Ada & Marjorie Perkins as children. (Reprint received from Mary Carlson Foster in July 2011)
Adin Fellows (received from Sandy Brown on 10Dec2008)
Adrian Laverne Linch (approx 1933) (saved on by Adrian's daughter, Farleigh)
Agnes Crocker Brengle (saved from her obituary)
Albert D. McCarthy and Esther Barry taken in Faribault, Minnesota in the early 1970s
Albert Paul Richards (saved from his obituary)
Alice Irene Monhaut in 1943 yearbook from Central High School in South Bend, Indiana
Alice Richards (saved from her obituary)
Alice Ruple (photo received from Chris Treadway 27Sep2009)
Alice Summers at age 14 years old, taken at South Bend, Indiana.
Allan Paul Richards (saved from obituary)
Alvin Dighton Williams
Amy Clew taken in Red Wing, Minnesota.
Amy Anne Squires (saved from obituary)
Andrew Longey, South Bend-Indiana
Anita Squires (saved from obituary)
Ann McCarthy in 1979
Anna Marie Harn (saved from obituary)
Anna Purdy when she was 3-years old. (reprint received from Mary Carlson Foster in July 2011)
Annie Harn Sells taken in Faribault, Minnesota
Annie McGinnis and her dog (undated)
Arnie Vrzal in Montgomery, MN 1978
James Arthur Redman
Barb Veno during Christmas 1976
Barbara Nestaval sitting on porch at farm
Barbara Donovan McCarthy (saved from her obituary)
Barbara Harn Covey (photo from her obituary)
Babara Jean (Graner) Alitz (photo saved from her obituary)
Barbara Evans Zimmer (saved from obituary)
Barbara Jean Smith (saved from obituary)
Ellen Seiz and her son, Ben (original photo owned by Peggy Seiz Turner)
Bernetta Jeanne (Mickelson) Graham (saved from obituary)
Bert Perkins. (reprint received from Mary Carlson Foster in July 2011)
Bertha Annette Ruple Elliget (received in email from Chris Treadway on 27 Sep 2006)
Betty Jane Thompson (saved from obituary)
Betty Struck in 1949 for graduation from Natrona High School, Wyoming
Jean Tonkin Brinkley (saved from her obituary)
Brooks Bowles (saved from obituary)
Brownie Harn Green as English Teacher at Mitchell High School, Mitchell, Indiana in 1924
Bruce Glenn Featherstone (saved from obituary)
Calvin Davis Harn
Carole Bongers (photo from her obituary)
Celia Bridgette Tracey
Celia Harn
Charles Helmick from about 1959 - (Photo received from Dee Graham in July 2009)
Charles E. Mettler Sr. (saved from obituary)
Charles "Charlie" Elmer Fellows (saved from obituary)
Charles Green Walker
Charles Kasper at French Lake, MN
Charlotte Newell taken in Lacon, Illinois
Cherrie Perkins Lane and Arthur Jefferson Lane (saved from obituary)
Cherrie Perkins Lane and Arthur Jefferson Lane (saved from obituary)
Cheryl L. Caster (saved from obituary)
Christopher Behm (saved from obituary)
Cindy Lou Harn in casket
Clara St. John, sister of Zilpha Harn
Clara Ableman (undated)
Clem Schaller (saved from obituary)
Cleveland and Claire Kassinger taken in the early 1970s in Faribault, Minnesota
Cleveland and Claire Kassinger taken in the early 1970s in Faribault, Minnesota
Cloycie E. Mann (1918-2002, saved from obituary)
Clyde E. “Pete” Harn (saved fromhis obituary)
Curtis Featherstone in his 1933 yearbook from Red Wing High School in Red Wing, MN
DaNette Warfel Vigil (saved from obituary)
Darle Nestaval Hval (saved from obituary)
From In Memoriam page for classmate Davey Spilman in 1973 Kasson-Mantorville High School (MN), page 26.
David, Bill and Jerry Harn
David Dean Struck
David Eugene Warfel in kitchen
Dawna Harrod (saved from obituary)
Debra Richards in Feb 1977 for Jody Redman's birthday
Delbert Shimp take at South Bend, Indiana.
Delores Perkins (photo from her obituary)
Delta (Perkins) Kalien. (Print received from Mary Carlson Foster in July 2011)
Denice Rea Redman Brown (saved from obituary)
Denise Rissler Attkisson (saved from obituary)
Dennis James McCarthy (saved from obituary)
Dennis Richards in June 1977 for Steve Redman's High School Graduation
Dick Richards in June 1977
Dolores May Redman
Donald Gane Harn - (received in email from Donna Harn Norton)
Donald Kenneth Spilman (saved from obituary)
Donald Streeter at 2 years and 7 months.
Donald Walter Spilman
Donna Harn in 1981
Doris Darlene Redman
Doris (Harn) Baker (photo from her obituary)
Doris Spilman in June 1977
Photo of Doris Perkins age 6, Larry Perkins age 5, and Delta Perkins age 7.
Dot Perkins taken at Diamon Jim's Casino in Nevada.
Douglas Crocker in 1935 (saved from his obituary)
Ed Sklenar at Camp Devens in Oct 1917
Ed Peterson during Christmas 1976.
Eddie McCarthy at Jerry & Mary Lou Harn's wedding
Edith Rupel Kirkley (received copy from Terry Walz in Sep 2007)
Edward Marshall Mockler (saved from obituary)
Edward Thornton Harn (saved from obituary)
Edward W. Perkins at Bethesda Nursing Home, St. Paul, MN (Reprint received from Mary Carlson Foster in July 2011)
Edwin Willard Harn (save from obituary)
Elaine McCarthy Quinn (saved from her obituary)
Eldon Farner (saved from his obituary)
Eleanor Louise Frizzell (saved from obituary)
Eleanor Shimp (The South Bend Tribune (South Bend, Indiana) - Sun, Oct 21, 1945 - Page 16)
Elizabeth Jean Harn
Ellen Dorcas Harn (saved from Farleigh posting on
Ellen Seiz (owner of original photo is Peggy Seiz Turner)
Elmer M. Harn with his cat, Kingfish in 1941
Elsie Nestaval, undated
Emaline Harn at 18 years old in Portland, Oregon.
Emily Veronica Nestaval High School graduation - 1905
Emily and Esther McCarthy (undated)
Emily and Esther McCarthy (undated)
Esther and Bill McCulley
Esther and Bill McCulley
Ethel Sklenar
Evander Clow age 3 months old
Evelyn Marie Vallely (from her obituary in The Columbian Newspaper 21 Feb 2007)
Florence James McCarthy
Florence Richards at French Lake, MN June 1977
Floy Madelenda Parks Warfel
Frances Booher Boyd Schumm (saved from obituary)
Frances Perkins as a child. (Reprint received from Mary Carlson Foster in July 2011)
Francis Margaret Clew taken at Red Wing, Minnesota.
Francis Joseph Tracey Jr. (saved from obituary)
Frank Newell taken in Chicago, Illinois
Frank McCarthy (undated)
Frank Nestaval in 1914
Fred Harn taken in St. Cloud, Minnesota. "Taken about 25 years ago, April 2-1910".
Freda Struck (Casper-WY)
Gary Carlton Harn (saved from obituary)
Gary Harlyn McCarthy (saved from his obituary)
Geneva (Genevieve) Cornelia Nestaval
Genevieve Darlene Rhodes Harn (saved from obituary
George and Fay Struck 2004
George Emil Carlson (from undated studio photo)
George S. Warfel
George Upton Harn
George Wesley Rissler Jr. (saved from obituary)
George Washington Parks
George Wesley Rissler (1930-2017, saved from obituary)
Georgia Fay Struck
Georgia Fay Warfel and her grandparents, Paul and Lena Warfel
Jerry Harn at his wedding
Gertrude Ableman Langer (saved from obituary)
Glenn Featherstone in his 1933 yearbook from Red Wing High School in Red Wing, MN
Picture of Gloria Mae (Sorenson) Gray from her obituary in 2006
Grace Perkins Page picture from her obituary in 2011
Grafton Duval Harn from about 1907 - (Picture received from John P. Harn in Sep 2008)
Hal J. Nestaval
Harold W. Redman in October 2003
Harold S. Harn
Harriett Kaisersatt as a child
Harry Perkins (undated)
Harry R. Harn
Helen and Jack McCarthy's wedding
Helen Young-Harn (saved from obituary)
Helen (Harn) Crawford from about 1969 - (Photo received from Dee Graham in July 2009)
Helen McCarthy Kranz and Frederick Kranz 70th anniversary in 2013
Helen McCarthy in 1977
Helen Vrzal Keough (saved from her obituary)
Henry Phillip Harn (Picture received from John P. Harn in Sep 2008)
Herbert E. Harn on 17 Mar 1889 in Mason City, Iowa.
Herena Burkett (saved from her obituary)
Homer L. Perkins, DDS (photo from his obituary)
Hope Cunard Hallenbeck Chandler (saved from obituary)
The Houser sisters from Washington, Helen, Agnes and Beatrice
The Houser sisters from Washington, Helen, Agnes and Beatrice
The Houser sisters from Washington, Helen, Agnes and Beatrice
Howard James Squires (saved from obituary)
Howard Uhl Wilson (saved from obituary)
Hugh Valentine Harn at 6 months.
Iskah Thrall in 1916 Pasadena High School (Calif) Yearbook
Jack P. Moore
Jackee Garcia
Jacob and Barbara Nestaval
James Alexander Warfel
James Delaney Payne Jr. (saved from obituary)
James Curtis Featherstone (saved from obituary)
James Richard Perkins (saved from obituary)
James Roby Redman
James Russell Costello Sr. (saved from obituary)
James Stewart Warfel
Jane Storms Smith in Ithaca High School - 1934
Jane Walker Weidman
Jay Eric Simonsen - 2017 (saved from obituary)
Jean Spilman in 1959 Kasson-Mantorville High School Yearbook
Jeremy Nestaval 'Jerry' Gal (saved from obituary)
Beverly and Jerome Strumpf in June 2000 for 50th Wedding Anniversary
Jerome J. Strumpt (saved from obituary)
Jessie G. Harn
Jim McCarthy in Oct 1979
Jimmin Jean Vansickle as a sophomore in 1948 Franklin High School yearbook, Seattle, Washington
Joan McCarthy (saved from Facebook 2014)
JoAnn Jasinski - 2017 (saved from obituary)
Joann Kern Peart (saved from obituary)
Joe Vach
Joe Vach and George Nestaval in 1943
John and Mary Vrzal's wedding
John Arlen Hval (from his obituary)
John C. Sells taken in Denver, Colorado.
John "Jack" Graner (saved from obituary)
John Henry Detwiler Jr. (from his obituary)
John Kenneth Sells (sometime after 1935) in uniform
John and Mary Vrzal Family. Left to right backrow: John (father), Edward, Mary (mother). Front row left to right: Stella, Harry, Jimmy. Taken in Montgomery, Minnesota.
Jonas Ruple Civil War Discharge Papers
Joseph A. Nestaval
Joseph and Anna Nestaval - 1910
Joseph A. Harn 1936-2012 (photo from his obituary)
Joy Enid Featherstone McLean (saved from her obituary)
Michael Samuelson in 1967 Meridian High School (Idaho) Yearbook
Julia Ann VandeZande (saved from obituary)
Julia Harn
Karl R. Zimmer Jr. (saved from obituary)
Katherine Sklenar before World War I
Kathyrn T. Prescott (saved from obituary)
Katie Nestaval Vach
Keith Alan Hendricks (photo from obituary in Park Rapids Enterprise Newspaper Online)
Ken Meyer
Kurt McCarthy during Christmas 1976.
Larry and Dot Perkins on their wedding.
Larry Lee Richards (saved from obituary)
Laurie Squires Bovee (saved from her obituary)
Lawrence Berton Carlson (undated)
Lawrence "Tiny" Ableman, Katherine Sklenar and Clara Ableman (undated)
Leone Schaller (saved from obituary)
LeRoy Samuelson (saved from obituary)
Linda Harn Gray (saved from Facebook Jun2015)
Lisa Jo Lamb in 1982 in Franklin Monroe High School yearbook
Lloyd Lien taken at his wedding
Loretta Seamons 1944 Brownsville High School (PA) yearbook
Louis Van Deusen (undated)
Lowell J. McCarthy graduation photo in 1949
Luis Maria Trujillo (Casper, Wyoming)
Lydia Wagner Parks (saved from obituary)
Mabelle Cornelia Harn Hunt (saved from obituary)
Madge Nadine Weatherwax (saved from obituary)
Margaret Carlson (from undated studio photo)
Margaretta H. Harn taken in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Maria “Tina” (Trujillo) Santistevan saved from obituary
Marie Sklenar during Christmas 1976.
Marilyn Dartt Reinhardt (saved from obituary)
Marilyn Reyna Taylert (saved from obituary)
Richard Paul Jaminski (photo from his obituary)
Marla Lou Kollenborn 1960 Columbia Falls High School, Montana yearbook
Tintype photo of Marshall T. Perkins, unknown name of boy.
Mary Catherine Harn taken in Faribault, Minnesota
Mary Smith McGinnis
Mary "Jane" Dibbern (saved from obituary)
Mary Dorothy Tracey Basha (saved from obituary)
Mary Lou Redman in May 1977
Mary Rupel Longey, South Bend-Indiana
Mathew Wayne Szymeczek
Maurice Eugene Rupel (saved from his obituary)
Susan (Fox) McGuire (saved from her obituary)
Melissa Bruce
Melissa Elder Walker
Melvin Veno
Photo of Merry Harn in Passport Application from 1924
Mildred Crawford from about 1933 (Photo received from Dee Graham in July 2009)
Mildred F. (Weidman) Warfel
Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy (undated)
Mrs. J. McCarthy Memorial Card dated 07 Mar 1931
Mrs. John McCarthy from Ireland (undated)
Muriel Elaine Street (1931-2017, saved from obituary)
Nancy Louise Perry Harn (saved from her obituary)
Nanette M. Hilgert (saved from her obituary)
Naomi Farner (saved from obituary)
Nina Perkins Carlson (from undated studio photo)
Norman Brooke (undated)
Olga McCarthy in June 1977
Photo of Onzelo Gane Harn & Anna Ackerson w/ Grandson's Leveral & Learwin Harn - (received in email from Donna Harn Norton).
Photo of Orlando Harn in Passport Application from 1924
Orville Crawford about 1969. (Photo received from Dee Graham in July 2009)
Orville Laverne Linch (taken approx 1950) in Denver, Colorado - (saved on by Orville's granddaugher, Farleigh)
Oscar Cecil Harn as an old man in coveralls
Patricia LaCroix (from her obitiary)
Paul H. Harn Jr. in 1928 - (received in email from John Harn on 10May2007)
Paul H. Harn Sr. as a child - (received in email from John Harn on 10May2007)
Paul J. Fink Jr. (saved from obituary)
Pauline (Monhaut) Accoe (saved from her obituary)
Four Perkins Brothers taken 26 Jun 1922. Left to right: Burton (?), Elmer, Marshall, Frank.
Four Perkins Brothers taken 26 Jun 1922. Left to right: Burton (?), Elmer, Marshall, Frank.
Peter Craig Withers (photo from his obituary)
Phyllis and Harvey Nestaval in December 1984
Rachel Harn taken in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Raymond E. Harn (saved from his obituary)
Undated studio photo of Reid Jenkins Brooke. Photographer was Don Shaw in Kellogg, Idaho.
Richard Nestaval in his 1962 yearbook from Wilson High School in St. Paul, MN
Robert Doud Martin Sr. (saved from his obituary)
Robert Eugene Harn - Photo from Fingerprint and Identifcation card from Western State Penitentiary in Pennsylvania for Robert Eugne Harn prisoner number C1315 in July 1949.
Robert George Carlson (from undated studio photo)
Robert Lee Merz (saved from obituary)
Robert F. McCarthy graduation photo in 1949
Robert patrick Legerski (saved from obituary)
Robert Paul Gelinas Sr. (saved from obituary)
Robert Richard Ross (saved from obituary)
Ronald Eugene Weidman (saved from obituary)
Rosa Bell Christopher
Rose Sklenar
Rosemary Lynn “Rose” Mathes (saved from obituary)
Ruby Redman in March 1977 while in Minnesota
Russ Perkins and his wife Eleanor Jane (saved from his obituary in 2003)
Russell Ivan Morgan Jr. (saved from obituary)
Ruth Bang (photo from her obituary)
Samuel C. Gale (saved from ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY, VOLUME XXXII, 1963, page 202)
Samuel C. Gale (saved from obituary)
Samuel O. McCormick (Saved from obituary, The Morning Herald, Uniontown, Pennsylvania, 22Jun 1938, page 1)
Sarah Ann Harn (received photo in email from John Peter Harn on 15Jun2007)
Sonya Sells in 1952 Santa Fe High School (NM) Yearbook
Stella Squires taken in Brook Park, MN 1978
Stephen Nestaval at college graduation
Steve Nichols (03Jul2010)
Steven E. McCarthy (saved from obituary)
Suzanne Squires (saved from obituary)
Thomas E. Baker (1929-2010)
Timothy ‘Haney’ Wayne Eyer (saved from obituary)
Tom and Ann (Nestaval) Sklenar with baby Katherine
Tom Skluzacek - 1910
Phillip Burson Tripp
Viola Bullington
Viola Retzlaff Thompson (saved from obituary)
Viola Weidman Masterson at wedding in Casper, Wyoming 20Aug1945.
Violet Duro 1934-2016 (saved from her obituary)
Violette Perkins, unknown location. (Reprint received from Mary Carlson Foster in July 2011)
Virgil B. Fowler Jr. (saved from obituary)
Virginia R. “Ginny” Foor (saved from her obituary)
Vivian Carlson Thoen (from undated studio photo)
Jane Costello Wellehan (saved from obituary)
Wesley Thomas Vert Jr. (saved from obituary)
Wesley Thomas Vert Sr. (saved from obituary)
William Calvin Harn taken in Portland, Oregon
William Longely of South Bend, Indiana
Picture of William McCarthy taken at Jeri Lien's wedding on 05Nov1955
William Akins Crumrine Jr. (saved from obituary)
Bill McGinnis (undated)
William F. Weidman
William Fremont Harn
William Harry Frizzell (saved from obituary)
William I. Struck
William McGinnis (undated)
William Oscar Harn (saved from obituary)
William Everet Smith II (saved from his obituary)
Back of original picture says "Wm Longley's daughter", taken at South Bend, Indiana. Not sure if this is Edna or Mary?
Back of original picture says "Wm Longley's daughter", taken at South Bend, Indiana. Not sure if this is Edna or Mary?
William Ritschel (Smithsonian Photo)
Yvonne Nestaval in her 1947 yearbook from Harding High School in St. Paul, MN