of a farmer. In politics he was a Republican and in November 1860, he with two other young men, in their voting precinct, cast their ballots for Abraham Lincoln, jeopardizing their lives in doing so. Thee was a furore of excitement when the ballots were counted and loud threats made were the authors of these three ballots discovered. One of the men, George H. Whitmore, is still living and is pointed out in a crowd with great pride as a man brave enough to dare vote his honest convictions in those troubled times. He served as Sargent in Company B, 7th Md., Volunteers, of which company Thomas W. Harn was 1st Lieutenant, and served as one of Lieutenant Harn's pall bearers. The name of the other I cannot recall.
On the north side of the old log house in which most of us were born, stands in close proximity to the dwelling, a lofty cherry tree. When it was a settled fact that the south in in rebellion, Jesse and his youngest sister, Kate, climbed to the top of the tree, nailed to it a tall staff, Kate steadying the staff while the nails were being driven, and unfurled from it the Stars and Stripes. This done, at the base of the tree they clasped hands and vowed the flag should never come down by disloyal hands save over the lifeless remains of one, or the other, or both. The flag remained there, visible for many miles, undisturbed, save by threats, until its last shred was cast by the free winds over a united country. Its folds trembled in the troubled air at the roar of cannon at Antietam and Gettsyburg, forty and thirty miles away.
He was the first to enlist from that neighborhood, which he did early in the year 1861, in Company B, First Maryland Regiment, Potomac Home Brigrade. He was a hale, hearty, young man, physically formed for an ideal soilder, but succumbed to disease, typhoid fever, engendered by camp‑life exposure. He died, before his regiment was called to the front, at Camp Worman, near Frederick, Md., January 16th, 1862, aged 26 years and 19 days, being born December 2y, 1836. His remains lie beside his father, a soilder of 1812, in the family burying ground on the home farm, with this quotation on his headstone:
"No man who suffers of dies in the cause of freedom suffers or dies in vain"
[MISSING PAGE 17 FOR KATE HARN **************************]
make no delay in recrossing the mountains as we were in danger of bush‑whackers at any moment.
East of the mountains we visted over night with Mr. Grove's uncle a Mr. Mentzger, and with Miss Mentzger visited the battle grounds of South Mountain and Antietam and brought away numerous relics. Finding the bones of many of the Union boys bleaching in the sun, being dug up by the hogs and dogs, we gathered them up and re‑buried them the best we could, covering thm with leaves, brush, stumps and rocks. We started to Williamsport on Monday morning and reached home Thursday evening late, no one, except the two families knowing we were away. The next morning we heard the roar of cannon in the direction of Harper's Ferry and Williamsport.
Kate was loyal to the core and rendered good service to the government in quietly giving information as to deserters, where pillaged government property, after the battle of Antietam and Gettysburg, could be found. She was chosen to present a flag to a militia company which did much drilling under John Douty‑ a cousin‑ as Captain and Thomas W. Harn as 2nd Lieutenant, because she had collected the greatest amount of money. This flag cost $60. It went to the from when the Seventh Maryland Regiment was organized as did almost most of the company. At Lieut. Harn's death the top of the staff was found among his effects.
A young man, Wm. Miller, of Unionville, was undecided whether to join the loyal or southen forces. When Company B Seventh Maryland was marching along the Liberty road to Liberty, Miller struck across the fields, joined the company, went through the war uninjured, and is now living, 1902, a most loyal citizen. He was a pall bearer at Lieut. Harn's funeral, and clerked the sale of the personal property.
Kate Harn spent much time during the war catering for the sick in the hospital at Ridgeville on the B. & O. turnpike. A private from Maine was buried in the cemetery of the Presbyterian church at Ridgeville. On the morning we started to Williamsport, before light of day, she placed on this private's grave a boquet of flowers in which were sprigs of myrtle. Two years after, visiting the grave, we found the myrtle had taken root and nearly covered the grave with a rich mantle of green. Mrs. Bellison had no children.
End of the direct line coming through John Harn (II) eldest child of Caleb, the eldest son of John (I).
Following this let Corrilla Harn Douty and posterity follow, then the posterity of Thomas S. Harn, then Otho Harn, then William Allen's posterity. They are the children of Caleb and brothers and sisters of John (II).
Maria, the others come in co‑jointly with her husband, Singleton Harn.
Was the second child and eldest daughter of Caleb Harn. She was born at the Fairview Farm, about two miles north‑east of West Falls ‑ the farm afterwards owned by Elizabeth Owing ‑ June 16th, 1791. At the death of her mother Sally Davis Harn, her home was with her grandparents John and Dorcas Davis Harn, until she was married to James Douty July 9th., 1809. The father and grandparents, it seem did not approve of the prospretive son‑in‑ law, and it finally resulted in a clandestine marriage; and unlike most such marriages, it proved to be a most happy one. No wife was more tenderly cared for, devoutly cherished and, I may say worshipped. Like father, like son, she received the same worshipfull tenderness from each and every of her seven stalwart sons.
The grandparents house was on a high elevation, at the base was the spring, surrounded by the primeval forest, and near it a large rock under which the girl of eighteen hid her wearing apperal as she went to the spring for water. It was noticed that more than the ordinary amount of water was carried up the hill, but the hiding of the raiment was not made manifest. Under cover of the July twilight her lover met her at the rock with horse and saddle, and before another day they were made husband and wife. Mr. Douty could offer his bride nothing. save his love and reverance, but he was strong of muscle, had common sense brains and a masterful will. He took his bride on a farm he purchased adjoining the Harn Homestead, erected a smith shop and always kept the larder well stocked with white bread. He died Feb. 24th., 1847, leaving his wife and ungrown children in comfortable circumstances.
Carrilla Harn Douty died in the home to which she was taken a bride, May 30th., 1882, aged 90 years, II months and 14 days, maintaining both her mental and physical faculties almost unimpaired to the last.
There were seven sons came to maturity ‑ none of them less than six feet in height. Two sons died in infancy. Grafton, the eldest son, was born Oct. 28th., 1811. He was married to Elizabeth C. Leatherwood, April 4th., 1833 and soon afterwards went to live at Columb[us,] Ohio where he died. Mrs. Douty died at the home of her daughter Mrs. W. H. Miller, 171 Washington Ave., Columbus, Ohio, Friday, Dec. 6th., 18[??].
There were born to them three children Cora, (Corilla) Charles, Moses, the second son was born July 22nd., 1813. He married Martha E. Cochran, February 11th., 1838. He went into the blacksmithing business at Unionville, Frederick county. Afterwards took charge of an engine on the B & O railroad and finally the same on the Penna Central. Near Altoona his train sustained a wreck in which he was disabled from work the rest of his days. He bought a flour mill at Lingamore, Md. where he died in January of 1891 his wife having proceeded him.
They left three children, Margaret C. (unmarried) Edwin C. died a year or two ago and Virginia C. (Mrs. Suman). Mrs Suman has a most l[ove]ly daughter named Martha. She was married to Mr. Wilfred Runkles, Dec. 25, 1902 and lives on a rented farm near Unionville.
John the fourth son, was born Oct. 18th., 1817. He married Margaret Gilbert Nov. 24th., 1842. Mrs. Douty was born August 30th., 18[??]. He adopted the trade of blacksmith, and located first at Ridgeville, Md. and afterwards succeeded his brother, Moses at Unionville. They had two children, the eldest dying in infancy. The youngest, Harry, married a Lindsey. They live in Unionville, and have several children. John Douty died in the spring of 1895.
Caleb the fifth son of Corrilla Harn Douty, was born December 2nd., 1819. He married Anne Eliza. He was a merchart and for a number of years dud business in Forstburg, Allegany county, Md. Returning to Baltimore to live he engaged in the drygoods business. He served several years in the custom house, living in Baltimore about fifty years. He was a stuanch Republican, and enjoyed the intimate friendship of Henry Winter Davis, after whom he named his youngest son. He died about 1900, aged 81 years, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Nannie Thomas, 710 North Gilmore St.
Douty and her grand uncles James and Dennis Douty. Concerning the "Old Harn Homestead", which adjoins the Douty homestead she has this to say:
"I only know a little about the homestead of grandfather Harn, John Harn. The house was built of logs when I first saw it, but now it is weatherboarded. At one time there was a large oak tree which stood at the gate, but that has been cut down. The rock that figured in my great grandmother's romance is real large and is the shape of a terrapin. There is no spring of any account, the man now owning the farm, Mr. Lewis Hood, having put up a wind pump."
Writing of her father's people Bessye says.
"Papa's mother was a Nusbaum, and of a rich family. His father was poor but he worked hard and when he died was real well off. All of the Keefers are, now, very well to do. Papa has several brothers living and are very well off also, owning several farms. Papa owned three large farms and two wood‑lots."
Bessye, being now the only child living, is heir to all of the property. Her father gave his children good advantages for education. Bessye undertook to prepare herself for a teacher but owing to the delicate state of her health her father advised cessation of study. She is a modest, black eyed, little maiden, quite handsome, and pus up a very natty letter.
WILLIAM DOUTY, was the youngest child of Otho Douty. He married a Miss Garver, and resided on a part of the Douty homestead until his death, which occurred soon after that of his father. He left two or three children.
DENNIS CLAY DOUTY, was the ninth son of Corrilla Harn Douty, born January 19, 1832. He is unmarried and lives on the Douty homestead with his brother James. These men had only the advantages of the common schools of the days but they were fine business men and kept themselves in touch with the current events of the day. They were staunch loyalists, every one of them, though their father at one time owned a valuable slave Josh, who found his freedom by way of underground railroad previous to the rebellion. The father and older boys were Whigs, but all became Republicans. Dennis was the most tender and devoted son to his mother in her old age, as also throughout her life. No [sickness] within his environment ever escaped his sympathetic ministrations, be the subjects white or black. In his youth he was engaged to a worthy young lady who died of consumption. For months her lover tenderly cared for her, taking almos the sole charge of nursing her. But when he was called upon to decide between right and wrong he was just as firm and unyeilding for the right as he was ten[der] and loving.
The West Falls M. E. church is located in sight and near the Douty residence. During the civil war the pastor, being in sympathy with the rebellion, refused to pass under the Union flag that the young loyal element of the vicinity had housted over the church door, mounting his horse and riding away. The boys counseled with Dennis as what was to be done "Keep the flag floating until the next service day and I'll be there to help to help", he said. The rebel minister again refused. The tall for[?] of this youngest Douty loomed out of the darkness through the crowds and said only, in a commanding voice, yet not ungently, "Walk in sir". The divine walked in, held a short service, rode away in the darkness and never again returned to hold services at that appointment.
End of line of Corilla, daughter of Caleb.
The second son and third child of Caleb Harn and Sally Davis Harn was born at Fairview farm now Carroll county, Md., June 3rd., 1794. He [left?] Maryland in his late twenties, with his uncles Greenbury and Johnzee and located at Charmichaeltown, Green county, Pa. Otis Harn, decendent of Johnzee Harn, said they settled in Pa. about 1800.
Thomas Harn married Priscilla [ ? ], who was born June 22nd. 1799, and died June 30th., 1849. In a letter dated Jan. 8th., 1872 to First Lieut. Thomas W. Harn, Thornton F. Harn, a son of Thomas S. Harn says his father visited Maryland about twenty‑six years after he left Maryland.
He raised, near Charmichaeltown, a family of seven children.
Was the eldest child, of Thomas S. Harn, and was born April 22nd., 1816. She married Petterson Lilly, a gun‑smith by trade and brought up a family of several children at Morganstown, W. Va. Mrs. Lilly is dead. Her husband is still living.
Was the second child and eldest son of Thomas S. Harn. He was born August 8th., 1818. Otis Harn says he died some years ago. (letter dated April 30th., 1900) in McClellantown, Pa., where his widow still lived. Their children were four girls and three boys. Three of the girls named Jennie, Emma and Elizabeth; the name of the other forgotten. William was lost in the war of the rebellion. Oliver lives at home in McClellandtown. Do not know the name of the other son.
The third child of Thomas S. Harn was born January 10th., 1821.
The fourth child of Thomas S. Harn was born August 29th., 1823, and died in Fayette county, Pa. (Otis Harn says in a letter dated April 30th., 1900) some years ago. It is not stated whether he married and left a family.
The fifth child of Thomas S. Harn, born in Merrittstown, Fayette county, Pa., on September 16th., 1826 and died at Scottsville, Mitchell county, Kans., August 22., 1878. He married Martha Anne Cumpston of near Carmichaels, Green county, November 8th., 1848. Rev. S.E. Eudson officiating. Martha Anne Cumpston was born on September 2nd., 1829, and died at Scottsville, Kans, Dec. 19th., 1899. In a letter to me dated Moravia, Ia, Jan. 8th., 1872, Thornton F, says he had been in Moravia seventeen years hence he move there in 1855 or 6. He was for fourteen years engaged in the Drygoods business, and at one time quite wealthy. He settled in Kansas in 1872. On his way there he visited his cousin Mrs. A.D. Williams, at Peru, Neb. He brought up a family of six children, mostly at Moravia. After leaving Ia. all knowledge of this family was lost, and it was over twenty‑five years that I had been search of them. Seeing the name of my nephew, Wm.F. Harn, in the Kansas City Star, Eden Davis Harn wrote to Wm. F. Harn asking who he was. Wm. F. referred him to me and through Eden D. I am enabled to give quite a full history of this line they having furnished me a copy of the family record.
The eldest child of Thornton Fleming Harn and Martha Anne Cumpson, his wife was born in Carmichaels, Green County, Pa., May 10th., 1850, and was married to Alice Crowch of Fairbury, Ill. on Dec. 25th., 187[?]. They have had five children, Fredie and Jessie dying at the age of 13; Carrie aged 25 and Everett aged 5 years are living (1901). George Wesley in 1901 lived at Coffeyville, Kans., as a manager of a produce house for the Armour Packing Co.
The second child of Thronton Flemming Harn, was born in Carmicheal, Green county, Pa., Nov. 26th., 1852. In a letter she says:
Moved with my parents to Moravia, Ia, in the fall of 1856, I was married to P. D. Pence March 10th., 1874, at Centreville, Ia. We have five children‑ four sons and one daughter all living: Allen E., Eva L, Bert D., Delphas J., and Rozell. I united with the C. B. Church when quite young. George Harn, Wayne county Ia. first cousin of mine, was in the civil war, Barney and Blaine Harn, sons of a first cousin of mine linved in Moravia (1901). Their father, John died died several years ago. He served in the civil war.
The sixth and youngest child of Thornton Flemming Harn (I) was born in Moravia, Ia., Nov. 2nd., 1865 and was named after Eden Davis, son of Hester Harn Davis, daughter of John Harn (I). He was married to Rebecca F. Worley and lived at Downs, Osborn county, Kans. They have no children. Of himself and three brothers he has this to say:
"Never swear, smoke, chew or drink ‑ are total abstainers. We have a fair education, faily well to do, all have good homes and well respected. The position I occupy, for a young man, speaks for itself as in this day and age, a young man must be strictly up to date to work for large paching houses. I have traveled from Chicago, Salt Lake, New Orleans, St. Louis, Memphis and in fact almost the entire west and south. While in Oklahoma called on W.F. Harn and knew at sight he was a Harn. My brother F.F. and W.F. look like twins. Those young men write me business like letters, well phrased, clear chirography and in fact give indications of a clean, well sounded young manhood."
The sixth child of Thomas S. Harn and Priscilla, his wife, was born May 14th., 1828. She lived unmarried and died May 22nd., 1851.
Was the youngest of Thomas S. Harn's seven children. He was born Oct. 14th., 18ee. Otis Harn, writing of the children of Thomas S. Harn, merely says, Hanson and Alfred went to Illinois, Eden D. Harn son of Thornton Flemming Harn (I) son of Thomas S. Harn remembers of seeing his Uncle Alfred in Moravia and says he is now dead. The information of Alfred Harn is very meager.
It seems, is the youngest child of Caleb Harn and Sallie Davis Harn. There is no writing extant of him, save that the diary of George U. Harn (I) states that he was a hale, robust young man, but died quite young. If memory is not at fault he died unmarried.
Was the eldest child of Caleb Harn and Charity Duval, born April 15th., 1802, and died June 7th., 1887. She is mentioned elsewhere in connection with her husband, Singleton W. Harn.
Was the youngest child of Caleb Harn and Charity Duval, born March 11th., 1805. He was married to Ruth Spurrier, daughter of Harriett and Joshua Spurrier of Montgomery county, Md., who was born Sept. 11th., 1811. She was the youngest sister of Cordelia Spurrier Long.
Ruth Spurrier Harn was one of the loverly women of the earth. Gentle of spirit, comely of presence, tender and loving, she commanded the respect and love of all she came in contact. The many years that I knew her I never heard an unkind or impatient word escape her lips in or out of her family. Though not receiving the worshipful veneration of her children as she did her sister‑in‑ law, Corrilla Harn Douty, she was most tenderly loved by them. She died in Dayton, Ohio, Dec. 10th., 1858. Her mother, Harriett Spurrier, was another lovely woman.
We have heard her recount with great pride how she‑ when but a chit of a girl ‑ climbed up on the front yard fence and waited for the coming of George Washington as he was to pass by on his way to Philadelphia or New York. Washington drew in the reins of his horse under the shade of the tree and asked fro a dronk of water which Harriett, light of foot, in a twinkling, brought him from a spring near at hand. Having returned the cup Washington bent over from the beast, drew the little to him and imprinted a fatherly kiss on her lips as a reward for her kind deed. One of the highways of travel from Washington to the east was through Montgomery and Frederick counties, Md., thence through southeastern Penna. to Philadelphia. It was on one of his many trips that Washington exchanged his benediction to youthful loveliness for a cup of cold water.
William Allen Harn was a builder by occupation. As to education, he had the common school advantages of the day. He had a natural ear for music and as a whistler he was a lively competetor of the fife, on which he was considered an expert. He married for his second wife Rebecca Parker Ute, Sept. 1869, in Dayton.
To William Allen Harn and Ruth Spurrier Harn were born nine [children] as follows:
Who was born Feb. 27th., 1830, in Frederick county, Md., was the eldest. He followed the occupation of his father, and enjoyed a good business education. He was married to Mary Hannah Fitch January 15th., 1858, in Frederick county, Md. Between the years of 55 and 60 he moved to Dayton, Ohio, where he met a sudden death Feb. 25[?]th., 1896. Not felling well, late, in the afternoon, he said to his youngest brother who was employed in the same room, that he would sit down until the whistle blew. When his brother approached his for the purpose of going home a half hour later, he found him leaning against a post dead. The corners decission [sic., coroner’s decision] was that his death was caused by heart failure.
Ida Rebecca the only child of James William Harn and Mary Hana Fitch Harn, was born October 26th., 1858, in Frederick county Md., and died in Dayton, Feb. 17th., 1877.
The second son of William Allen Harn, was born May 4th., 1833 in Frederick county, Md. He grew to manhood with many pleasing social and educational qualities and a most commanding presence, inheriting the most of his natural gifts from his mother. Of himself and family he writes:
"I am glad that I can say to you tht I am comfortably situated in life. I have a pleasant little home and a very nice family consisting of my wife and three children, a daughter and two sons. I was married to Mary Anne Reese of Montgomery county, Ohio, Sept. 15th., 1857. She was the daughter of Phillip and Mary Reese, who were born and married in Lancaster, Pa. Mrs. Reese' maiden name was Mary Yost, born October 28th., 1808. Phillip Reese died, aged about 52 years, April 25th., 1859. Mary Reese died May 26th., 1884, in Dayton, Ohio. Mrs. Harn was the seventh child of Phillip and Mary Reese, born October 20th., 1837, Montgomery county, Ohio.
My oldest child Anna Maria was born June 14th., 1858 in Montgomery county, Ohio. She was married to William Daniel Starkey, Oct. 12th., 1898. Mr. Starkey was born Oct. 24th. 1845 in Pike county, Ohio.
Frances Reese our second child was born May 13th., 1860, in Dayton. He was married to Mary Jane McMahon, Oct. 22nd., 1885, in Dayton, Ohio. She was born Nov. 22nd., 1860 in Montgomery county. William Grafton our eldest child was born Sept. 30th., 1886, in Dayton and died Oct. 25th., 1894. Russell Wesley our second child was born Oct. 28th., 1895 and Alice Mary our third in April 24th., 1899, both born in Dayton. Henry Phillip our third child was born August 18th., 1862 in Dayton. He was married to Frances Mary Anne Nue, April 18th., 1898, in Dayton. She was born Sept. 29[?]th., 1876 in Dayton. Paul Henry our youngest child was born August 14th., 1899. This is a record of our family up to date, March 17th., 1902.
As to religion, politics and temperance: Myself and family are members of the Baptist Church. We are all republicans, and advocates of temperance reforms. When I was a very small boy I was named Grafton to gratify a wish of my fathers that I should be named after our cousin Grafton Douty Who was about the same age and a particular friend of his. This naming had much to do wih my course in after life. When I was between ten and twelve years this cousin made a visit to Maryland. During this visit he remembered that he had never given me a namesake present, and he bought me a suit of clothes of which I was exceedingly proud. This little incident settled my desting so far as going west was concerned. After working in our Uncle Singleton Harn factory until I was about twenty, for a good living and good clothes, I went to work in another factory for a year. Prompted by a desire to visit my cousin then living in Columbus, Ohio, I left Mount Airy, April 2nd., 1855 arriving in Columbus two days thereafter. I remained here a little more that a year being employed a part of the time in the woolen manufacturing business and the balance as a guard in the Ohio Penetintiary. I concluded to go farther west and west as far as Indianapolis, Ind. Then by mere accident turned towards the east again landing at what was then called Southern Ohio Lunatic Asylum, now the Dayton State Hospital for the Insane. At this institution I spent about forty‑two years, being most of the time at the heard of the carpenter department which includes a great deal of work that does not belong to the carpenter trade but is a mixture of general repairing, manufacturing and of repairing locks, clocks etc. I had much to do with the supertending of the construction of the new departments and buildings that were placed there during these forty‑two years, which improvements were quite extensive. On my arrival August 15th. 1856, there were about 150 inmates; At the present time over 800. A good deal of the details of laying out the grounds and planting the trees has developed[?] upon me, the general plans having been furnished by a landscape gardener. I being continuosly there, and knowing the general plan as I did mide it easier for me to do the work than for the Officers who were frequently changing. The surroundings of the Hospital are very fine. I have been away from there for the last four years and have been employed in the city the greater part of the time."
The third son of William Allen Harn and Ruth Spurrier, like his brother Grafton inherited the pleasing comeliness and suavity of manners of their gentle mother. He was born Nov. 15th., 1835 in Frederick county, Md., and was married to Ranzwlla Neoola Fitch, Oct. 4th., 1865 in Dayton, Ohio. She was the daughter of Henry R. and Mary A. Fitch and was born May 15th. 1844 in Carmout, Ohio. Ira died in Cleveland, Ohio Oct. 27th., 1896. He was buried in Woopdland Cemetary, Dayton, Ohio. He died of complication of diseases contracted in the army. He was the only one of the family in the war of the rebellion, having enlisted in the 93 O. V. Co. A in August, 1862. He was mustered out with an honorable discharge at the close of the war. He served in the army of the Cumberland under Rosenorons. Was twice wounded, first at Murphysborough and again at the battle of Kenesas Mountain in Georgia. Both flesh wounds and though severe not necessarily dangerous. He leaves a widow and only one son, Orlando Clinton born March 25th., 1871 in Dayton, Ohio. He, Orlando is engaged in newspaper business in Cleveland, Ohio. An elder brother died at the age of three years.
The fourth son of William Allen Harn and Ruth Spurrier Harn was born in Frederick county, Md., May 16th., 1837. He was the only member of the family that did not emigrate to Ohio. On July 10th., 1862 he was married to Catherine Molesworth, who was born Feb. 24th., 1842 in Frederick county, Md. He now lives near Taylorville, Carroll county, Md. There were eight children born to them as follows in order of birth.
Emery Grant born Feb. 13th., 1864, now a trusted employee on the B. & O. R. R. and a fine promising young man. He as all the children was born in Carroll county, Md.
Arthur Sherman born August 21st., 1865 and died in Sept 1st., 1881.
Lillie Delana born May 30th., 1867. She was married to Samuel Washington Lowman, April 13th., 1887 in Carroll county, Md.
Verdie Ulallah was born December 11th., 1870. She was married to Charles Eugene Pickett, March 17th., 1889. They have three children, Roy Eugene born Nov. 15th., 1889, Lillie Irene born July 3rd., 1891 and Hilda Nescla born April 30th., 1893, all in Carroll county, Md. Dalton Ernen born Dec. 11th., 1870 and married to Clara Shelber, April 24th., 1894, Elsie Olivia born July 9th., 1873, married to William Landing Stern, Oct. 18th., 1891. They have one child, Catherine Irene, born Sept. 2nd., 1892, Delma Ruth born May 19th., 1876 and Clifford Milton born June 13th., 1880 and died Sept 8th., 1889 in Carroll county, Md.
The fifth son of William Allen Harn and Ruth Spurrier Harn was born Nov. 30th., 1840 in Frederick county, Md. He was married to Mary Frances Richardson, April 28th., 1867 in Louisville, Ky. She was the daughter of Willibz and Caroline Richardson and born Feb. 15th., 1842 in Tennessee. Grafton D. writes as follows:
"On June 9th., 1901 my brother John Thomas was called away. He was employed in the Dayton car works. While standing upon a pile of timber was thrown to the ground and so injured that in three days thereafter he died. He leaves a widow and four daughters. He was a resident of Buffalo county, Nebraska four or five years. He left Nebraska on account of the destruction to farmers by the grasshoppers in[festation].
Their children are as follows: Sarah Frances born in Lousiville, Ky. June 5th., 1868 and married to Lincoln Doinbush, June 5th, 1887, in Dayton, Ohio. They had three children, Chester Harrison born‑ May 1889, Charles William born Dec. 11th., 1890 and Olga Beatrice born March 3rd., 1892, all born in Dayton, Ohio and Cora Amenta born March 16th., 1873 in Buffalo county, Nebraska and died there in infancy”.
The sixth child of William Allen Harn and Ruth Spurrier Harn was born September 2nd., 1843 in Frederick county, Md. There is no record of his marriage or death, hence he must be living as the record of William Allen Harn Family is most complete and reliable.
The seventh son of William Allen Harn and Ruth Spurrier was born in Frederick county, Md. June 19th., 1847. He died in Dayton, Ohio December 30th., 1868.
The eight son of William Allen Harn and Ruth Spurrier Harn was born in Frederick county, Md., March 29th., 1857. He was married to Cora Ellen Rust June 29th., 1875 in Dayton, Ohio. Cora Ellen Rust was the daughter of Jonathan and Hanna Rust and was born July 10[?]th., 1855 in Dayton, Ohio. She died in Dayton January 22nd., 1901 of pneunomia of a few days duration. Their children are as follows: Alice Ruth (eldest) born Feb. 14th., 1878 and died June 26th., 1901, James William (second) born Feb. 23rd., 1880, Paul Mortimore (third) born Nov. 3rd., 1882 and Everett Milton (fourth) born June 11th., 1889 ‑ all born in Dayton, Ohio.
The ninth and youngest son of William Allen Harn and Ruth Spurrier was born in Frederick county, Md. July 1st., 1853. He was married to America Olivia Hackett, Sept. ‑ 1876 in Dayton, Ohio. But one child, Ida was born to them. She was married to George Perkins in Muncie, Ind. Milton Hamilton died in Dayton, Ohio June 1st., 1884.
This closes the line of Caleb Harn's children and their posterity up to date, 1902.
The second son of Denton Harn, was born near West Falls, Maryland, 1805. Of his emigration to Ohio, and finally to Indiana, his daughter, Letha Anne Harn Robertson, thus writes Feb 6, 1895.
"My father, Elisha Lemuel Harn left Hagerstown, Md., in May 1833 and came to Sidney, Ohio. He was a miller by trade. We left Sidney, April 1844, for Elkhart, Ind. Uncle William Harn came to Ohio in the fall after we came in the spring, but went back soon. Grandfather and Uncle Arbuckle, Aunt Letha Harn's husband, came to Ohio two years after we did. He brought four girls: Aunts Amelia, Rachel, Belle, and Louise.
My mother's maiden name was Keziah Griswell. My father died October 10, 1869, aged 64 years. My mother died April 19, 1887, in Elkhart, aged 81 years and 7 months. She lived alone seventeen years. There were seven children born to my parents, five boys and two girls."
The eldest child of Elisha Lemuel Harn and Keziah Griswell Harn, was born at Hagerstown, Md., 1823. She married Robert Newell, and died in Lacon Ill., June 15, 1891. She left three sons, William, Frank and Schuyler. William is a miller, and lives at Shackopee, Minnesota. His father makes his home with him. One of his sons lives in Chicago and the other in Wyoming. Our knowledge of this family is meagre.
The second child of Elisha Emanuel Harn and Keziah, his wife, was born at Hagerstown, Md., Feb. 19, 1828. She writes:
"My business was that of millinery, and when forty years old I became the second wife of James Robertson. We lived together twenty five years at South Bend, Indiana, until his death, August 1, 1893, when I purchased a few feet of ground in Elkhart and built me a cottage, in a very fine location, and live alone. My husband was seventy three years old when he died. His father died at the age of 94."
Mrs. Robertson has no children. Her husband had three by his first wife.
My brother's diary records two visits he made to Elisha L. Harn, one in company with Rev. Jone Winebrenner, June 28, 1850, in which he speaks of the strong resemblance between Elisha and William Allen Harn, a cousin of Elisha, and of his worldly posterity. The second visit was made with his wife and eldest son George U. Junior, April 16, 1855, on their way wtih ho[rse] and buggy to look after land they had purchased in Hardin county, Iowa. Elisha Harn was not at home but my brother speaks of the pleasing cordiallity extended to them by Mrs. Harn, the daughter Lethe Anne and the youngest son, Edward, being all of the family at home.
After the death of Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Robertson was somewhat of a traveler, having visited the distant relatives in Maryland where she met a most respectful and cordial reception, the relatives in Dayton, Ohio, and her immediate relatives in Minnesota, Washington state and Portland, Oregon, returning through California by way of the Santa Fe route.
The third child and eldest son of Elisha L. Harn and Keziah Griswell, his wife, was born at Hagerstown, Md., 1830.
His son William C. Harn of Portland, Oregon, writes as follows:
"My father, William Singleton Harn, died at Hood River, Oregan, October 20, 1895. He came to Oregan, by way of New York and the Isthmus of Pannama [in] 1852. He married Juliette Reed in 1859. She was the daughter of Calvin Reed of Fulton county, Ill., near Canton, who crossed the plains to Oregan [in] 185[6?]. They were married in Portland, Oregan. My father was a contractor and builder, and lived always after 1852 in Washington and Oregan. In 1855 he joined a company of volunteers to to the Cascade on account of the Indian outbreak there.
The children of our family are seven in number. Florence, Jan. 10th., 1860, died Jan. 29th., 1872. Edward, March 2nd., 1862, Lloyd Robert, Nov. 24th., 1864. He married Agnes Jefferies in Oakland, Calif. His children are Lloyd and Agnes Julia. He lives in California. Fred and Frank (twins) born May 15th., 1867. Frank died in March 1868, Fred married Minnie Swartz of Detroit, Michigan and lives at Eagle Grove, Iowa. William Calvin was born October 15th., 1873. Emma born August 2nd., 1880. She together with myself and mother, live at #561 Williams Ave., Portland, Oregan."
Judging from the handwritting and the general makeup of his letter I think this member of the family is a well educated man. He does not mention his vication.
The fourth child of Elisha Lemuel Harn and his wife Keziah, was born December 30th., 1830. His gifted daugter, from whom I have had many delightful letters, and who has for a number of years occupied a position as teacher in the Logan Schools, Eighteen Ave., N. and Emerson, Minneapolis, writes:
"My mother, nee, Rachel Rupel, was born May 1st., 1836, Elkhart county, Ind. She and my father were married Oct. 22nd., 1856, at Niles, Michigan. Eight children have been born to them. Their record in order of birth are as follows: Oscar Cacil Harn born Sept. 17th., 1858, at St. Anthony, Minn., now East Minneapolis. He is a farmer near Faribault, Minn. Herbert Eldan, was born March 17th., 1860 at St. Anthony, Minn., he was married to Alice Sackett, of Janesville, Minn. Hugh Aubry, their son was born at Winona, Minn, Feb. 14th., 1891. They live at Winona. He is a railroad man. Rolla Dustan was born May 4th., 1862 at St. Anthony, Minn. and died Sept. 19th., 1862. Jesse Gertrude was born Nov. 20th., 1863 at St. Anthony, Minn. She was married in the fall of 1900 to Mr. Herbert D. Streeter and lives near Faribault, Minn. MARY CATHERINE was born Feb. 29th., 1866 at St. Anthony, Minn. She is a telegraph operator and holds a position in the presidents office, [Mtd.?] R. R., Denver, Colo. ANNA KEZIAH was born July 30th., 1868 at Faribault, Minn. She was a seamstress at Cripple Creek, Colo., and on August 30th., 1899 she was married to Mr. John Calhound Sells of that place, formerly from Virginia. MARGARITTA HELEN was born Oct 7th. 1870 at Fairbank, Minn [should be Faribault, Minnesota].
The youngest son of Elisha Lemuel Harn and Keziah Harn, lost his life in the civil war. His remains lie in the soilder's cemetry at Grafton, W.Va.
NOTE‑ This closes the line of Elisha Lemuel Harn, son of Denton.
The dates of birth etc. of the third child and eldest daughter of Denton Harn I have been unable to trace. According to Mrs. Robertson, of Elkhart, she was married to Robert C. Arbuckle before leaving Maryland. They left an enormous family, eleven children being born to them, according to the record given to me by Mrs. Arbuckles's neice, Henrietta Hollingsworth, March 6th., 1895:
"William, the second child, Robert, the fourth, and Louisa the sixth previous to this date. William died unmarried. Robert married Blanche McGee. Their one child died in infancy.
The eldest child, Jane, married Nelson Lenox, and they have four children. Wallace was unmarried, Ledocia, Letha and John ‑the three all married.
Emma, the third child, married Samuel Russel, now dead. Their two living children, Raliegh and Letha, are married.
Cleget, the fifth child is unmarried.
Anne, the seventh child, married James Fletcher. Evan, their first child, and Webster the third are single. Alice the second child married Mr. E. Savage.
Elisha H. the eight child, married Jennie Cummings. Their oldest, Jennie, is dead. The other four are Joseph, Thomas, Samuel and Ward.
Mary, the ninth child, for her first husband, married Harry Hopkin[s]. Bertha, their daughter, married Dr. Allen. They have our two children. The second husband is Henry Leamon.
Zerua, the tenth child, married Albertus B. Bowen. Their child[ren] are Sidney and Roy.
Clara J., the youngest married Samuel W. Maxwell. Their living child, Benjamin, is married."
A letter from Wm. T. D. Harn in the winter of 1884 speaks of his immediate family as follows:
"My father, Levi Orendorf Harn, was the fourth issue of Denton Harn and Miss Pickett, and was born in Carroll county, Md., April 27th., 1809. He married Zerue Anne Duval, daughter of Samuel Duval and Mamie Allison of Baltimore. My father received a liberal education. His vocation was that of printer, but in later years stage proprietor. He died at Hagerstown, [Md.,] May 11th (year not given) of bronchitus."
There were six children born to L. O. Harn and Zerue his wife as follows.
The eldest son, was born at Hagerstown, July 31st., 1836. After the death of their father the four living children, sons, with their mother, m[oved] to Texas. Allen D. Harn residence is at San Antonia. His vocation is that of a practicing physician. To him and his wife (name not known) were born seven children. His eldest son:
CARRIP HARN, is conductor on the H. & T. C. Railroad from Dennison to Huston, and lives in Huston. He is married and has several children.
ALLEN D. JR., is a telegraph operator. He lives at Rose Hill and is agent of the Aransas Pass. He is married but has no children.
ESTELLE, the eldest sister, married a Mr. Funk, a banker, and lives in Monterey, Mexico. Her two younger sisters and youngest brother, who is quite young, live with her.
ZERUE ANNE DUVAL HARN, died at hers sons Dr. Allen D. Harns, San Antonia, January, 1895. His wife died just a year after. and the Dr. followed Oct. 1st., 1901. They are all buried in the cemetery at Austin, Tex.
The second son of Levi O. Harn was born at Hagerstown, Md., May 7th., 1838. He was married to Mary Agnes Duer at Rose Hill, Harris county, Texas, July 11th., 1860. He received a classical education at the St. James College, (Md.) and Kenyon College, (Ohio) from 1848 to 1856, educated for the law, but abandoned its study and traveled over the world for several years, visiting Europe, Asia, Africa, South and North America, the Islands of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans and the Chinese seas. Went to Texas in 1859, joined the forces of the Confederate States Oct. 5., 1861 as First Lieut. of Calvary, receiving the command of his troops by promot[ion] during the Louisanna campaign; served in the field nearly four years, mustered out May 25th., 1864. Followed all kinds of employments since the war which financially ruined him. Choice of vocation is that of farmer. At writing Jan. 18th., 1899, bookkeeper and cashier.
Capt. HARN was living in Waco, Texas when visited by the publisher of this volume in 1893.
CAPT. HARN, and his wife, Mary Agnes Duer Harn, were the parents of seven children, four of whom having died in infancy. TYLER DUVAL HARN, the second issue, was born at Rose Hill, Texas, Dec. 2nd., 1863. This son lost his life on the H. & T. C. Railroad. It is thought accidently shooting himself in the express car, he being the express agent on that line. Living a week after shot at Alun he died Dec. 30th., 1873. She holds a position as clerk in a dry goods house, Waco, Texas.
BERTIE, the sixth child was born Feb. 22nd., 1876. She holds a fine position as long distance operator in the telephone office in Waco Texas.
To Miss Hattie I am indebted for much information in regard her line of the family. Without exception she was the most prompt of my many correspondents and it speaks well high business qualities.
The third son of Live O. Harn and his wife Zerue was born in Hagerstown, Md. 1841. He was married to Sarah E. Mills at Standardsville, Va. March 15th., 1865. Miss Mills was the daughter of Hon. William R. Mills and Elizabeth Vuaghn, of Nottoway and Albercare counties, as also the sister of Roger Q. Mills, Ex. U.S. Senator from Texas. The parents of Mrs. Harn died at
Standardville, Green county, Va.
Col. Harn was educated in Maryland, served as a sailor some three years previous to the civil war. He fought through this war during the year of '60, '61, '62 and '63 under Gen. Stuart, being Staff Officer, and scout in perilous and eventful occasions. He was taken prisoner and exchanged about the close of the war, and accepted peace with those of his superior officers. Returned to Texas and served in the constitutional convention of that state for four years. After the forming of the constitution he was reelected to the Legislature for the county of Grime for three successive terms. Col. Harn died at Navasota, Grimes county of congestion of the brain after prostration from typhoid fever Oct. 17th., 1876. Two children survive him.
CARROLL DUVAL HARN, born at Pittsville, Fortbend county, Texas December 21st., 1865. He is proprietor of the LaFayette Hotel, Standardsville, Va., as also merchant at that place. He was married to Mary Whorton Cole, March 15th., 1894. To them were born four children, viz: Zerue Duval Harn, Dec. 31st., 1894, Carroll Duval Harn, October 14th., 1896, Mary Wharton Harn. July 18th., 1898 and Sarah Jane Harn Sept., 15th, 1901.
His mother, Mrs. Sarah E. Mills Harn, died in Standardsville, April 1st, 1901.
ELIZABETH M. HARN, the second child of Carroll P.D. Harn was born at Gordonsville, Orange county, Va., Nov. 20th, 1867. She was educated at Austin, Texas. At sixteen years of age she was married to James W. Daughtery. To them were born two children ‑ Lillian ages seventeen years and Sarah E. aged twelve, at date of letter January 21st., 1902. For her second husband, she married A.R. Morris. They are living at Shawnee, Okla. and have one child, Algie Ethel. (Living in 1920 at Earlsboro, Okla., where Mr. Morris is postmaster. Algie Ethel has been married and is a school teacher. ‑ G.U.H.)
The fourth and youngest son of Levi O. Harn and Zerue Duval Harn, was born at Hagerstown, Md. 1843. He emigrated to Texas with his mother and brothers. The history of this member of the family is exceedingly maegre. He left Texas among the 1872 and nothing has been heard of him since.
Mrs. Emma Harn White, of Chambersburg, Pa. contributes the following as to her fathers family:
“Father the fifth child of Denton Harn, was born at Liberty, Frederick county, Md., December 17th., 1811, and mother at St. Thomas, Franklin county, Pa. Afterwards her family moved to Chambersburg and she was raised there. She married my father in Chambersburg, June 12th., 18[?]4. They moved to Carlisle in 1845, where he was engaged in the coal and lumber business. I was born there June 21st., 1847. I am the only one of the family living, except an adopted daugher, who still resides at Carlisle. Mother died at Carlisle, June 29th., 1878, and father June 9th., 1881. My mothers maiden name was Martha Grove. I was married January 4th., 1887 to Mr. Andrew J. White. I have two children, OLIVE born Jan. 16th., 1888 and GERALD H. born Feb. 2nd., 1889. I was not a resident of Chambersburg when the town was destroyed by the rebels. It was burned by McCausland at the command of Early. Mr. White was burned out ‑ lost everything but the clothes on their backs. That occured July 30th., 1864. I lived in Carlisle when the town was shelled by Fitz ‑ Hugh Lee, July 1st., 1863. I was a school girl at the time. In fording the Santa Fee river in Texas he lost his sight. Being over heated it went to his eyes. The loss of sight was not by powder explosion as reported.”
There are no dates given as to the birth or death of Mrs. Howard, save that she died at the early age of twenty‑five, and that she was the sixth child of Denton Harn. Two children ROBERT ARBUCKLE and RANDOLPH were born to her. The latter died in infancy. Robert after enlisting in the Union Army was never heard of.
Henrietta Hollingsworth, daughter of the above, writes me as follows, March 6th. 1895:
“The old family bible has been destroyed. My mother is 78 years old this mon[th] and is quiete hearty and strong for her age. She was born at the Factory, Maryland (near Unionville) March 22nd., 1817. She married John E. Hollingsworth at Sidney, Ohio, Jan. 17th. 1839. They had six children, of whom I am the oldest. I was born Jan. 1st., 1840. My vocation is that of bookkeeper in the Natural Gas office.
JOSEPHUS was born Nov. 10th., 1841. He died in the army Sept. 2nd., 1863, at Paris, Ky.
WILLIAM W. born August 3rd., 1843, died Dec. 16th., 1859.
JOHN E. born May 2[1?]th., 1849 died Oct. 8th, 1870.
ISABELLA P. was born June 28th., 1847, married D.W. Jay of West Milton, Ohio May 16th., 1870. They have three living children, Charles E. aged 20, Kittie M., 15, and Clarence H., 8 years old.
THOMAS ELWOOD, my youngest brother, was born Dec., 7th., 1854. He married Elanora Coney of St. Marys, Feb., 14th., 1876. To them were born five children, Hattie Bell, aged 18 in Jan., Nora May, 13 last Sept., Florence 5 last June, Edward Clinton 15, next May and Thomas Elwood will be three in May.”
These were given me March 6th., 1895. Mrs. Robertson writes that "Hennrietta Hollingsworth is a lovely girl ‑ a maiden lady".
Is the eighth issue of Denton Harn and his wife, Nee Miss Pickett. From the semi weekly Courant of Delphus, Ohio we take, in part, her orbitury [sic].
The youngest and ninth child of Denton Harn and his wife, was born at Sidney, Ohio, Dec., 1st., 1829. She and her sister, Mrs. Hollingsworth are living (1902) at St. Marys Ohio. May 22nd., 1853 she was married to Dr. W.G. Kishler. They have three children, two sons and a daughter. George Willis, the eldest, was born in 1854 and has been married twice. His first wife was Miss Lillian Fitch. They had two children, Maud aged 15 and Claude aged 13. Their mother died of consumption. His second wife was Miss Emma Althausen. They have one child living, eighteen months old. Harry B., the second son, has never been married. He is thirty‑eight years old. BLANCHE M., was married to Micheal Donnelly. They have one daughter 2 1/2 years old.
For the genealogy of the Harns's living at St. Marys, Delphias and Sidney, we are indebted to Miss Henrietta Hollingsworth and Margaret Lyttle, two highly educated ladies, judging from the letters I received from them in the year of 1895.
(This closes the line of Denton Harn, second son of John Harn I).
The youngest son of John Harn (I) was born near West Falls, Carroll county, Md. There is no record extant as to the date of his birth. My brother's diary states that he was the youngest son, but whether he was the youngest of the family is not recorded. He emigrated to Pennsylvania about 1800 with his brother, Greenbury Harn, and his nephew Thomas S. Harn. He married Elizabeth Overturf. They had three daughters and one son, all of whom are dead. The son (name not given) died in 1870, Dorcas in 1873, Juliette in 1888, and Harriett 1892. Their father died in 1860 and their mother in 1868.
Johnzee Harn was Justice of the Peace for many years by appointment from Gov.John Westly, a school teacher for some years, went into the mercantile business in Greensboro, Green county, Pa. Johnzee and his two sisters, Ary Harn and Ellen Harn Crawford, died in Luzerne township, Fayette county, Pa. The diary of my brother makes a mention at several visits to his grand uncle, Johnzee, in 1846.
On one of these visits they conferred together as to taking steps towards looking after some landed property belonging to the family near Clarksburg, Harrison county, W. Va.
The grandson of Johnzee, Otis, the only living member of the family, writes me that there were seven hundred acres in one tract of this land and five hundred in another. Johnzee Harn put the papers in the hands of Thomas Porter, attorney, but the lawyer and Johnzee both died before anything was done in regard to it. For many years my father held a note for five hundred dollars that went into the purchase of the land. It is not a paying not, as he lived to know.
To this grandson and to my brothers diary I am indebted or all the information I have of this line of the Harn family.
Son of John Harn (I), emigrated to western Pennsylvania about 18[??.] We were for many years trying to find some one who would give us information of this line of the Harn family. Having directed a letter to the address of Greenbury Harn, or anyone of his heirs, brought a letter from Robert Levi Harn, of Landing, Pa., a great grandson of Greebury Harn. He referred me to Mary A. Ridge, of Heisterburg, Fayettee county, Pa.., who promptly replied, forwarding a copy of the family record of her grandfather, Perry G. Harn, son of Greenbury Harn. William Harn, the eldest issue of Singleton Harn of Unionville, Maryland, writes me that Larkin Harn was the son of Greenbury Harn. He, Larkin, who never married, and Perry Harn are the only children of Greenbury Harn of whom I have any knowledge.
Of Fayette county, Pa., son of Greenbury, was united in marriage to Eva Strohm, March 16th., 1818. She died May 16th., 1868. There were born to them ten children, seven sons and three daughters, Viz:
The eldest child of Perry G. Harn and his wife Eva Strohm, was born March 12th., 1819, and died February 20th., 1869. Mr. Ridge writes: "I cannot tell you anything about David and William, the sons of Perry G. Harn, except that they were married and went West to live."
The second issue of Perry G. Harn and Eva Strohm, was born July 29th., 1820. She married Mr. Lee and their children are as follows: Elizabeth Ann, Jacob, Rhodam John, Newton and Bowen. All married and had families except Newton, and all of them are now dead except Bowen and Sarah. The parents are also dead.
The third issue of Perry G. Harn and Eva Strohm, was born April 7th., 1822. He married Elizabeth King, and died September 11th., 1876. Five children were born to them, two daughters and three sons:
MARY ANNE, the eldest child of John Harn and Elizabeth, was born July 9th., 1852. She was married to Frank Ridge, February 15th., 1883. They have no children. Mrs. Ridge, when her note was written July 3rd., 1901, lived at Heistersbirg, Pa. Judging from her letter she is a highly cultured lady, and to her this volume is indebted to about all of her line of the family. Other members haven been written but no answeres received.
RHODA B. HARN, the second child of John and Elizabeth King, was born November 29th., 1854. She was married to Levi H. Kelley, Dec. ‑ 1880. Their children are Emmor Hamilton, aged 19, and Mary Elizabeth, 5 years.
JOHN MORGAN HARN, the third child of John Harn and Elizabeth King, was born April 18th., 1858. Married Hettie Porter, October ‑ 1887. Their children are Sarah Blanche fourteen, Mary Elizabeth, twelve, John Williams nine, Helen Levinia, five, and Betha Margaret, two years of age.
WILLIAM HENRY HARN, the fourth child of John and Elizabeth Harn, was born April 14th., 1860. He was married to Sarah Porter in 1888. They have no issue.
ROBERT HAMILTON HARN, the youngest child of John and Elizabeth Harn, was born May 4th., 1863 and died December 3rd., 1874.
The fourth issue of Perry G. Harn and his wife Eva Strohm, was born March 19th., 1824 and died September 23rd., 1828. It seems the seventh child was also named William. The above William having died when about four years old. The seventh child was named to perpetuate the name of the one that died. This is customery with not a few people.
The second daughter and fifth child of Perry G. Harn and Eva Strohm, was born October 27th., 1826. She was married to Mr. John Miller, December 19th., 1844. Sarah Elizabeth, Richard, John Thomas, Harriet Virginia, Phebe Jane and Alice are the names of their children. They are all living except Sarah Elizabeth, and all married except Phebe Jane and Alice. The married ones all have families.
The sixth issue of Perry G. Harn and Eva Strohm, was born April 30th., 1829 and died December 27th., 1868. He married Lydia Crawford, and to them were born four children: Mary Eve, Henry, Adin and Peninah. The last three named are married and have families. Mary Eve died during the summer of 1883.
The seventh son of Perry G. Harn and Eva Strohm, was born October 31st., 1831 and died June 1863. Nothing is learned of this son, save the dates of his birth and death.
The eight child of Perry G. Harn and Eva Strohm, was born January 2nd., 1834. He was married to Perninah Crawford, December 21st., 1854. She died Nov. 26, 1897, of cancer.
As to religion, this family are of the Cumberland faith; democratic in politics; a common school education.
ELIZABETH JANE HARN, the only daughter, was born May 23rd, 1856[?]; and died March 4, 1889. By profession she was a teacher, having taught in Brownsville, Pa., a number of years. She was in the Bethel Institute N.Y. preparing for missionary work when she took sick and died of consumption.
JOHN LARKIN HARN, was born January 13, 1859. He was married to Maggie E. Duvall March 30, 1886. By trade he is a butcher, and lives in Fairmont, W. Va. It is said that he is quiet, upright, industrious citizen. They have five children: Chloe Dell born January 4, 1887; Arlet Austin, January 7, 1889; Glen Duval, November 17, 1891; Hazel Gertrude, October 5, 1893; Carl Lester born June 17, 1899 and died April 30, 1901.
ROBERT LEVI HARN, was born February 15, 1865. He married Lenora Watson September 4, 1894. By profession he is a farmer, living at Rice Landing, Greene county, Pa. They have but one child, Emma Elizabeth Harn, born July 28, 1895.
The ninth issue of Perry G. Harn and Eva Harn, was born May 15, 1837, and died in her infancy.
The tenth and youngest child of Perry G. Harn and Eva Strohm, was born September 21, 1838. He married Adney Hackney. Their children were: Jane, John, Elizabeth Ellen, Riley, Roland, Fannie and Edward. The four girls are married and have small families. John and Roland are dead.
"All of these descendants of Perry G. Harn", says Mrs. Rice, "that I have told you about live in Fayette county, Pa., except Uncle Adin, who lives in or near Rice's Landing, Greene county, Pa."
End of the Greenbury line of Harns.
The date of birth of Hester Harn, daughter of John Harn (I) and Dorcas Davis, is unknown. As given by her son Eden H. Davis, her marriage to his father, John Davis, took place somewhere between 1792 and 1794, in Maryland. She probably is one of the older members of the family, as she married before she left Maryland. With her husband, her husband's father, and her brother Elijah Harn, she emigrated to Kentucky in the fall of 1793, and located in or near Flemingburg, Fleming county, of that state. In the year 1828 Mr. Davis and his wife Hester emigrated to Indiana and located at Shelbyville. Hester Harn Davis died October 11, 1831, and her husband John Davis, August 7, 1837.
In a letter from Mr. Bruce Johnson, dated April 26, 1899, who was brother to the first and second wife of Eden H. Davis, says there were five children born to John and Hester Davis. Eden H. Davis, a son of John and Hester Davis, in a letter dated March 7, 1879[?] says:
"Of my father's family there are still four alive out of ten‑ myself, two sisters and my only brother."
It is presumed that this discrepancy is owing to infantile or early deaths.
As Eden H. Davis gives no names, and few dates, concerning his father's family, I make a record of the information obtained from Mr. Bruce Johnson. He says:
"They had five children, three girls and two boys.".
Married a man by the name of Foxworthy. They had no heirs. In a letter from Mr. James Foxworthy, a son by the first wife of Dorcas Davis' Husband, writes as follows:
"Miss Dorcas Davis and my father were married in Fleming county, Kentucy in the fall of 1830, October 23, I think as well as my memory serves me, I being twelve years of age. Miss Davis was my father's second wife. I came to Indiana in the year 1849. I do not know the da[te] of her death. She was the mother of five children: Anne, Emily, Clarisa,Hiram and John. He was the youngest. All are dead but Emily and Clarisa. They live in Mason county, Kentucky.
EMILY FOXSWORTHY, was married to John Higgins and moved to Missouri, where Mr. Higgins died of small‑pox. Mrs. Higgins came back to Kentucky and then was married to Mr. Reece Davis, her present husband."
In a letter from Mrs. Reece Davis, dated Mt. Carmel, Kentucky, Sept. 7, 1901, she says:
"My mother died January 7, 1871, and my father, 1875."She also adds concerning her relatives, Elijah Harn's family, "There were three families of that name living in this county some ten or more years ago. What the relationship was I never knew. The men are all dead and their families scattered."
CLARISA FOXWORTHY, married one Mr. Calvert, says Mr. James Foxworthy. He is dead. She has one daughter living. Mother and daughter are living in Kentucky.
In a letter dated August 27th., 1906, Knightstown, Ind., says of himself and his ancestors:
"I am now past 84 years old, born in the year 1817 in Fleming county, Ky. My father was born in Virginia in the year 1798. He was the son of William Foxworth. My mother was born in Maryland. Her maiden name is Mary Anne Calvert, a daughter of Anne Wood Calvert. My grandmother Calvert's name was Anne Wood Hemston. My great grandfather, Landon Calvert, was a relative of Lord Baltimore of Maryland. I am the only one of my fat[hers] children living. There were seven of them."
Mr. Foxworthy, for a man of his years, indites a most readable letter. There are no signs of declining mental vigor and his firm, steady chirography is in keeping with his clearness of expression. His letter gives evidence of more than ordinary natural abilities.
Was a daughter of Hester Harn Davis and her husband John Davis. She was married to William Meredith. There were born to them four sons.
DR. JAMES MEREDITH, is a dentist and lives at Frankford, this state.
FLETCHER MEREDITH, studied law and was admitted to the bar. He was elected Mayor of the city of Shelbyville, Ind., and after serving a term he emigrated to Hutchinson, Kans., where he is now publishing a newspaper. In politics he is a Republican.
Of the other two sons, GEORGE and ALBERT, we have failed to procure any information.
Son of Hester Harn Davis and John Davis, died in 1894, he and his wife having died with two or three days of each other. They left four sons.
LEWIS DAVIS is a silversmith, LUCIUS DAVIS, is a carpenter, both living in Indianapolis, Ind.,
JULIUS DAVIS, lives in Shelbyville, and works at whatever comes handy.
W. R. DAVIS is a conductor on a passenger train running from Indianapolis to Cincinnati, and resides in Indianapolis.
Names of this family was given without dates of birth, hence the order of their birth is not known.
Son of Hester Harn Davis and John Davis, was born in Kentucky, June 19th., 1810. According to Mrs. John R. Young, his youngest daughter of Shelbyville, Ind., living Nov. 1st., 1902, he learned the Cabinet‑makers trade at Flemingburg, Ky. He afterwards moved to Maysville, that state, and thence to Morristown, Ind., about the year 1832 or 1833. He married Ebenilla Johnson, March 26th., 1835, who died March, 1852. Mr. David [sic] died May 30th., 1878. To them were born three children:
AZOLINE DAVIS, married a Mr. Smithers. Of the three children born to them, are nor living, Hattie and Charles F., both at Shelbyville.
JOHN DAVIS, son of Eden H. Davis and Azoline Johnson, was killed on a railroad.
Is the only surviving child of Eden H. Davis and Ebenilla Johnson. She married Mr. John A. Young, according to the letter head of his letter, cashier of the First National Bank,
Shelbyville, Ind.
Aside from the letter of Eden H. Davis to my brother, Thomas Wesley Harn, I am indebted to Mr. Young for the genealogy of this [line] of the Harn family. He could give me but little direct information, but the clues he gave me whereby results were obtained were most valuable helps. The cordiality and promptness with which he answered all inquiries was most refreshing and pleasing.
Three children were born to Hester Anne Davis and John A. Young, two girls and one boy: MARY YOUNG married a Mr. Tindale. Eden H. D. Young married a Miss Hatch, and Elizabeth Young is still single, living at home.
Daughter of Hester Harn and John Davis, married Mr. Owen Davis. To them was born but one child, a daughter, who married a man by the name of Harper. To Mr. Harper and his wife was born a son, who resides in Shelbyville. By possession [sic] he is a school teacher; Quite a bright young man. His parents are both dead.
Mr. Bruce Johnson has this to say of his brother‑in‑law:
"Now few words in regard to Eden H. Davis. He came here from Kentucky. He taught one or two terms of school, and then for a whild followed the cabinet and carpenter trade. He was elected justice of the peace, and while serving as Justice, read law, and by the time his office expired he was able to pass examination, and was admitted to the bar. He was a man of great memory. He soon became the foremost attorney of the bar. He was never known to write down the evidence of a witness, but would repeat it word for word. He was esyeamed [sic] very highly by the bar. They once presented him with a fine gold head can. In politics he was a Republican and was at one time spoken of as a candidate for Governor of the State. In religion he was a Universalist."
When the above letter was written, April 25th., 1899, Mr. Johnson was in his eighty‑fifth year and though suffering with rheumatism, indited me a most cordial and prompt answer to my many inquiries.
(End of the line of Hester Harn Davis, sister of Caleb Harn and daughter of John Harn (I), also end of prosterity of John Harn (I).)
So far the search for government or state records pertaining the Revolutionary war and the war of 1812 in reference to any member of the Harn family has proved unavailing. Because of the unorganized state of affairs both in state and government, it is not strange that both state and government records were loosely kept. The records if any have perished in the burning of the state buildings by the British. The only written record from any source whatever that is in our command is found in a letter to his wife, written by George U. Harn, at the commencement of the civil war. The letter is dated Columbus, Ohio April 25th., 1861 and is the first letter written to his wife after his enlisting and while stationed in the supreme court room in the State House of Ohio. The paragraph pertinent to the family part in the revolution reads as follows;
"And now, you will ask, how I feel. Well, I am calm, deliberate and determined. I regret the necessity for my step, but not the step itself I am in the line of duty and hope you will be
resigned to the Providence which rules us. I never loved you better than now, and never felt more tender towards those two noble little boys. You have a most solemn charge and will no doubt pray for God's grace to help you, under al [sic] these trials. I feel determined to be no worse man, but still better than heretofore. If it shall be my fate to fall, and I solemnly believe I die in a good and holy cause and shall endeavor never to forsake the glorious flag of my country; that blessed symbol of the glorious principle of freedom, under which my great grandfather Harn was wounded in the battle of the Revolution."
There is no doubt about the truthfulness of this last assertion, as I remember the frequent discussions between the grandfather and the grandson in regard to the service of the great grandfather in the war of the Revolution. We have been unable to find any record either in state or government of the service of John Harn (II) in the war of 1812. What his children know of it comes from his own lips. His uniform blue coat, black glazed cap with flowing black plume with red tip his long curved sword, belt and silken red sash was for many years carefully stowed away in a large chest in the garret. When he joined the division of Sons of Temperance at Unionville, he proudly lent the sword to that organization. When acting as administrator of the estate of Thos. Wesley Harn we made search for the sword but it could not be found. One answering to the description was burned by the burning of the house of Hamilton Lindsay, a member of the order. I cannot recall to mind what became of the coat and cap. The silken sash was made over into hair nets and worn to school by the girls of the family. However strong the desire of the children to see the father arrayed in his military suit, and however strong their pleadings, they never could prevail on him to don the suit. It was the same with his son Thomas Wesley. During active service in the Civil War he proudly wore his uniform, but when the war was over no inducement was strong enough to cause him ever to resume his regimental.
Henry Dussard, long the depot master at Mount Airy on the B.&O., was captain of the company in which John Harn served as first lieut. Whether he enlisted as a militiaman, a volunteer, or a regular we do not know. As most of the army was militiaman in those days we surmise he belonged to a company of malitia [sic]. Our recollection is that company formed part of a Pennsylvania body and on a forced march through Maryland to meet the enemy threatening Washington. They got only within hearing distance before the battle of Bladensburg was over, when they went into camp at Elkridge Landing. How he went into the army and where, and how he came out we have no knowledge. He was then about twenty‑five years old. Five years after he married.
In a letter to his wife George U. Harn I, having heard of the enlistment of his two cousins, John and Luther Harn, in the company of his brother Thomas W. Harn, made note that there are now five of the name in army and adds "Good blood, wife".
In our genealogical researches we have discovered the name Harn of the direct line sixteen times, who served in the Union Army. Besides these sixteen there are three not bearing the name of Harn but are in the Genealogical line.
In the Confederate army there appears the name of two Harn's, making in all twenty‑one persons in the direct line who served in the civil war, so far as we have made any discovery. The names etc. of these sold[ers] are as follows:
CAPTAIN GEORGE U. HARN, of Wooster, Ohio, enlisted in the three months campaign, and served his four months in Western Virginia. [? ] time having expired July 25th. 1861. On his return to Ohio he reinlisted for three years and was mustered in as Captain of Company I, 16th. Ohio Volunteer, November 29th., 1861. He was present and in command of the company from that date until December 29th., 1862, when he was mortally wounded in the battle of Chickasaw Bluff, Miss. R. C. Drum, Adjutant General U.S. Army, to whom we are indebted for the above adds that.
The records show that he was captured and time in the rebel camp on that day.
A member of his company, later a minister of the gospel R. W. Snyder writes:
"I was with your husband after he was wounded at the charge [at] Walnut Hills, and remained with him until the rebel calvary forced us to leave. He was wounded in the leg above the knee by a rifle ball, and [was] not bleeding when I tied it up. He gave me his purse and watch to se[nd] to you and said I should tell you he died for his country. His grave is unknown.
THOMAS WESLEY HARN, brother of the above, as his commission shows, was mustered into service at Baltimore, Md. as First Lieut. company B 7th. Reg. Md. Volunteer, August 23rd., 1862, to serve three years or during the war. Because of business interests he had several furloughs. His was diary has to say this:
"On 31st., of March 1865 fought the battle of White Oak Road, night withdrew and marched all night up the B[?]oynton plank road. At daybreak on the 1st. of April left that by private road, and at sunup communicated with Gen. Sheridan. About 5 o'clock P.M. moved on rebel line and captured nearly their whole force. Company B lost James Shelton and Cornelius Smith, mortally wounded. In this action I received a severe wound in the right hip and Washington Mc. Pherson a slight flesh wound, all from minnie balls."
Being disabled from service he received a furlough for thirty days and returned home. His discharge May 31st., 1865 at Arlington Heights, Va., by reason of termination of the war. He was present in Baltimore when his regiment was disbanded. He died September 19th., 1891 from the effects of his wound. His remains lie in the family burrying [sic] grounds near West Falls, Md.
CALEB JESSE HARN, the youngest brother of Capt. G.U. Harn and First Lieut. T.W. Harn was the first person in his neighborhood to respond to the call of President Lincoln for troops. Quite a demonstration was made over his enlistment, and a cavalcate of citzens escorted him from Unionville to Liberty, where he joined his Company. This patriotic flourish was not to his liking. He keenly felt the fact that he was the only one to enter the service from that point, and was stongly tempted to leave the procession and made a short cut across the fields to the village. He never entered on active service, as he died at Camp Worman, near Frederick city, from disease contracted by exposure, January 15th., 1862. He was coporal [sic] in Company E[?], 1st. Reg., Maryland Potomac Brigade. His remains lie beside his mother in the family burrying [sic] ground near West Falls, Md.
JOHN HENRY and LUTHER EDWIN HARN, the two younger sons of Singleton Harn, enlisted in the service with or very soon after their cousin Thomas W. Harn. They served under him in Co. B, 7th Reg. Md. Vol. It seems John was in continual service until mustered out. Luther received a scalp wound in the summer of '64, and was home on a furlough. He return
WILLIAM HARN, the seventh son of Perry G. Harn, son of Greenbury, was in the civil war, and died somewhere in Mississippi.
ROBERT HARN, the sixth issue of Perry G. Harn, served in the civil war.
The above sixteen, bearing the name of Harn, is more than tripple [sic] the number of good blood. Besides these there are found bearing different names, but within the lines of cansanguinity, the following.
JOSEPHUS HOLLINGSWORTH, son of Rachel R. Hollingsworth of St. Marys, Ohio. He died in the army at Paris, Ky.
ROBERT ARBUCKLE HOWARD, of St. Marys, Ohio, son of Amelia E. Harn Howard, enlisted in the civil war, and by his friends was never heard of afterwards.
CHARLES DOUTY, son of Grafton Douty, of Columbus, Ohio, son of Corilla Harn Douty, entered service in the civil war. Capt. George U. Harn, writring to his wife, makes mention that Grafton Harn Douty's son had enlisted and is now, April 29th., 1861 in Lancaster, Pa.
There appears in volume II, Officers Army Register of Volunteer Forces for the years '61 to '65 pages 390, 398, the name of William Alexander Harn as First Lieut. Battery G, promoted April 13th., 1863 to Capt. 3 N.Y. Ind. Battery, major August 1st., 1864. This battery was organized N.Y City May 21st., '61. He veteranized June 24th., 1865. The reports of the operations of this office are found frequently in the Records of Federal and Confederate Armies, published by the government. He was engaged in a great many battles in Virginia and that region. He is the only Harn, except Capt. George U. Harn, mentioned as an Officer in the Uion Army in this register.
In order to trace the lineage of this Harn, I addressed inquiries to the Secretary of State, Albany, N.Y. In answer, I received the last known of him he went to Charleston, S.C. for his health. About a year after I addressed Mr Harn at Charleston was brought an answer from his widow, Loncoln, Maine, as in part follows:
"William Alexander Harn was born in Philadelphia, Pa., and died May 31st, 1889. He served throughout the Civil war in the Third New York Indepant Battery. He was brevetted major for gallantry before Spotsylvania Court House. At the close of the war we lived in Charleston, S.C., until 1878, when we went to St. Augustine, Florida where he died. We then returned to this state, Maine. I never met any of my husbands relatives. He being a very reticent man said but little about them. I am not sure but I think his fathers name was Thomas. His mothers name was Mary and his sisters Jane. His brother Edward died of Brain fever when my husband was quite a boy. Edward was a fine bookkeeper. I cannot recall the married name of his sister. My husband was quite small when his father died. I was left with six daughters, three of whom are married.
MARY married the Druggist here, CHARLOTTE, the head bookkeeper in the mill at this place; IDA a young man in a publishing house in N.Y. City.
My father is dead. Myself, mother and three daughters live together."
In the New York Tribune there appeared in the column of names given of the soldiers who under Major Sumpter, the name of Harn. His initials are forgotten. Their destination was New York City. Whether William Alexander Harn and this Harn of Fort Sumpter fame, is one and the same is not known.
John C. Harn, 215 Gladys Ave., Chicago, Ill. writes;
"My fathers name was William Lee Harn. His naturalization papers show that he was born at or near Norwich, England and left there at the age of twelve years. He was a sailor for some years. He came to this country and married Elizabeth E. Knight of Taunton county, Ind., My mother. In 1861 at the age of 42 years he went to the war in the '86' Indiana, Co. E.
He died in Andersonville or Liby prison, I am not sure which. About all I know of his relatives is what I heard him say. He spoke of a sister w[hos]e name I have forgotten ‑‑some common name like Mary or Jane. He, also, said his father used to have a large soap factory in England. My parents both died when I was quite small. They left a daughter and two sons, now living (1899). JOHN C. HARN the eldest was born in Warren county, Ind. in 1856, Jan. 22nd., 1878, was married to Miss Ida Rowland and went to Kansas City August 1880. March 9th., 1881 came to Chicago and have lived here ever since. One daughter was born to us, Fannie Odella born in 1880."
Lived a widower for two years, when he was again married to Ruth Elizabeth Sanow, Jan., 1896. To them were born a daughter Matgaret, two years old (1899) and then a son, Arthur Lee, two months old. His second wife having died January 6th., 1901. He married a third time, having been left with two small children.
Mrs. Cornelius H. Martin, the daughter of William Lee Harn together with her husband were born in Indiana. They have three children living. Mrs. Martin is two years younger than J.C. Harn.
William L. Harn, the youngest son of William Lee Harn, lives in Fayette, Mo. Up to this date Nov. 25th., 1902 we have been unable to connect either brevet Major William Alexander Harn or William Lee Harn with the decendants of John Harn (I).
In the Confederate army were two sons, of Levi O. Harn. William Tyler Duval Harn and Carroll Duval Harn of Texas. They are referred to elsewhere and they are the only ones of the name that have been found on that side of the question.
Sixteen who stood for the United Country; two for the vanquished minority.
(Note‑ this is all of the taproot of the line. There are two surface roots, the Hearnes and the Harnes. James O. Harne has not yet reported his root.)
About all we have been able to discover of the antecedents of Overton Harne is that the mother of Overton Harn was one of the three children of the "Old Tree" or the father of John Harn (I). Overton Harn lived the most of his life in Hagerstown, Md. He was a printer by trade and at his death the newspaper made note, affirming that he was the oldest printer in the United States. If memory is not at fault, he had passed his 80th year. The short account we have of this family comes from the diary of George U. Harn (I) and a grandson James O. Harne, of Overton Harn. In a letter dated Garfield, Md., March 31st., 1902, after speaking of his great interest in the prospective genealogy James O. Harne writes this wise:
"I am sorry to say I am no classical scholar while the Harnes are quite a brilliant family. You know the old saying goes "there is a black sheep in every flock", and I reckon I am the one in ours. But to the point, I recollect my grandfather Overton Harne and all his family well. His children were John, Horatio, William Henry Lee (my father), Thomas, Edward, Jackson, and the only daughter, Mary Susan. They are all dead but my father and Uncle Jackson. My father lives with me in Frederick county, Md., and Uncle Jackson lives in Oakland, Garrett county, Md.
I am in the sawmill and lumber business; also, am a member of the board of county commissioners, elected by the democratic party. There is nothing very startl[ing] in the history of our line of the family. It has been very prolific, and there is an extensive relationship. A somewhat singular and praiseworthy fact, is none of the name has ever been known to be a criminal or public pauper. There were none in the civil war, or any war, as far as I know have been famous in any way. All are hospitable and most very generous hearted. A cousin Ellen Letz, has the old family bible. Denton Harne, cousin, lives in Washington D.C., a printer by trade but later in the auction business. Helen L. Bassinger, my sister, lives in Leadville, Colo. Two other sisters live in Indiana. The remainder in this county. A cousin lives in Hagerstown, Md.”
Son of Overton Harne, was born February 27th., 1818. His family consisted of eleven children: Mary S., Helen L., Daniel N., James Oliver, Annie R., Ellen O., Aaron B., Amanda D., Charles, H., Benjamin F., and Pheobe A. He is still living with his son James O., in Frederick county, Md.
A son of Overton Harne was once a member of the Maryland Legislature. He was candidate for the office of clerk of the Circuit Court of Washington county, Md., but was defeated by nine votes.
Son of Henry Lee Harne was born May 26th., 1847, married Annie M. Burrier in 1869, their children are as follows;
"WILLIAM D. HARNE born June 23rd., 1870, GIDEON O. HARNE, born October 27th., 1872; ROY M. HARNE, born March 29th., 1875; ALONZA J. HARNE, born June 18th., 18[??]; CREDLA VICTORIA HARNE born September 12th., 1880; CHARLES O. HARNE, born June 14th., 1882; CYRUS F. HARNE born November 29th., 1884; CORY HARNE born January 16th., 1897; JAMES G. HARNE born June 19th., 1888; ALBERT F. HARNE, born September 20th., 1890; MAGGIE BEATRICE HARNE, born December 4th., 1892; OLIVER GLENN HARNE, born May 5th., 1895.
Annie Burrier Harn, my wife was born August 7th., 1849, our children are living. Five of them are married. There are ten [liv]ing grandchildren and one dead."
His brother, Charles D. Harne is a teacher in Normal University, Salina, Kansas. He graduated at Danville, Ind., and also at Oberlin, Ohio, and is considered quite a literary man. He is a member of the Presbyterian church. Dr. Frank Harne, Horatios youngest son is a Lutheran. He lives in or near Bethlehem, Pa., while I am a member of the Baptist church.
Senator Mc.Comas, of Hagerstown Md., while visiting the public schools of Burton, inquired of me the relationship between Charles H. Harne of the place, and myself. He spoke of him in the familiar terms of "Our Charley Harne" and remarked, he is the most promising young man. We are proud of him and have great hopes of him". I at once interviewed Mr. Harne as to the prospective genealogy but failed to elicit a reply.
In conclusion, their genealogy would have been completed years ago had the members of the family promptly answered my inquiries. It has taken much persistent effort, and many duns in order to elicit much of the information requested for the record. Many letters, up to date, have been religiously ignored, while, on the other, the ardeuous labor of securing, arranging and transcribing data has been satisfactorily lessened by the prompt and cordial support so generously given me by many of the relatives. The correspondence by Bessye Keifer, now Mrs Buckingham of Mount Airy Md. a member of the sixth generation of the "Old Tree" has been benediction, to the success in her line of the family.
We have spent many days as well as midnight hours, in the endeavor to make the volume an interesting one to the present and coming generation of Harns. Thus far, the expense both of means and time has been freely contributed by the writer, and it has been under consideration for the last 25 years, but not until the profession of teaching was laid aside have he been able to successfully bring it to the termination. And yet, it has been a source of exceeding great pleasure that I have been enabled to throw a searchlight upon obscurity, and put in durable form many things that might have been lost to history. So deeply interested have I many times been in my researches of the people of the silent generations, that I have so lost myself until it seemed that they were visible forms, and that I was actually holding intercourse with living beings, and, that I was one with them.
We regret that the record we offer to the members of the family is not a more perfect one. Our desire was great to dig deep the roots of the "Old Tree" and learn something of what lies hidden beneath and, we are [?] satisfied that we have not reached more of the living god[?]. That several lines of this family are entirely dead to us, and that we leave them so, is not a pleasurable feeling. But if this volume ever reaches them, and it shall arouse them to similar effort on their part we shall ask no greater reward.
For the younger generation who are pushing themselves on and upward‑ they are not a few‑ to a higher plane intellectually, morality, spiritually, as well as a higher of civics and social standing, we have a pardonable pride. Their opportunities are great [, much] is expected of them, while as to the older members of the family with opportunities have been necessary circumscribed, we owe a debt of [thanks] for the example set in industrious, honest, upright lives of their [pasts.] My intercourse with them while [searching] for historical facts has [?] established a strong bond of kinship and loving sympathy between us. [?] the growing acquaintance has been a delightful pleasure. We regret that the record is not a more perfect one. The coming genera[tion] it is more so, if they are so disposed, by keeping perfect fam[ily records.]
The diary of George U. Harn (I), through [?] as to family history, has proved itself of inc[a] sometimes tell lengthy tales, and often thro[?] facts, and call uplong forgotten things [?] becomes burdensome but they are [?]
And now, this 7th. day of October, 1893, at Cydonia, my home [in] the suburbs of Kenesaw, Nebraska at four score and five years, lacking three months and ten days, I lay down my pen, not unmindful of the fact that if this imperfect genealogy gives aught of pleasure to the various members of the family, if it will arouse them to increased interest in Harn history, or induce them to jealously guard the honor of the name, the editor gratefully acknowledges herself the happy recipient of an exceedingly [?] reward.
Compiler: Steven Redman, 2633 N. 1600 E., Layton, UT 84040