- [S129] Letter from Joan Louise (Kukowski) McCarthy (3-3rd Ave., Landfall Terrace, St. Paul, MN 55128) to Steven Harn Redman, 02 Jun 1992; Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S194] Letter from Helena (Helen) Minnie Mathilda (Velzke) McCarthy (unknown author address) to Steven Harn Redman, Aug 1990; Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S201] Letter from Ann Alice (Kranz) Kurth (unknown author address) to Steven Harn Redman, 27 Dec 1994; Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S202] Letter from Ann Alice (Kranz) Kurth (unknown author address) to Steven Harn Redman, 23 Nov 1996; Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S209] Alan Conrad Kirchner, unknown file number, Social Security Death Index (b- 27Jun1921 d-19Dec1994), unknown series (n.p.: n.pub.). Hereinafter cited as SSDI.
- [S251] Unknown family info, Harn Family Bible (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date); William Oscar Harn, Faribault, Minnesota. Hereinafter cited as Harn Family Bible.
- [S445] James Vernon Klitzke entry, birth, Goodhue Co., MN Court House, Goodhue County Courthouse, 509 W. 5th St., Red Wing, Goodhue Co., Minnesota.
- [S547] Unknown household, census, Montgomery Township, Le Sueur Co., Minnesota, unknown record info, Family History Library Family History Library, 35 North West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah.
- [S643] B. Esther (Oviedo) Harn, "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595, # 31,46,51,52,58,60,61", Feb 1977 (18921 Knapp St., Northridge, CA 91324). Hereinafter cited as "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595."
- [S655] B. Esther (Oviedo) Harn, "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595, # 31,46,53,60", Feb 1977 (18921 Knapp St., Northridge, CA 91324). Hereinafter cited as "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595."
- [S699] Marriage Record, Rice Co , MN, Book H, page 553, Rice Co., MN Court House, Rice County Courthouse, 320 3rd St NW, Faribault, Rice Co., Minnesota.
- [S701] Interview with Albert Dennis McCarthy (unknown informant address), by Steven Harn Redman. Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S703] Letter from Alice Marie (McCarthy) Morgan (8013 W. Arapaho Ct., Boise, ID 83703) to Steven Harn Redman, 09 Feb 1995; Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S704] Florida Louise (LaPierre) McCarthy, death 56189, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Death Cert.
- [S736] Lillian & Stu Thibodeau, editor, Rice Co Families, Their History, Our Heritage, pg 446 (Marceline, Missouri 64658: Walsworth Publishing Co., 1982). Hereinafter cited as Rice Co. Families, Their History, Our Heritage.
- [S740] Letter from Joan Helen (Kranz) Simonsen (unknown author address) to unknown recipient, Dec 1996; Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S741] Letter from Edward Frederick Kranz (unknown author address) to unknown recipient, Dec 1996; Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S742] Letter from Helen Veronica (McCarthy) Kranz (unknown author address) to Steven Harn Redman, 02 Jun 1992; Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S744] Interview with James Joseph McCarthy (unknown informant address), by Steven Harn Redman. Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S745] Interview with James Joseph McCarthy (unknown informant address), by Steven Harn Redman. Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S817] Unknown compiler, CENSUS: 1900 Ohio, Adams? Co , Green? twp (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S870] B. Esther (Oviedo) Harn, "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595, # 137,139", Feb 1977 (18921 Knapp St., Northridge, CA 91324). Hereinafter cited as "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595."
- [S937] B. Esther (Oviedo) Harn, "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595, # 46,49,51,52, has born 1875", Feb 1977 (18921 Knapp St., Northridge, CA 91324). Hereinafter cited as "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595."
- [S956] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Ancestral File Number G9XJ-R5, submitted by 10 individuals"; Ancestral File, 4.19 Family History Library, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah.
- [S961] Unknown household, census, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah, Family History Library.
- [S967] Marriage Record Index, St Joseph Co , South Bend, Book 16 page 464, Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as Marriage Record Index, St Joseph Co , South Bend.
- [S980] Interview with Donald Wayne Johnson (1115 Bush St.,Red Wing, MN), by Steven Harn Redman, Aug 1997. Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S981] Christopher James Schwarzhoff entry, birth, Goodhue Co., MN Court House, Goodhue County Courthouse, 509 W. 5th St., Red Wing, Goodhue Co., Minnesota.
- [S982] Andrew J. Klitzke entry, birth, Goodhue Co., MN Court House, Goodhue County Courthouse, 509 W. 5th St., Red Wing, Goodhue Co., Minnesota.
- [S984] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Ancestral File Number C7LH-M2, submitted by four individuals"; Ancestral File, 4.19 Family History Library, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah.
- [S1042] Unknown author, Birth Records Index, St Joseph Co , South Bend, Book CH25, pg 67 (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date). Hereinafter cited as Birth Records Index, St Joseph Co , South Bend.
- [S1107] B. Esther (Oviedo) Harn, "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595, # 21", Feb 1977 (18921 Knapp St., Northridge, CA 91324). Hereinafter cited as "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595."
- [S1113] B. Esther (Oviedo) Harn, "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595, # 149", Feb 1977 (18921 Knapp St., Northridge, CA 91324). Hereinafter cited as "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595."
- [S1155] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Ancestral File Number 8M55-WF lists name as Daniel STREING"; Ancestral File, 4.19 Family History Library, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah.
- [S1292] Letter from Ted Matthew Kranz (unknown author address) to Steven Harn Redman, Dec 1995; Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S1302] Jack D. Ruple Sr., The Ruple Family in America and its Germanic heritage, pg 138, 139 (Little Rock, Arkansas: J.D. Ruple, c1988). Hereinafter cited as Ruple Family in America.
- [S1323] Jack D. Ruple Sr., The Ruple Family in America and its Germanic heritage, pg 146, 149 (Little Rock, Arkansas: J.D. Ruple, c1988). Hereinafter cited as Ruple Family in America.
- [S1332] Jack D. Ruple Sr., The Ruple Family in America and its Germanic heritage, pg 152 (Little Rock, Arkansas: J.D. Ruple, c1988). Hereinafter cited as Ruple Family in America.
- [S1343] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Ancestral File Number C7LH-1X"; for George Lane, Ancestral File, 4.19 Family History Library, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah.
- [S1545] Maxmillian Kendall, unknown file number, SSDI - Max Kendall, unknown series (n.p.: n.pub.). Hereinafter cited as SSDI - Max Kendall.
- [S1596] Letter from Geraldine Marie (McCarthy) Lien (1016 1st Ave., NE, Faribault, MN 55021) to Steven Harn Redman, 03 Feb 2003; Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S1606] Memorial card for the funeral of Joseph Julius Legerski at n/a, 08 mar 2003 (unknown repository).
- [S1612] Rock Springs High School class, online http://mail.wyoming.com/~rmeduna/r.html. Hereinafter cited as Rock Springs High School class members.
- [S1663] Henry Kin website on Jan 2005, online http://www.henrykin.com/genealogy/pafg192.htm#15916. Hereinafter cited as http://www.henrykin.com
- [S1672] "Minnesota Burials by John Dalby", Minnesota Burials by John Dalby, online http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?gsfn=merritt&gsln=tripp&gsby=&gsbco=2%2cUnited+States&gsbpl=35%2cNew+York&gsdy=&gsdco=2%2cUnited+States&gsdpl=1%2cAll+States&gsoco=2%2cUnited+States&gsopl=1%2cAll+States&rank=1&ti=0&ti.si=0&gss=angs&submit.x=24&s. Previously published in hard copy (Provo, Utaj: MyFamily.com, 2003). Hereinafter cited as "Minnesota Burials."
- [S1699] Orlando Gerhard Lien, death 1677729, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002 (database online).
- [S1732] Jack B. Copet, "Descendants of Albert Kopet," e-mail message from e-mail address (na) to Steven Harn Redman, 06 Sep 2006. Hereinafter cited as "Descendants of Albert Kopet."
- [S1743] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944, online www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944.
- [S1763] Letter from Geraldine Marie (McCarthy) Lien (Geraldine Lien; 1016 1st Ave. NE; Faribault, MN 55021) to Steven Harn Redman, 21 Dec 2006; Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S1782] Ann Alice (Kranz) Kurth, "Xmas email from Ann Kurth," e-mail message from e-mail address (Denver, Colorado) to Steven Harn Redman, 03 Jan 2007. Hereinafter cited as "Xmas email from Ann Kurth."
- [S1805] Minnesota Cemetery Inscription Index, Select Counties, online www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as Minnesota Cemetery Inscription Index, Select Counties.
- [S1828] World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, online ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.
- [S1829] Florida Death Index, 1877-1998, online ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as Florida Death Index, 1877-1998.
- [S1834] Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002, online ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002.
- [S1854] Ann Kurth, "Email from Ann Kurth on 06 Jan 2008," e-mail message from e-mail address (n/a) to Steven Harn Redman, 06 Jan 2008. Hereinafter cited as "Email from Ann Kurth on 06 Jan 2008."
- [S1876] SERVICES SET FOR A.L. SHIMP, The South Bend Tribune Newspaper (Indiana), South Bend, Indiana, 13 Jun 1956, n/a. Hereinafter cited as The South Bend Tribune Newspaper (Indiana).
- [S1877] Mrs. Antoinette Shimp, The South Bend Tribune Newspaper (Indiana), South Bend, Indiana, 14 Jan 1960, n/a. Hereinafter cited as The South Bend Tribune Newspaper (Indiana).
- [S1884] Funeral Notes, LONGLEY, The South Bend Tribune Newspaper (Indiana), South Bend, Indiana, 27 Nov 1959, n/a. Hereinafter cited as The South Bend Tribune Newspaper (Indiana).
- [S1885] W.H. LONGLEY, EX-MAYOR, DIES, The South Bend Tribune Newspaper (Indiana), South Bend, Indiana, 18 Aug 1935, Section 1, page 1 and 5. Hereinafter cited as The South Bend Tribune Newspaper (Indiana).
- [S1928] Wallace Hawn Brucker, Johann Adam Brucker and his American descendants (El Paso, Texas: Guynes Printing Co., 1978). Hereinafter cited as Johann Adam Brucker and his American descendants.
- [S2009] Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005, online ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005.
- [S2010] Helen (Mrs. Ambrose) LaCroix, Faribault.com, Faribault.com. Hereinafter cited as Faribault.com.
- [S2024] Ann Alice (Kranz) Kurth, "Xmas email from Ann Kurth 24Dec2011," e-mail message from e-mail address (Denver, Colorado) to Steven Harn Redman, 24 Dec 2011. Hereinafter cited as "Xmas email from Ann Kurth."
- [S2070] Marriage Franklin Kerr and Rose Nestaval, Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as Marriage Franklin Kerr and Rose Nestaval.
- [S2071] 1940 United States Federal Census - Ohio, online www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as 1940 United States Federal Census - Ohio.
- [S2078] Marriage Records, Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as www.ancestry.com.
- [S2122] Sklenar, 09 Apr 1940 census, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah Ancestry.com website.
- [S2137] Zella Hauck, Idaho Press-Tribune, http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~idfs/Information/ZLHauckCH.htm, Dec 1983, n/a. Hereinafter cited as Idaho Press-Tribune.
- [S2162] Purdy, census, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah, Ancestry.com website.
- [S2163] Ella Lamb, birth FHL Film Number:1320190 (n/a), unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S2194] Find A Grave Memorial# 104517628, online www.findagrave.com. Hereinafter cited as Willis George Kishler burial.
- [S2225] Minnesota, Marriages Index, 1849-1950, Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as Minnesota, Marriages Index, 1849-1950.
- [S2256] Find a Grave Inc., Findagrave.com website, database and images (Find a Grave, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah ), Saint Wenceslaus Cemetery, Dickinson, Stark Co., North Dakota.
- [S2270] Find a Grave Inc., Findagrave.com website, database and images (Find a Grave, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah ), Saints Peter and Paul Cemetery, New Hradec, Dunn Co., North Dakota.
- [S2286] Find a Grave Inc., Findagrave.com website, database and images (Find a Grave, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah ), Center Grove Cemetery, Kirkwood, Warren Co., Illinois.
- [S2309] Minnesota, Marriage Collection, 1958-2001 about Jennifer J. Squires, Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as Minnesota, Marriage Collection, 1958-2001.
- [S2333] Cowlitz County Auditor, Marriage Records, 1986-2012, Washington State Digital Archives, Washington State Digital Archives, 960 Washington Street, Cheney, Spokane Co., Washington. Hereinafter cited as Cowlitz County Auditor, Marriage Records, 1986-2012.
- [S2442] Doretta J. King, Pittsburgh Tribune Review, Pittsburgh, PA, 08 jun 2015, n/a. Hereinafter cited as Pittsburgh Tribune Review.
- [S2480] Clemens A. SCHALLER obituary, Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA), https://www.newspapers.com/image/583754778/?terms=%22Clemens%2BA.%2BSCHALLER%22, 20 apr 2014, B6. Hereinafter cited as Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA).
- [S2481] SCHALLER, Leone, Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA), https://www.newspapers.com/image/583813676/?terms=Leone%2Bschaller, 14 dec 2014, B8. Hereinafter cited as Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA).

- [S2488] Minnie Vrzal, 81, Services Friday, The Bismarck Tribune (Bismarck, ND), https://www.newspapers.com/clip/47611046/obituary-for-minnie-vrzal-aged-81/, 01 May 1975, 8. Hereinafter cited as The Bismarck Tribune (Bismarck, ND).
- [S2522] Andrew Longley, The South Bend Tribune (South Bend, IN), https://www.newspapers.com/clip/51903818/the-south-bend-tribune/, 25 may 1906, 5. Hereinafter cited as The South Bend Tribune (South Bend, IN).
- [S2557] Marla L. Robinson, The Oklahoman Newspaper, https://obits.oklahoman.com/obituaries/oklahoman/obituary.aspx?pid=192215074&fhid=29214, 10 apr 2019, n/a. Hereinafter cited as The Oklahoman Newspaper.
- [S2558] Howard U. Wilson Retired Cupples executive, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Newspapers.com, 7 December 2000, 18. Hereinafter cited as St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
- [S2580] The Winona Daily News (Winona, MN), online www.newspaper.com. Hereinafter cited as The Winona Daily News (Winona, MN).
- [S2666] Michael Kotchman, The Valley Independent (Monessen, Pennsylvania), www.ancestry.com, 12 Jan 1993, 4A. Hereinafter cited as The Valley Independent (Monessen, Pennsylvania).
- [S2690] Edna J. Longley, death 1959: 042298 (30 nov 1959), Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2011.
- [S2696] Elizabeth Helen Longley, death 38361 (10 dec 1919), Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2011.
- [S2699] Helen Elizabeth Longley, The South Bend Tribune (South Bend, Indiana), Newspapers.com, 8 December 1919, 5. Hereinafter cited as The South Bend Tribune (South Bend, Indiana).
- [S2700] Andrew Longley, death 133 (26 may 1906), Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2011.
- [S2730] Washington, U.S., Marriage Records, 1854-2013, Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as Washington, U.S., Marriage Records, 1854-2013.
- [S2821] JoAnn Kern Peart, Lorne & Sons Funeral Home (Delray Beach, FL), https://www.lorneandsons.com/obituary/joann-peart, 10 May 2022, n/a. Hereinafter cited as Lorne & Sons Funeral Home.
- [S2822] Obituary: JoAnn Kern Peart, The Coastal Star (Ocean Ridge, FL), https://thecoastalstar.com/profiles/blogs/obituary-joann-kern-peart, 01 Jun 2022, n/a. Hereinafter cited as The Coastal Star.
- [S2823] Joe R. KERN, Legacy.com (Palm Beach Post), https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/palmbeachpost/name/joe-kern-obituary?id=14755401, 12 Oct 2016, n/a. Hereinafter cited as Legacy.com.
- [S2845] A.R. (Tom) Lilly, The Idaho Statesman (Boise, Idaho), NEWSPAPERS.COM, 29 March 1966, 14. Hereinafter cited as The Idaho Statesman.
- [S2893] MRS. MARY SKLENAR, The Tacoma Times (Tacoma, Washington), Newspapers.com, 2 December 1941, 5. Hereinafter cited as The Tacoma Times.
- [S2906] Washington, U.S., County Marriages, 1855-2008, Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as Washington, U.S., County Marriages, 1855-2008.
- [S2917] ST. MARYS, Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio), Newspapers.com, 11 December 1929, 15. Hereinafter cited as Dayton Daily News.
- [S2969] HARRY B. KISHLER CALLED SUDDENLY, The Lima Times-Democrat (Lima, Ohio), Newspapers.com, 10 January 1919, 10. Hereinafter cited as The Lima Times-Democrat.
- [S3003] Michael P. Lohr, Legacy.com, https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/triblive-tribune-review/name/michael-lohr-obituary?id=41881405, 10 May 2003, n/a. Hereinafter cited as Legacy.com.