- [S5] William Charles McCarthy entry, Death Certificate, Rice Co., MN Court House, Rice County Courthouse, 320 3rd St NW, Faribault, Rice Co., Minnesota. Hereinafter cited as Death Certificate.
- [S6] William Charles McCarthy, unknown file number, Social Security Death Index (b- 19Feb1896 d- Jul1968), unknown series (n.p.: n.pub.). Hereinafter cited as SSDI.
- [S20] Mary C. McGinnis McCarthy, Faribault (MN) Daily News, Faribault, Minnesota, 09 Mar 1931, 1:7. Hereinafter cited as FDN.
- [S21] Letter from Helena (Helen) Minnie Mathilda (Velzke) McCarthy (unknown author address) to Steven Harn Redman, Aug 1990; Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S22] Mary C. McGinnis entry, birth, Rice Co., MN Court House, Rice County Courthouse, 320 3rd St NW, Faribault, Rice Co., Minnesota.
- [S44] William McGinnis entry, Death Records, Rice Co , MN, Book C, pg 313, line 21, Rice Co., MN Court House, Rice County Courthouse, 320 3rd St NW, Faribault, Rice Co., Minnesota. Hereinafter cited as Death Records, Rice Co , MN, Book C, pg 313, line 21.
- [S45] Mary N. Smith marriage, in Marriage Record for Mary N. Smith, unknown manuscript info, Immaculate Catholic Church (MN), Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Faribault, Rice Co., Minnesota. Hereinafter cited as Marriage Record for Mary N. Smith.
- [S73] B. Esther (Oviedo) Harn, "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595, # 159,162", Feb 1977 (18921 Knapp St., Northridge, CA 91324). Hereinafter cited as "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595."
- [S76] B. Esther (Oviedo) Harn, "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595, # 162", Feb 1977 (18921 Knapp St., Northridge, CA 91324). Hereinafter cited as "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595."
- [S79] Unknown household, census, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah, Family History Library.
- [S80] Letter from Kirk Zack Nestaval (302 Park Ave., Grand Forks, ND 58203) to Steven Harn Redman, 24 Feb 1992; Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S81] Letter from Hal Joseph Nestaval (24131 A Highknob Rd., Diamond Bar, CA 91765) to Steven Harn Redman, 16 Mar 1992; Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S206] Memorial card for the funeral of Ann Musil at St. Paul, MN, Jul 1991 (unknown repository).
- [S210] Robert F. McCarthy Obituary, Obituary Notice, Minnesota.
- [S214] Letter from Barbara Jean (Sklenar) Veno (unknown author address) to Steven Harn Redman, 26 Aug 1992; Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S215] Interview with Helena (Helen) Minnie Mathilda (Velzke) McCarthy (unknown informant address), by Steven Harn Redman. Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S216] Peter J. McGinnis entry, Death Records, Rice Co , MN, Book A, pg 5, line 18, Rice Co., MN Court House, Rice County Courthouse, 320 3rd St NW, Faribault, Rice Co., Minnesota.
- [S217] Peter J. McGinnis entry, Death Record lists Peter's age at 2yrs, 11 months, 10 days, Steven Harn Redman, Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY. Hereinafter cited as Death Record.
- [S218] William McGinnis Jr. obituary, Faribault Daily News, Faribault, Minnesota, 14 Mar 1951, n/a. Hereinafter cited as FDN.
- [S219] William Daniel McGinnis Jr. entry, birth, Rice Co., MN Court House, Rice County Courthouse, 320 3rd St NW, Faribault, Rice Co., Minnesota.
- [S220] Charles A. McGinnis entry, birth, Rice Co., MN Court House, Rice County Courthouse, 320 3rd St NW, Faribault, Rice Co., Minnesota.
- [S221] Interview with Helena (Helen) Minnie Mathilda (Velzke) McCarthy (unknown informant address), by Steven Harn Redman. Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S222] Charles McGinnis obituary, Faribault Daily News, Faribault, Minnesota, 02 Apr 1913, 1:4. Hereinafter cited as FDN.
- [S223] Charles A. McGinnis entry, Death Records, Rice Co , MN, Book C, pg 170, line 39, Rice Co., MN Court House, Rice County Courthouse, 320 3rd St NW, Faribault, Rice Co., Minnesota.
- [S224] Unknown household, census, Faribault, Rice Co., Minnesota, unknown record info, Family History Library Family History Library, 35 North West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah.
- [S225] Annie Mary McGinnis entry, birth, Rice Co., MN Court House, Rice County Courthouse, 320 3rd St NW, Faribault, Rice Co., Minnesota.
- [S316] Geraldine Purdy Merz Obituary, The Siuslaw News, Florence, Oregon, 14 Jan 1987, 2A:1. Hereinafter cited as The Siuslaw News.
- [S322] Paul Bradley Purdy, A branch of the Purdy family descending from David and Eliza Ann Purdy with David's line from Francis Purdy of Fairfield 1595-1658. FHL Call Number 929.273 P972 (n.p.: n.pub., c1962). Hereinafter cited as The David Purdy Family.
- [S323] Herman Merz Obituary, The Siuslaw News, Florence, Oregon, 18 Mar 1976, 6:4. Hereinafter cited as The Siuslaw News.
- [S324] Herman John Merz, Death unknown number, Family History Library, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah.
- [S381] Paul Bradley PURDY (321), A branch of the Purdy family descending from David and Eliza Ann Purdy with David's line from Francis Purdy of Fairfield 1595-1658. FHL Call Number 929.273 P972, pg 14 (Flint, Michigan: Purdy self-published, c1962). Hereinafter cited as The David Purdy Family.
- [S393] Dorothy Mills Purdy obituary, Southwest Daily Times, Liberal, Kansas, 29 Oct 1981, 18. Hereinafter cited as Southwest Daily Times.
- [S409] Egbert Sears Mettler, unknown file number, Social Security Death Index (b- 04Jul1902 d- Jan1966), unknown series (n.p.: n.pub.). Hereinafter cited as SSDI.
- [S411] Wilbur McKinney, unknown file number, Social Security Death Index (b- 30Nov1910 d- Sep1975), unknown series (n.p.: ancestry.com). Hereinafter cited as Social Security Death Index.
- [S439] Goodhue Co , MN Marriage Record, Goodhue Co., MN Court House, Goodhue County Courthouse, 509 W. 5th St., Red Wing, Goodhue Co., Minnesota.
- [S476] Paul Bradley Purdy, A branch of the Purdy family descending from David and Eliza Ann Purdy with David's line from Francis Purdy of Fairfield 1595-1658. FHL Call Number 929.273 P972, pg 7,22 (Flint, Michigan: Purdy self-published, c1962). Hereinafter cited as The David Purdy Family.
- [S489] Paul Bradley Purdy, A branch of the Purdy family descending from David and Eliza Ann Purdy with David's line from Francis Purdy of Fairfield 1595-1658. FHL Call Number 929.273 P972, pg 7,20 (Flint, Michigan: Purdy self-published, c1962). Hereinafter cited as The David Purdy Family.
- [S682] Letter from Nancy Louise (Perry) Harn (unknown author address) to Steven Harn Redman, 31 Aug 1982; Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S734] Steven Errol McCarthy entry, birth, Rice Co., MN Court House, Rice County Courthouse, 320 3rd St NW, Faribault, Rice Co., Minnesota.
- [S738] Interview with Olga Louise (Borchert) McCarthy (1296 W. 7th St., St. Paul, Minnesota), by Steven Harn Redman. Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S772] Letter from Mildred (Toland) Harn (P.O. Box 36, Mather, PA 15346) to Steven Harn Redman, Mar 1995; Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S808] MMarriage Notice for Janet Schneider and William Mickelson, Red Wing Daily Republican, Red Wing, Minnesota, 25 Oct 1955, 4. Hereinafter cited as RWDR.
- [S878] Unknown article title, OBITUARY: Goodhue County Republican, 18Jan1872, 4:4, Red Wing, Minnesota, 18 Jan 1872, 4. Hereinafter cited as Goodhue County Republican.
- [S953] Letter from Nancy Louise (Perry) Harn (6721 S. 66th E. Ave.,Tulsa, OK) to Steven Harn Redman, 20 May 1991; Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
- [S954] Unknown article title, Obituary of husband, listed Alice's date of death, unknown location.
- [S1028] male McGinnis entry, birth, Rice Co., MN Court House, Rice County Courthouse, 320 3rd St NW, Faribault, Rice Co., Minnesota.
- [S1084] B. Esther (Oviedo) Harn, "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595, # 181", Feb 1977 (18921 Knapp St., Northridge, CA 91324). Hereinafter cited as "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595."
- [S1090] B. Esther (Oviedo) Harn, "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595, # 65,68-70", Feb 1977 (18921 Knapp St., Northridge, CA 91324). Hereinafter cited as "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595."
- [S1106] B. Esther (Oviedo) Harn, "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595, # 26", Feb 1977 (18921 Knapp St., Northridge, CA 91324). Hereinafter cited as "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595."
- [S1158] B. Esther (Oviedo) Harn, "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595, # 159-162", Feb 1977 (18921 Knapp St., Northridge, CA 91324). Hereinafter cited as "E.B. Harn Sheets, FHL film 1036595."
- [S1180] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Ancestral File Number 3Q6B-QD"; Ancestral File, 4.19 Family History Library, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as "AFN."
- [S1181] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Ancestral File Number 3Q6B-P7"; for Ernest Frederick McGuire, Ancestral File, 4.19 Family History Library, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as "AFN."
- [S1189] Unknown article title, OBITUARY: Red Wing Daily Republican Eagle, 21Oct1954, 7:5, Red Wing, Minnesota, 21 Oct 1954, 7. Hereinafter cited as RWDRE.
- [S1190] Ellen Mary McGuinn entry, Goodhue Co , MN Death Record, Book 8, page 539, line 7, Goodhue Co., MN Court House, Goodhue County Courthouse, 509 W. 5th St., Red Wing, Goodhue Co., Minnesota.
- [S1212] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Ancestral File Number RKMP-XM"; Ancestral File, 4.19 Family History Library, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah.
- [S1213] Gordon Hillman, compiler, "Ancestral File Number RKMQ-5S, submitted by Gordon Hillman"; Ancestral File, 4.19 Family History Library, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah.
- [S1311] Jack D. Ruple Sr., The Ruple Family in America and its Germanic heritage, pg 140 (Little Rock, Arkansas: J.D. Ruple, c1988). Hereinafter cited as Ruple Family in America.
- [S1337] Jack D. Ruple Sr., The Ruple Family in America and its Germanic heritage, pg 148 (Little Rock, Arkansas: J.D. Ruple, c1988). Hereinafter cited as Ruple Family in America.
- [S1354] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Ancestral File Number MB51-Z0, submitted by two persons"; Ancestral File, 4.19 Family History Library, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah.
- [S1382] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Ancestral File Number TZLH-V4"; Ancestral File, 4.19 Family History Library, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah.
- [S1483] William's marriage notice in 1955, listed his parents, Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as marriage notice.
- [S1565] Herbert Merlin McLaird, unknown file number, Social Security Death Index - Herbert McLaird, unknown series (n.p.: n.pub.). Hereinafter cited as SSDI - Herbert McLaird.
- [S1636] Herbert Merlin McLaird, death 1992-MN-027265 (29 Oct 1992), Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as Death Certificate - Herbert McLaird.
- [S1638] Robert Francis McCarthy, death 1980-MN-014321 (30 Jun 1980), Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as Death Certificate - Robert McCarthy.
- [S1692] Lu McCarty, Daily Oklahoman, The (Oklahoma City, OK), n/a, 24 Aug 1991, 32. Hereinafter cited as Daily Oklahoman Newspaper.
- [S1786] Mary Lou McCarthy, death n/a (29 Jun 1982), Steven Harn Redman, Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY. Hereinafter cited as Death Cert - Mary Lou Redman.
- [S1878] Mrs. Cyrus B. Miller, The South Bend Tribune Newspaper (Indiana), South Bend, Indiana, 11 Feb 1915, page 5, column 4. Hereinafter cited as The South Bend Tribune Newspaper (Indiana).
- [S1990] Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002, online https://www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002.
- [S1994] Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002, online https://ancestry.com/. Hereinafter cited as Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002.
- [S2056] McLeod, 09 Jun 1900 census, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah, Year: 1900; Census Place: Vesta, Redwood, Minnesota; Roll: 786; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 237, Family History Library FHL microfilm: 1240786.
- [S2114] Green Lawn Cemetery, Columbus, OH, online http://greenlawn.delaohio.com/greenlawn/greenlawndata/h.txt. Hereinafter cited as Green Lawn Cemetery, Columbus, OH.
- [S2159] Robert McLaird, Marshall Independent Newspaper, www.ancestry.com, 16 Jan 2010, n/a. Hereinafter cited as Marshall Independent Newspaper.
- [S2224] Harn, census, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah, Family History Library.
- [S2244] Struck, census, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah, Ancestry.com website.
- [S2245] Struck, census, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah, Ancestry.com website.
- [S2248] Monhaut, census, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah, Ancestry.com website.
- [S2249] Monhaut, census, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah, Ancestry.com website.
- [S2272] Find a Grave Inc., Findagrave.com website, database and images (Find a Grave, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah ), Fairview Cemetery, Craigton, Wayne Co., Ohio.
- [S2332] Cowlitz County Auditor, Marriage Records, 1986-2012, Washington State Digital Archives, Washington State Digital Archives, 960 Washington Street, Cheney, Spokane Co., Washington. Hereinafter cited as Cowlitz County Auditor, Marriage Records, 1986-2012.
- [S2341] Merz, 02 May 1940 census, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah, Year: 1940; Census Place: Canary, Lane, Oregon; Roll: T627_3368; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 20-11, Ancestry.com website.
- [S2429] Washington, Marriage Records, 1854-2013, Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as Washington, Marriage Records, 1854-2013.
- [S2438] Agnes Hoppenrath, death unknown number, Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as Death Records.
- [S2477] WILLIAMS, VIRGINIA VAN KIRK MORGAN, THE HARTFORD COURANT, https://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-xpm-2006-12-29-0612280898-story.html, 29 dec 2006. Hereinafter cited as THE HARTFORD COURANT.
- [S2538] Alice Irene (Monhaut)Matthews Hartman, South Bend Tribune (indiana), https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/southbendtribune/obituary.aspx?pid=195772388, 24 mar 2020, n/a. Hereinafter cited as South Bend Tribune (Indiana).
- [S2565] New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957, online www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957.
- [S2606] Minnesota, County Marriages, 1860-1949, FamilySearch.org website, Family History Library (FamilySearch), 35 North West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as Minnesota, County Marriages, 1860-1949.
- [S2607] Iowa State Divorce Records, online https://www.familysearch.org/. Hereinafter cited as Iowa State Divorce Records.
- [S2711] Edward Marshall Mockler, The Exponent Telegram (West Virginia's News), https://www.wvnews.com/theet/obituaries/edward-marshall-mockler/article_bff296dd-b006-5203-9220-b9a18b296d38.html, 27 Jun 2021, n/a. Hereinafter cited as The Exponent Telegram (West Virginia's News).
- [S2775] MRS. MARY HARN, AGED 94, DIES, The Morning Herald, newspapers.com, 30 November 1914, 1. Hereinafter cited as The Morning Herald.
- [S2776] Mary Moore, death 117922 (02 Dec 1914), Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1968.
- [S2816] Bowman Funeral Directors & Cremation Services, Bowman Funeral Directors & Cremation Services, https://www.bowmanfuneral.com/obituary/russell-ivan-morgan-jr/, 20 jun 2021, n/a.
- [S2827] Julia Ann VandeZande obituary, Saint Joseph Funeral Homes, Indiana, https://www.sjfh.net/obituary/Julia-VandeZande, 11 April 2023, n/a. Hereinafter cited as Saint Joseph Funeral Homes.
- [S2829] Rosemary "Rose" Lynn Mathes, Tribute Archive, https://www.tributearchive.com/obituaries/21011222/Rosemary-Rose-Lynn-Mathes, 06 may 2021, n/a. Hereinafter cited as Tribute Archive.
- [S2837] Obituary for Mrs. Bernetta Jeanne Graham, Washburn-McReavy Funeral Chapels, https://https://washburn-mcreavy.com/obituaries/Bernetta-Graham, 23 Jun 2018, n/a. Hereinafter cited as Washburn-McReavy Funeral Chapels.
- [S2870] Obituary of Charles E. Mettler Sr., Hindle Funeral Home, Inc. (Dansville, NY), https://hindlefuneralhome.com/tribute/details/1062/Charles-Mettler-Sr/obituary.html, 15 October 2022, n/a. Hereinafter cited as Hindle Funeral Home, Inc.
- [S2872] Floyd "Bud" Mitchell, 87, The Daily Inter Lake (Kalispell, Montana), Newspapers.com, 21 June 2005, 11. Hereinafter cited as The Daily Inter Lake.
- [S2875] Robert Merz Obituary, Legacy.com, https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/registerguard/name/robert-merz-obituary?id=13319475, 24 Sep 2020, n/a. Hereinafter cited as Legacy.com.
- [S2877] Wikipedia, online https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Mitchell. Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
- [S3005] McCormick, David H., Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), Newspapers.com, 15 February 1998, 26. Hereinafter cited as Democrat and Chronicle.
- [S3006] Sarah Jane Mc Cormick Lohr, Latrobe, Pennsylvania (Latrobe, Pennsylvania), Newspapers.com, 3 August 2009, A2. Hereinafter cited as Latrobe, Pennsylvania.