Floradell Redman1

F, #4969
Last Edited=28 Oct 2018
4th great-granddaughter of Daniel Redmon Sr.
1st cousin 1 time removed of Jody Ann Redman
     Floradell Redman was the daughter of Walter Redman and Bertha May Martin.1


  1. [S1698] Ruby Fellows, "Redman and Fellows Family Information", ca. 1973 (Caldwell, Idaho). Hereinafter cited as "Redman and Fellows Family Information."

Francis M. Redman1

F, #4839, b. circa 1865, d. 13 April 1875
Last Edited=20 Feb 2024
2nd great-granddaughter of Daniel Redmon Sr.
Great-grandaunt of Jody Ann Redman
     Francis M. Redman was born circa 1865.1 She was the daughter of Samuel Redman and Susan M. Chamberlain.1 Francis M. Redman died on 13 April 1875 at Ohio.


Census8 July 1870Jefferson Twsp., Adams Co., Ohio, listed as 5 years old and born in Ohio.


  1. [S1677] Robert C. Goodyear's website on The Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families (June 2005), online http://goodyear-mascaro.org/. Hereinafter cited as Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families website.

Frank Redman1

M, #4985, b. circa 1932, d. 1992
Last Edited=28 Sep 2021
4th great-grandson of Daniel Redmon Sr.
1st cousin 1 time removed of Jody Ann Redman
     Frank Redman was born circa 1932. He was the son of Homer Hartsel Redman and Pauline Mae Templeton.1 Frank Redman died in 1992.


  1. [S1698] Ruby Fellows, "Redman and Fellows Family Information", ca. 1973 (Caldwell, Idaho). Hereinafter cited as "Redman and Fellows Family Information."

Hannah Belle Redman1

F, #4842, b. circa 1872, d. 4 November 1944
Last Edited=20 Feb 2024
2nd great-granddaughter of Daniel Redmon Sr.
Great-grandaunt of Jody Ann Redman
     Hannah Belle Redman was born circa 1872 at Ohio.1 She was the daughter of Samuel Redman and Susan M. Chamberlain.1 Hannah Belle Redman died on 4 November 1944 at Ohio.


  1. [S1677] Robert C. Goodyear's website on The Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families (June 2005), online http://goodyear-mascaro.org/. Hereinafter cited as Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families website.

Harold Warren Redman

M, #255, b. 26 March 1927, d. 8 July 2010
Last Edited=16 Mar 2025
4th great-grandson of Daniel Redmon Sr.
Great-grandson of Adin Fellows
Father of Jody Ann Redman
Harold W. Redman in October 2003
Harold Redman in June 1981
Harold and Mary Lou Redman in March 1964
Harold Warren Redman
     Harold Warren Redman also went by the name of Red. He was born on 26 March 1927 at Watseka, Iroquois Co., Illinois.1 Harold Warren Redman was a Printer. He was the son of James Roby Redman and Ruby Fellows. Harold attended Caldwell High School in Canyon Co., Idaho in 1944, but did not graduate.

U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 lists following record for Harold W. Redman:

Name: Harold W Redman
Birth Year: 1927
Race: White, citizen (White)
Nativity State or Country: Illinois
State of Residence: Idaho
County or City: Canyon
Enlistment Date: 29 Oct 1945
Enlistment State: Texas
Enlistment City: Camp Wolters
Service Number:      39944786
Branch: Transportation Corps
Branch Code: Transportation Corps
Grade: Private
Grade Code: Private
Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for Hawaiian Department
Component: Regular Army (including Officers, Nurses, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted Men)
Source: Enlisted Man, Philippine Scout or recall to AD of an enlisted man who had been transferred to the ERC
Education: 3 years of high school
Civil Occupation: Tinsmiths, coppersmiths, and sheet metal workers
Marital Status: Single, without dependents

Source Information:
National Archives and Records Administration. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 (database on-line) Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2005.
Original data: Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, 1938-1946 [Archival Database]; World War II Army Enlistment Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 64; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.

Pvt. Harold Redman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Redman, 703 Indiana street, is spending a 12-day furlough in Caldwell, en route from Camp Wolters, Tex., to Fort Douglas, Utah.
The Idaho Statesman, Boise, Idaho, 9 November 1945, page 13.2

Harold Warren Redman married Doris Jane Richards, daughter of Abraham Paul Richards and Florence Irene Andrews, on 19 February 1950 at Methodist Church, Caldwell, Canyon Co., Idaho.3,1
Miss Doris Richards Marries Army Corporal in Caldwell
CALDWELL — Before a flower-banked altar in the Methodist church, Miss Doris Richards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Richards of Blooming Prairie Minn., and Cpl. Harold Redman, son of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Redman of Caldwell, were married Sunday evening.
The Rev. Harold N. Nye officiated at the ceremony which was attended by 80 friends.
The bride wore a white chiffon dress made with a lace and chiffon bodice. Her net veil fell from a Juliet cap and she carried a white Bible topped with an orchid.
Matron of honor was Mrs. Eldon Farner, sister of the bride. She wore a pink taffeta and net dress and carried a colonial bouquet of pink and white carnations. Bridesmaids were Miss Violet Redman, sister of the bridegroom and Miss Luetta Edick of Homedale, cousin of the bride They were gowned in pink and blue and carried pink corsages.
Linda Richards of Blooming Prairie sister of the bride and Carol Jean Edick of Homedale were the flower girls and wore yellow and blue organdy formals.
Mrs. Richards, mother of the bride, was dressed in navy blue with pink accessories The bridegroom’s mother wore a dusty rose dress with black accessories
Acting as best man was LeRoy Samuelson, brother-in-law of the bridegroom. Ushers were Eldon Farner and James A. Redman.
Mrs. Nye played the wedding march from Lohengrin and Richard Williams sang several solos accompanied by Mrs. Nye
A reception given by the bride's mother, followed the wedding ceremony. Assisting Mrs. Richards were Mrs. Frank Wirta and Mrs. Ernie Edick, aunts of the bride, Mrs. Wesley Hausaurer, Mrs. Johnnie Fisher , Florence Wirta, Alice May Hausaurer and Mrs. Samuelson.
Following a wedding trip to McCall the couple will be at home in Newport News, Va., where the bridegroom is stationed.
The bride was graduated from Iowa Falls, Iowa, high school and for the last two years has made her home in Caldwell. The bridegroom is a graduate of Caldwell high school and for the last five years has been with the U.S. Army transportation corps. He spent four years in the German occupation stationed at Berlin.
The Idaho Statesman, Boise, Idaho, 26 Feb 1950, Sun - Page 32.4

His Social Security Number was 519-20-6642 issued in Idaho before 1951. Harold Warren Redman lived in 1951 at 42 Locust Ave., Newport News, Virginia.

Harold Redman -- DD Form 214 – Report of Separation from the Armed Forces of the United States, provides the following information:

Honorable Discharge
1. Name: Redman, Harold Warren
2.Service Number: RA39-944-786
3.Grade: SGT(T) 01Oct1950
4.Component and Branch: Regular Army, Transportation Corp.
5.Specialty Number: 1783
6.Effective Date of Separation: 30Oct1950
7.Type of Separation: Discharge
8.Reason and Authority of Separation: Expiration of term of service AR 615-360
9.Place of Separation: Fort Eustis, Virginia
10.Date of Birth: 26Mar1927
11.Place of Birth: Watseka, Illinois
Sex: Male
Race: White
Color Hair: Red
Color Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 175
17.Means of Entry other than Induction: Enlisted 6 years
18.Rank at time of entry into service: Private
19.Date and Place of Entry into Service: 29Oct1945 - Camp Wolters, Texas
20.Home Address at time of entry into service: 720 Indiana St., Canyon Co., Caldwell, Idaho
22.Net Service Completed for Pay Purposes this Period: 6 yrs, 0 mo., 0 days
23.Other Service (Act of 16Jun1942 as amended) Completed for pay purposes: 0 yrs, 4 mo., 29 days
24.Total Net Service Completed for Pay Purposes: 6 yrs, 4 mo., 29 days

>>>This comes out to 01Jun1944, what service was he in from 01Jun1944 until 29Oct1945?
(this maybe Army Reserves or Army National Guard, for 4 –months 29-days)

26.Foreign and/or Sea Service: 3 yrs, 6 mo., 11 days
27.Decorations, Medals, Badges, Citations and Campaign Ribbons Awarded or Authorized:
Good Conduct Medal, WW II Victory Medal, Army Occupational Medal (Germany)
28.Most Significant Duty Assignment: 502d T Traffic Regulation Det., Fort Eustis, Virginia
29. Wounds Received: NA
30.Service Schools or Colleges, College Training Courses and/or Post-Grad. Courses completed: NA
35.Remarks: 2 Days lost under section 6 (a) appendix 2b MGM 1951
Blood Group "A"
Excess leave 61 days
42.Main Civilian Occupation: No Work History
45:Marital Status: married
46.Non-Service Education (Years successfully completed): Grammar-8yrs, High School-3 ½ years, College-0 yrs.5

Harold and his wife, Doris, adopted his sister Violet's baby, Connie Redman in 1953.

He lived in 1955 at 730 W. 3rd, Prineville, Crook Co., Oregon. He lived between 1957 and 1960 at 527 N. Court, Prineville, Crook Co., Oregon.

In 1927 the Redman family moved from Illinois to Montana in a 1925 Chevy car, to find better jobs. Then in 1929, they moved from Wyoming to Idaho for Harold's fathers job with International Harvester. Harold worked for the U.S. Forest Service in Idaho from 1942-44. He joined the U.S. Army in 1945, where he served in Germany, getting out of the service in 1951. In 1951, he worked construction jobs in Washington. Beginning in 1952, he started working in the Printing business, initially in Oregon, then later in Minnesota. In 1959, Harold moved from Oregon to Minnesota for job opportunities.
Harold considered himself an Independent Republican. For leisure-time activities, he had enjoyed fishing, hunting, bowling and golf.
On 07 Jan 1970, Mary Lou adopted the two daughters of Harold W. Redman, Connie Jane Redman and Jody Ann Redman, and Harold adopted Mary Lou's son Steve.

He lived in February 1963 at 559 E. Rose St., Owatonna, Steele Co., Minnesota.6 He married Mary Lou McCarthy, daughter of William Charles McCarthy and Katherine Rose Sklenar, on 17 January 1964 at Owatonna, Steele Co., Minnesota.7 Harold Warren Redman lived in 1965 at 8925 Chicago Ave., South, Bloomington, Hennepin Co., Minnesota; from 1965 to 1975. He lived in June 1975 at Rt. 4, Box 157A, Faribault, Rice Co., Minnesota. He retired circa 1983 at Minneapolis Star & Tribune Newspaper, Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota. He and Herena A. Tichey were unmarried partners in 1985. Harold Warren Redman lived in May 2001 at 2020 Spaulding St., Boise, Ada Co., Idaho.

Harold Redman lived with Herena A. Burkett at 2020 Spaulding Street in Boise from about 1985 till May 2001, when they sold the house. In March 2002, they bought a 14' x 70' mobile home at 1450 View Vista Park Port Angeles Washington. He lived bt 2002 - 2010 at 1450 View Vista Park, Port Angeles, Clallam Co., Washington. The cause of death was immediate cause of death was Myocardial Infarction for 3-weeks, aortic stenosis for 2-months, Atrial fibrillation for 1-week, pulmonary HTN for 2-months and Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).

on 8 July 2010.8 He died on 8 July 2010 at Saint Joseph Hospital, Bellingham, Whatcom Co., Washington, at age 83.8 He was cremated on 8 July 2010 at Westford Funeral Home, Bellingham, Whatcom Co., Washington.

Timeline of Harold Redman’s life

26 Mar 1927
     Born in Watseka, Illinois, copy of birth certificate spelled name as ‘Herald’.
     His family attended the Chicago World’s Fair and met Jack Dempsey.
     When about 8 or 9 years old, the family lived part-time out in Jordan Valley (Oregon), found a pinto pony that he raised.
     When about 8 or 9 years old, won a piglet at the fair in Caldwell, Idaho.
     Played legion baseball from 9-11 years old.
     Starting at age 9, parents made him take violin lessons for 2-years.
     When 10-years old, had two paper routes.
     Shipped to ranch in central Idaho, near Grangeville to work as a hired hand for 2-years for John Chase. Going to school in Grangeville. When about 12-years old, drove 36 head of mule and a horse for over 27 miles all by himself for John Chase.

     Some Indians gave him the name Red Feather. Early in his boxing, he boxed as Red Feather. He wrote a lot of fishing and hunting stories under the name of Red Feather.

     Boxing career from ages 10 to 22 years old.
     When about 12 years old, parents farmed him out to work
     Got his driver’s license when 12.
     Worked as a hired hand in New Meadows for 1 ½ years (about 1939-41)
     Worked as a hired hand in Caldwell for Mr. Roberts for two-years.
     Started working with the Forest Service when 15, worked with them till 17 years old.
     Got into the Golden Gloves when 15 years old.
     Enlisted in the Army, physical and sworn in ceremony in Ogden, Utah. (this maybe Reserves or National Guard, for 4 –months 29-days)
     Shipped to Texas for 6-months of training in the 32nd Infantry Division.
     Then signed up for 3-years in the regular army rather than to go to Pacific.
25 Dec 1944
     Arrived in Le Havre, France.
Feb 1945
     Was in hospital in France for 2-months with diphtheria, likely due to some tampered with water.
Oct 1945
     His army separation papers listed enlistment dates that were 1-year later than what he said in his audio recordings. Those separation papers list enlistment into regular army on 29Oct1945 at Camp Wolters, Texas, with 6 yrs, 4 mo, 29 days of service, which would be 01 Jun 1945. Service Number was 39944786.
     He was in an Army Shooting Match in Munich, Germany.
     Made a train commander in the Army Transportation Corps, in charge of passenger trains from Berlin to Frankfort for about 2-years.
     Came down with Hepatitis.
     Yellow jaundice and in coma for 32-days.
     Said he was in a 1947 issue of Life magazine.
     Berlin Airlift
     Met Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour when they flew into Berlin during the Berlin Airlift.
     For 3-months he was the youngest (22-years old) Master Sergeant in the entire army.
Jul 1949
     Back in the US
     Stationed in Virginia
     Given job of Movement Control Specialist at Fort Eustis, Virginia for 1 ½ years.
July 1949
     After boxing match at Fort Benning, Georgia he quit boxing.
     Raced cars for about 5-years. Quit racing after crashed his car at Darlington Raceway.
Abt 1950
     Driver for a two star general
Feb 1950
     Married Doris Richards
Oct 1951
     Honorably discharged from the army.
Dec 1951-Jun 1952
     Worked as a Sanitation Engineer in Caldwell, Idaho.
Jun 1952
     Working in Moses Lake, Washington putting up fences with his brother-in-law, LeRoy Samuelson.
     Living in Prineville, Oregon.
     Went to school for printing, partnered in a printing business
     Adopted Connie and took her home from the hospital.
     Living in a 1-bedroom apartment in Prineville, Oregon.
     Moved to Minnesota
     Working as a pressman with Jostens in Owatonna, Minnesota.
Feb 1962
     Jody was born
Feb 1963
     His wife, Doris died.
     Worked for Faribault Daily News and Owatonna Daily News for about 3 years.
     Married Mary Lou Harn
Jan 1970
     Adoption of Connie, Jody and Steve
Aug 1975
     Moved into house at French Lake, Minnesota
     His wife, Mary Lou died.
     Retired from Minneapolis Star & Tribune Newspaper.
     Bought house in Idaho with Herena Burkett.
08 Jul 2010
     Died in Bellingham, Washington.

(Timeline created from about 14-hours of recordings that Harold Redman made between 2006-2009.)

He was buried on 10 June 2011 at Geneva Cemetery, Ellendale, Freeborn Co., Minnesota, urn with his ashes were buried next to his first wife, Doris.


Census19 April 1940720 Indiana St., Caldwell, Canyon Co., Idaho, Record ID     2442::99610896
URL     https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/99610896:2442
Image Page URL     https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/2442/images/M-T0627-00742-00110
Name     Harold Redman
Age     13
Estimated Birth Year     abt 1927
Gender     Male
Race     White
Birth Place     Illinois
Marital Status     Single
Relationship     Son
Residence     Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho
Map of Home in 1940     Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho
Street     Indiana Street
House Number     720
Inferred Residence in 1935     Rural, Canyon, Idaho
Residence in 1935     Rural, Canyon, Idaho
Resident on farm in 1935     Yes
Sheet Number     17A
Institution     IOOF Home 1-18
Attended School or College     Yes
Highest Grade Completed     Elementary school, 6th grade
Household Members     James Redman, Ruby Redman, Arthur Redman, Delores Redman, Doris Redman, Violet Redman
Source.Title     1940 United States Federal Census
Source.Year     1940
Source.Census Place     Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho
Source.Roll     m-t0627-00742
Source.Page     17A
Source.Enumeration District     14-7A
Source.Citation     Year: 1940; Census Place: Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho; Roll: m-t0627-00742; Page: 17A; Enumeration District: 14-7A

Child of Harold Warren Redman and Doris Jane Richards


  1. [S1698] Ruby Fellows, "Redman and Fellows Family Information", ca. 1973 (Caldwell, Idaho). Hereinafter cited as "Redman and Fellows Family Information."
  2. [S2755] Harold Redman 12-day furlough, The Idaho Statesman, Boise, Idaho, Newspapers.com, 9 November 1945, 13, Search      "Harold Redman"
    Paper     The Idaho Statesman
    Location     Boise, Idaho
    Date      9 November 1945
    Page     13
    Source.Title     Newspapers.com. Hereinafter cited as The Idaho Statesman.
  3. [S2409] Marriage Certificate for Harold Redman and Doris Richards: Record ID     7849::406384
    URL     https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/406384:7849
    Name     Doris Jane Richards
    Marriage Date      19 February 1950
    Marriage Place     Canyon, Idaho, USA
    Spouse     Harold W. Redman
    Certificate Number     00600
    Source.Title     Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1969
    Source.Part1     Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics
    Source.Part2     Boise, Idaho
    Source.Part3     Marriage Index For Years 1947-1964
    Source.Citation     Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; Marriage Index For Years 1947-1964, Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as Marriage Certificate for Harold Redman and Doris Richards.
  4. [S2752] Miss Doris Richards Marries Army Corporal in Caldwell, The Idaho Statesman, Boise, Idaho, Newspapers.com, 26 February 1950, 32, Image URL     https://img.newspapers.com/img/img?institutionId=0&user=1605694&id=723625859&clippingId=108944708&width=557&height=869&crop=5339_126_1728_2748&rotation=0
    Name     Clipped From The Idaho Statesman
    Paper     The Idaho Statesman
    Location     Boise, Idaho
    Date      26 February 1950
    Page     32
    Source.Title     Newspapers.com. Hereinafter cited as The Idaho Statesman.
  5. [S2754] Harold Warren Redman, DD Form 214 - Report of Separation from the Armed Forces of the United States, n/a (n/a: United States Department of Defense). Hereinafter cited as DD Form 214 - Report of Separation from the Armed Forces of the United States.
  6. [S1965] Doris Jane Redman, Dalby Data, unknown location, http://www.dalbydata.com/user.php?action=resultobits
    Redman, Doris Jane
    Owatonna People's Press 28/Feb/1963. Hereinafter cited as Dalby Data.
  7. [S1785] Marriage of Mary Lou Harn & Harold Redman, Steven Harn Redman, Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY. Hereinafter cited as Marriage of Mary Lou Harn & Harold Redman.
  8. [S1950] Harold Warren Redman, Death Certificate Local file number: 747 (08 Jul 2010), Steven Harn Redman, Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY. Hereinafter cited as Death Cert - Harold Redman.

Hazel Redman1

F, #4971
Last Edited=21 Oct 2018
4th great-granddaughter of Daniel Redmon Sr.
1st cousin 1 time removed of Jody Ann Redman
     Hazel Redman was the daughter of Walter Redman and Bertha May Martin.1


  1. [S1698] Ruby Fellows, "Redman and Fellows Family Information", ca. 1973 (Caldwell, Idaho). Hereinafter cited as "Redman and Fellows Family Information."

Homer Redman1

M, #4843, b. circa 1874, d. 30 October 1897
Last Edited=20 Feb 2024
2nd great-grandson of Daniel Redmon Sr.
Great-granduncle of Jody Ann Redman
     Homer Redman was born circa 1874 at Ohio.1 He was the son of Samuel Redman and Susan M. Chamberlain.1 Homer Redman died on 30 October 1897 at Ohio.


  1. [S1677] Robert C. Goodyear's website on The Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families (June 2005), online http://goodyear-mascaro.org/. Hereinafter cited as Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families website.

Homer Hartsel Redman

M, #1144, b. 21 March 1894, d. 13 March 1946
Last Edited=28 Sep 2021
3rd great-grandson of Daniel Redmon Sr.
Granduncle of Jody Ann Redman
     Homer Hartsel Redman was born on 21 March 1894 at Adams Co., Ohio. He was the son of John William Redman and Della Regina Kerr. Homer Hartsel Redman married Edna Belle Moore on 23 August 1918 at Indiana.1 Homer Hartsel Redman married Pauline Mae Templeton on 10 May 1924 at Illinois.1 Homer Hartsel Redman died on 13 March 1946 at Watseka, Iroquois Co., Illinois, at age 51.2


Census21 June 1900Green Twsp., Adams Co., Ohio, lists John Redman born Jul 1850 in Ohio, married 17-years, blacksmith; wife Dellie born Jun 1860 in Ohio, married 17 years, 8 of her 9 children still alive; daughter Emma V. born Nov 1884 in Ohio, single; son Walter born Mar 1887 in Ohio, single; son Chester A. born Aug 1889 in Ohio; son Samuel S. born Jan 1891 in Ohio; son Homer H. born Mar 1894 in Ohio; daughter Minnie born Jun 1895 in Ohio; son James R. born May 1899 in Ohio

Children of Homer Hartsel Redman and Pauline Mae Templeton


  1. [S1698] Ruby Fellows, "Redman and Fellows Family Information", ca. 1973 (Caldwell, Idaho). Hereinafter cited as "Redman and Fellows Family Information."
  2. [S1677] Robert C. Goodyear's website on The Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families (June 2005), online http://goodyear-mascaro.org/. Hereinafter cited as Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families website.

Isaiah Tyrell Redman

M, #5670
Last Edited=14 Sep 2022
7th great-grandson of Daniel Redmon Sr.
4th great-grandson of Adin Fellows
1st cousin 2 times removed of Jody Ann Redman
     Isaiah Tyrell Redman is the son of Elliot McBain Redman and Armandina Marie Berg. Isaiah Tyrell Redman married Hope Sellers on 19 March 2021.

Child of Isaiah Tyrell Redman and Hope Sellers

James Arthur Redman

M, #1112, b. 13 February 1924, d. 28 April 1972
Last Edited=16 Mar 2025
4th great-grandson of Daniel Redmon Sr.
Great-grandson of Adin Fellows
Uncle of Jody Ann Redman
James Arthur Redman
     James Arthur Redman was born on 13 February 1924 at Watseka, Iroquois Co., Illinois.1,2 He was the son of James Roby Redman and Ruby Fellows. James Arthur Redman also went by the name of Art.1 He graduated circa 1942 at Caldwell High School, Caldwell, Canyon Co., Idaho.

U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 listed following record for James A. Redman:

Name: James A Redman
Birth Year: 1924
Race: White, citizen (White)
Nativity State or Country: Illinois
State of Residence: Idaho
County or City: Canyon
Enlistment Date: 24 Aug 1943
Enlistment State: Idaho
Enlistment City: Boise
Branch: No branch assignment
Branch Code: No branch assignment
Grade: Private
Grade Code: Private
Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law
Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men)
Source: Civil Life
Education: 3 years of high school
Civil Occupation: Semiskilled chauffeurs and drivers, bus, taxi, truck, and tractor
Marital Status: Single, without dependents
Height: 00
Weight: 006

Source Information:
National Archives and Records Administration. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 (database on-line). Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2005.
Original data: Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, 1938-1946 [Archival Database]; World War II Army Enlistment Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 64; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.

Following from Caldwell (Idaho) Tribune, 15 Oct 1945, page 6:

Atomic Bombs 'Really Tore Up Japan' , Sgt. J.A. Redman Writes to His Parents Here
"Those atomic bombs really tore up Japan," writes Sgt. James A. Redman, son of Mr. And Mrs. J.R. Redman, 720 Indiana Street, Caldwell, to his parents. Sgt. Redman, a graduate of Caldwell high school, is with the medical detachment of the American division occupational forces in Japan.

The letter reads: "By now you have probably guessed that I am in Japan. It is a lot different that I thought it would be. Boy, those bombs really tore up the place. One place we went through was just a pile of tin and junk. Yokohama wasn't tore up as badly as I thought it would be. It was pretty thoroughly roughed up, but there were still lots of big buildings standing. The Nips have the trolley cars and trucks running now and I don't believe I ever saw so many bicycles in my life. About every Nip in the country has one.

"I like the climate here a lot better than any of the Philippines or South Pacific islands. It doesn't get hot in the daytime, but it gets plenty cool at night. I think I could use a pair of "long handles". I don't think I will get to the States before winter comes, so I will probably have a nice winter here.
"They say it snows here, but I sure hope not. If it does, I'll probably freeze to death. It will be a lot different than the weather around the equator.
"There are plenty of pines and cedar trees around here. These pines sure look good to me. I don't know if the Nips have any good fishing here or not, but if they do, I'll find it. I saw a couple go by the other day with fishing poles.
"I don't think you need to worry about any casualties when the Nips are disarmed. Everything looks good to me now. There hasn't been any trouble here yet. This is a lot easier than you think. It sure is different that running then out of their holes. All the Japs I've seen here are scared to death of us.
"I guess it is on account of the propaganda the higher authorities told them: It won't be long before they are over it. When you go down the road, the men salute and women bow.
"We didn't do any celebrating when the was over and I wasn't any happier than the rest of the gang here."

He married Mabel Eileen Foreman, daughter of Roy William Foreman and Erma Witty, on 5 February 1948 at Caldwell, Canyon Co., Idaho.3,1 James Arthur Redman lived bt 1966-1972 at Weiser, Washington Co., Idaho. He died on 28 April 1972 at Weiser, Washington Co., Idaho, at age 48.4,1,2 SOURCE: Ruby Redman. His Social Security Number was 518-22-6076 issued in Idaho. He was buried on 1 May 1972 at Hillcrest Cemetery, Weiser, Washington Co., Idaho.2

Following obituary for James A. Redman appeared
Idaho Free Press & Caldwell News Tribune, Monday, 01May1972 page 2, column 5.

James A. Redman

WEISER - Services for James A. (Art) Redman, 48, a resident of Weiser for the past six and a half years, who died Friday at a Weiser hospital, were conducted at 3 p.m. today at the Northam-Jones Chapel by Pastor Basil Lewis. Internment was at Hillcrest Cemetery.
He was born Feb. 13, 1924 at Watseka, Ill., the son of James R. and Ruby Fellows Redman. He left Illinois when he was six, going first to Wyoming and then to Caldwell, Idaho. He attended Caldwell schools. He entered the U.S. Army on Aug. 20, 1943, and served in the South Pacific during World War II with the medical corps of the American Division. He was discharged from the Army Feb. 5, 1946.
He married Mabel Foreman Feb. 5, 1948 at Caldwell. The couple lived in the Caldwell area where he worked as a mechanic for International Harvester. At the time of his death he was employed by Johnson-Bryant Farm Equipment Co. of Weiser, as shop supervisor.
He was a member of the auxiliary police of Weiser. He became a member of the Caldwell Christian Church in 1958.
Survivors include his wife, Weiser; two daughters, Mrs. Denice Picard, and LuAnn Redman, both of Weiser; his mother, Mrs. Ruby Redman, Caldwell; a brother, Harold Redman, Minneapolis, Minn., and three sisters, Mrs. Dolores Samuelson, Meridian, Mrs. Doris Nelson, Port Angeles, Wash., and Mrs. Violet Duro, Nampa.


Census19 April 1940720 Indiana St., Caldwell, Canyon Co., Idaho, Record ID     2442::99610894
URL     https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/99610894:2442
Name     Arthur Redman
Age     16
Estimated Birth Year     abt 1924
Gender     Male
Race     White
Birth Place     Illinois
Marital Status     Single
Relationship     Son
Residence     Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho
Map of Home in 1940     Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho
Street     Indiana Street
House Number     720
Inferred Residence in 1935     Rural, Canyon, Idaho
Residence in 1935     Rural, Canyon, Idaho
Resident on farm in 1935     Yes
Sheet Number     17A
Institution     IOOF Home 1-18
Occupation     New Worker
Attended School or College     Yes
Highest Grade Completed     High School, 1st year
Weeks Worked in 1939     0
Income     0
Income Other Sources     Yes
Household Members     James Redman, Ruby Redman, Harold Redman, Delores Redman, Doris Redman, Violet Redman
Source.Title     1940 United States Federal Census
Source.Year     1940
Source.Census Place     Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho
Source.Roll     m-t0627-00742
Source.Page     17A
Source.Enumeration District     14-7A
Source.Citation     Year: 1940; Census Place: Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho; Roll: m-t0627-00742; Page: 17A; Enumeration District: 14-7A

Children of James Arthur Redman and Mabel Eileen Foreman


  1. [S1698] Ruby Fellows, "Redman and Fellows Family Information", ca. 1973 (Caldwell, Idaho). Hereinafter cited as "Redman and Fellows Family Information."
  2. [S2545] Findagrave.com website, database and images (Find a Grave, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah ), James Arthur “Art” Redman, Memorial ID 22192336,
    Birth: 13 February 1924, Watseka, Iroquois County, Illinois, USA
    Death: 29 April 1972, Weiser, Washington County, Idaho, USA
    Burial: Hillcrest Cemetery, Weiser, Washington County, Idaho
    Source: Find a Grave
    SourceCitation: Find a Grave, database and images (www.findagrave.com/memorial/22192336/james-arthur-redman: accessed 16 May 2021), memorial page for James Arthur “Art” Redman (13 Feb 1924–29 Apr 1972), Find a Grave Memorial ID 22192336, citing Hillcrest Cemetery, Weiser, Washington County, Idaho, USA; Maintained by Cheryl Hanson (contributor 46836345).
    Parents James Roby Redman 1899–1967 Ruby Fellows Redman 1903–2001
    Spouse Mabel Eileen Foreman Redman 1928–2013
    Siblings Violet Estelle Redman Duro 1934–2016 Flowers,.
  3. [S2598] Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1969:
    Source Citation
    Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; Marriage Index For Years 1947-1964
    Source Information
    Ancestry.com. Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1969 (database on-line). Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2005.

    Original data:
    Marriage Records, 1947-1969. Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho.
    Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996. Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College. Rexburg, Idaho.
    Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967. Idaho State Department of Health. Boise, Idaho., Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1969.
  4. [S814] James Arthur Redman, unknown file number, Social Security Death Index (b- 13Feb1924 d- 28Apr1972), unknown series (n.p.: n.pub.).

James Roby Redman

M, #1102, b. 1 May 1899, d. 6 October 1967
Last Edited=16 Mar 2025
3rd great-grandson of Daniel Redmon Sr.
Grandfather of Jody Ann Redman
James Roby Redman
     James Roby Redman was born on 1 May 1899 at Otway, Scioto Co., Ohio.1 He was the son of John William Redman and Della Regina Kerr.

Following entry for found in WWI Draft Registration:

Name: Roby James Redman
City: Not Stated
County: Iroquois
State: Illinois
Birth Date: 01 May 1899
Race: White
Roll: 1613521

Source Information:
Ancestry.com. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration
Cards, 1917-18 (database online) Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2002. National
Archives and Records Administration. World War I Selective Service
System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. M1509, 4,277 rolls.
Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. James Roby Redman lived in 1920 at Montana. He married Ruby Fellows, daughter of George Elbert Fellows and Minnie Inez Lilly, on 3 July 1922 at Hardin, Big Horn Co., Montana; The Marriage License and Marriage Certificate number 654, were both dated 3 July 1922. The marriage listed as being between Roby Redman of Hardin, Montana, aged 23 years, 2 months, 3 days, born at Adams Co., Ohio, son of John Redman and Della Kerr and Ruby Fellows of Hardin, Montana, aged 19 years, 5 months, 6 days, born at Cherry Co., Nebraska, daughter of George Fellows and Minnie Lilly. The wedding was performed by a Methodist Minister and witnessed by Helen Wort and S.W. Fellows.2 James Roby Redman lived bt 1930-1934 at Yoder, Goshen Co., Wyoming. He lived in 1966 at 1202 N. Michigan St., Caldwell, Canyon Co., Idaho; lived at this address in the 1960s until his death. He died on 6 October 1967 at Caldwell Memorial Hospital, Caldwell, Canyon Co., Idaho, at age 68. He was buried on 9 October 1967 at Canyon Hill Cemetery, Caldwell, Canyon Co., Idaho.3

Following obituary for James Redman appeared
Idaho Free Press & Caldwell News Tribune, Monday, 09Oct1967 page 2, column 1.

James Redman
CALDWELL - Services for James Roby Redman, 68, 1202 N. Michigan, who died Friday at a Caldwell hospital, will be held at 2 p.m. at the Flahiff Chapel.
The Rev. Frank Marler, assistant minister at the Nampa Christian Church, will officiate. Internment will be at Canyon Hill.
Redman was born May 1, 1899, at Otway, Ohio. He and his parents moved by covered wagon to Milford, Ill., in 1901. He attended elementary school at Stockland, Ill., and high school at Watseka, Ill.
He moved to Montana in 1920, where he worked in the wheat fields. He married Ruby Fellows on July 3, 1922, at Harding, Mont. They resided at Watseka, Mont., where he worked as a mechanic. In 1930 they moved to Yoder, Wyo., where he worked for four years before moving to Caldwell. He worked as a mechanic at Caldwell and for nine years was employed in Nampa. He retired in 1962.
Survivors include his wife; two sons, James Arthur Redman, Weiser, and Harold Warren Redman, Minneapolis, Minn., three daughters, Mrs. Doris D. Nelson, Corpus Christi, Tex., Mrs. Dolores Samuelson, Meridian, and Violet Luhr, Nampa; a sister, Mrs. Minnie Ashinhurst, Pendelton, Ore., 12 grandchildren and several nieces and nephews, including Mrs. Opal Whiteman, Caldwell. He was preceded in death by three sisters and six brothers. His Social Security Number was 519-09-6814 issued in Idaho. Social Security Death Index (b- 01May1899 d- Oct1967.)


Census21 June 1900Green Twsp., Adams Co., Ohio, lists John Redman born Jul 1850 in Ohio, married 17-years, blacksmith; wife Dellie born Jun 1860 in Ohio, married 17 years, 8 of her 9 children still alive; daughter Emma V. born Nov 1884 in Ohio, single; son Walter born Mar 1887 in Ohio, single; son Chester A. born Aug 1889 in Ohio; son Samuel S. born Jan 1891 in Ohio; son Homer H. born Mar 1894 in Ohio; daughter Minnie born Jun 1895 in Ohio; son James R. born May 1899 in Ohio

Census1920Ohio, CENSUS: 1900 Ohio, Adams? Co., Green? twp.
Otway is in Scioto County, not Adams County, Ohio.
Adams and Scioto County are adjacent to each other.
Green twp of Adams County borders Scioto County.
Census19 April 1940720 Indiana St., Caldwell, Canyon Co., Idaho, Record ID     2442::99610890
URL     https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/99610890:2442
Image Page URL     https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/2442/images/M-T0627-00742-00110
Name     James Redman
Age     40
Estimated Birth Year     abt 1900
Gender     Male
Race     White
Birth Place     Ohio
Marital Status     Married
Relationship     Head
Residence     Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho
Map of Home in 1940     Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho
Street     Indiana Street
House Number     720
Farm     No
Inferred Residence in 1935     Rural, Canyon, Idaho
Residence in 1935     Rural, Canyon, Idaho
Resident on farm in 1935     Yes
Sheet Number     17A
Institution     IOOF Home 1-18
Number of Household in Order of Visitation     371
Occupation     Mechanic
House Owned or Rented     Owned
Value of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented     1200
Attended School or College     No
Highest Grade Completed     High School, 2nd year
Hours Worked Week Prior to Census     54
Class of Worker     Wage or salary worker in private work
Weeks Worked in 1939     52
Income     1620
Income Other Sources     No
Household Members     Ruby Redman, Arthur Redman, Harold Redman, Delores Redman, Doris Redman, Violet Redman
Source.Title     1940 United States Federal Census
Source.Year     1940
Source.Census Place     Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho
Source.Roll     m-t0627-00742
Source.Page     17A
Source.Enumeration District     14-7A
Source.Citation     Year: 1940; Census Place: Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho; Roll: m-t0627-00742; Page: 17A; Enumeration District: 14-7A

Children of James Roby Redman and Ruby Fellows


  1. [S810] Interview with Ruby (Fellows) Redman (1202 No. Michigan St., Caldwell, ID), by Steven Harn Redman. Steven Harn Redman (Steven Harn Redman, P.O. BOX 294, Lyman, WY).
  2. [S811] Marriage Certificate #654, Big Horn Co , Montana, Ancestry.com website, Ancestry, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Hereinafter cited as Marriage Certificate.
  3. [S2545] Findagrave.com website, database and images (Find a Grave, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah ), James Roby Redman, Memorial ID 96394448,
    Birth: 1 May 1899, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USA
    Death: 6 October 1967, Caldwell, Canyon County, Idaho, USA
    Burial: Canyon Hill Cemetery, Caldwell, Canyon County, Idaho
    Source: Find a Grave
    SourceCitation: Find a Grave, database and images (www.findagrave.com/memorial/96394448/james-roby-redman: accessed 16 May 2021), memorial page for James Roby Redman (1 May 1899–6 Oct 1967), Find a Grave Memorial ID 96394448, citing Canyon Hill Cemetery, Caldwell, Canyon County, Idaho, USA; Maintained by Sue Ann Harfst (contributor 46972179).

    Spouse Ruby Fellows Redman 1903–2001
    Children James Arthur Redman 1924–1972
    Violet Estelle Redman Duro 1934–2016,.

Jody Ann Redman

F, #1101
Last Edited=14 Dec 2024
5th great-granddaughter of Daniel Redmon Sr.
2nd great-granddaughter of Adin Fellows
Great-granddaughter of William Louis Richards
2nd great-granddaughter of Anthony Andrews
     Jody Ann Redman is the daughter of Harold Warren Redman and Doris Jane Richards. Jody Ann Redman married Michael Charles Samuelson, son of LeRoy Samuelson and Dolores May Redman, on 3 November 1987 at Winnemucca, Humboldt Co., Nevada.1 Jody Ann Redman and Michael Charles Samuelson were divorced in 1995. Jody Ann Redman married James Reese Harrod, son of Lee Rice Harrod and Donna Dee Voorhies, in January 1998 at Montana.

Child of Jody Ann Redman

Child of Jody Ann Redman and James Reese Harrod


  1. [S2009] Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005, online ancestry.com, Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005
    Name: Charles M Samuelson
    Gender: Male
    Residence state: Idaho
    Spouse: Jody Ann Redman
    Spouse residence state: Idaho
    Marriage Date: 3 Nov 1987
    Marriage City: Winnemucca
    Officiant type: Civil celebrant
    Recorded date: 24 Nov 1987
    Recorded city: Winnemucca
    Book: 245
    Page: 404
    Instrument number: 32547

    Source Information:
    Ancestry.com. Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005 (database on-line). Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2007.
    Original data:
    Nevada State Health Division, Office of Vital Records. Nevada Marriage Index, 1966-2005. Carson City, Nevada: Nevada State Health Division, Office of Vital Records.
    Clark County, Nevada Marriage Bureau. Clark County, Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-1966. Las Vegas, Nevada: Clark County, Nevada Marriage Bureau.
    . Hereinafter cited as Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005.

John Redman1

M, #4974, b. 6 January 1910, d. January 1973
Last Edited=4 Nov 2024
4th great-grandson of Daniel Redmon Sr.
1st cousin 1 time removed of Jody Ann Redman
     John Redman was born on 6 January 1910 at Stockland, Iroquois Co., Illinois. He was the son of Chester Arthur Redman and Frances Rose (?)1 John Redman died in January 1973 at Worland, Washakie Co., Wyoming.


Census10 March 1920Big Horn Co., Montana, lists Chester Redman as 30 years old, born in Ohio; wife Vida 21 years old, born in Montana; daughter Clara(?) M. 1 -1/2 years old, born in Montana; son Jonnie 10 years old, born in Illinois


  1. [S1698] Ruby Fellows, "Redman and Fellows Family Information", ca. 1973 (Caldwell, Idaho). Hereinafter cited as "Redman and Fellows Family Information."

John A. Redman

M, #4422
Last Edited=31 Oct 2024
5th great-grandson of Daniel Redmon Sr.
2nd great-grandson of Adin Fellows
1st cousin of Jody Ann Redman
     John A. Redman is the son of James Arthur Redman and Mabel Eileen Foreman. John A. Redman married Teresa (?)

John Jeremiah Redman1

M, #4848, b. circa 1840, d. 8 January 1920
Last Edited=20 Feb 2024
Great-grandson of Daniel Redmon Sr.
2nd great-granduncle of Jody Ann Redman
     John Jeremiah Redman was born circa 1840 at Kentucky.1 He was the son of Daniel Redman and Emily Jane Tolle.1 John Jeremiah Redman died on 8 January 1920 at Adams Co., Ohio.


Census15 August 1850District 2, Lewis Co., Kentucky, listed as 10 years old and born in Kentucky.


  1. [S1677] Robert C. Goodyear's website on The Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families (June 2005), online http://goodyear-mascaro.org/. Hereinafter cited as Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families website.

John William Redman

M, #1135, b. 6 July 1860, d. 30 August 1927
Last Edited=16 Sep 2021
2nd great-grandson of Daniel Redmon Sr.
Great-grandfather of Jody Ann Redman
     John William Redman was born circa July 1850 at Ohio.1 He was born on 5 July 1860 at near Portsmouth, Adams Co., Ohio.2 He was born on 6 July 1860 at Manchester, Adams Co., Ohio.3 He was the son of Samuel Redman and Susan M. Chamberlain.3 John William Redman married Della Regina Kerr, daughter of Hiram S. Kerr and Susanna Serepta Lewis, on 27 November 1879 at Otway, Scioto Co., Ohio.3

The families of John W. Redman and wife came by wagon train from Ohio to Illinois in 1900. Took them 3-weeks, drove and rode the old milk cow. John W. Redman was a blacksmith and his wife a seamstress. As of 1973 all are dead except Minnie at Pendleton, Oregon.2

Marriage Certificate for son James, lists parents as John Redman and Della Kerr. Not find John Redman in 1910 Ohio Census Soundex. John William Redman died on 27 August 1927 at Watseka, Iroquois Co., Illinois, at age 67.3,2,4 He died on 30 August 1927 at Watseka, Iroquois Co., Illinois, at age 67.5 He was buried at Sugar Creek Cemetery, Stockland, Iroquois Co., Illinois.4


Census8 July 1870Jefferson Twsp., Adams Co., Ohio, listed as 6 years old and born in Ohio.
Census21 June 1900Green Twsp., Adams Co., Ohio, lists John Redman born Jul 1850 in Ohio, married 17-years, blacksmith; wife Dellie born Jun 1860 in Ohio, married 17 years, 8 of her 9 children still alive; daughter Emma V. born Nov 1884 in Ohio, single; son Walter born Mar 1887 in Ohio, single; son Chester A. born Aug 1889 in Ohio; son Samuel S. born Jan 1891 in Ohio; son Homer H. born Mar 1894 in Ohio; daughter Minnie born Jun 1895 in Ohio; son James R. born May 1899 in Ohio.

John Redman and family were found in the 1900 Census Soundex, FHL number 124750. The writing on the Soundex card was very faint. It appeared to be Adams County, Green township, enumeration district number 3, sheet number 13, and line 83.

Children of John William Redman and Della Regina Kerr


  1. [S817] Unknown compiler, CENSUS: 1900 Ohio, Adams? Co , Green? twp (n.p.: n.pub.).
  2. [S1698] Ruby Fellows, "Redman and Fellows Family Information", ca. 1973 (Caldwell, Idaho). Hereinafter cited as "Redman and Fellows Family Information."
  3. [S1677] Robert C. Goodyear's website on The Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families (June 2005), online http://goodyear-mascaro.org/. Hereinafter cited as Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families website.
  4. [S2545] Findagrave.com website, database and images (Find a Grave, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah ), John W. Redman, Memorial ID 129150790,
    Birth: 5 July 1860, Manchester, Summit County, Ohio, USA
    Death: 27 August 1927, Watseka, Iroquois County, Illinois, USA
    Burial: Sugar Creek Cemetery, Stockland, Iroquois County, Illinois
    Source: Find a Grave
    SourceCitation: Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed 25 November 2020), memorial page for John W. Redman (5 Jul 1860–27 Aug 1927), Find a Grave Memorial no. 129150790, citing Sugar Creek Cemetery, Stockland, Iroquois County, Illinois, USA; Maintained by kromine (contributor 47820167).

    Spouse Della Regina Kerr Redman 1860–1931
    Children Emma Viola Redman Holt 1884–1943,.
  5. [S2036] Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947, online www.ancestry.com, Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
    Name:     John W. Redman
    Birth Date:     5 Jul 1860
    Birth Place:     Manchester, Ohio
    Death Date:     27 Aug 1927
    Death Place:     Watseka, Iroquois, Illinois
    Burial Date:     30 Aug 1927
    Death Age:     67
    Occupation:     Contractor-Ditching
    Race:     White
    Marital Status:     M
    Gender:     Male
    Residence:     Watseka, Ill.
    Father Name:     Samuel Redman
    Father Birth Place:     Kentucky
    Mother Name:     Susan Chamlin
    Mother Birth Place:     Manchester, Ohio
    Spouse Name:     Della
    Comments:     Residence: 12y; No Military
    FHL Film Number:     1614258
    Source Information:
    Ancestry.com. Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947 database on-line. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011.
    Original data:
    "Illinois Deaths and Stillbirths, 1916–1947." Index. FamilySearch, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2010. Index entries derived from digital copies of original records.. Hereinafter cited as Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947.

Joy Lynne Redman1

F, #4988, b. 6 July 1942, d. 12 April 2006
Last Edited=28 Sep 2021
4th great-granddaughter of Daniel Redmon Sr.
1st cousin 1 time removed of Jody Ann Redman
     Joy Lynne Redman was born on 6 July 1942 at Illinois. She was the daughter of Homer Hartsel Redman and Pauline Mae Templeton.1 Joy Lynne Redman died on 12 April 2006 at North Carolina at age 63.


  1. [S1698] Ruby Fellows, "Redman and Fellows Family Information", ca. 1973 (Caldwell, Idaho). Hereinafter cited as "Redman and Fellows Family Information."

Leo G. Redman

M, #8964
Last Edited=14 Sep 2022
8th great-grandson of Daniel Redmon Sr.
5th great-grandson of Adin Fellows
1st cousin 3 times removed of Jody Ann Redman
     Leo G. Redman is the son of Isaiah Tyrell Redman and Hope Sellers.

Louis M. Redman1

M, #4836, b. circa 1858, d. 24 July 1906
Last Edited=20 Feb 2024
2nd great-grandson of Daniel Redmon Sr.
Great-granduncle of Jody Ann Redman
     Louis M. Redman was born circa 1858 at Ohio.1 He was the son of Samuel Redman and Susan M. Chamberlain.1 Louis M. Redman died on 24 July 1906 at Kentucky.


Census4 June 1860Monroe Twsp., Adams Co., Ohio, In the 1860 Ohio Census, Louis M. Redman listed as 2 years old, born in Ohio
Census8 July 1870Jefferson Twsp., Adams Co., Ohio, listed as 12 years old and born in Ohio.
Census11 June 1900Jefferson Twsp., Adams Co., Ohio, listed as born Sept 1857 in Ohio, as a farmer, enumerated with parents.


  1. [S1677] Robert C. Goodyear's website on The Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families (June 2005), online http://goodyear-mascaro.org/. Hereinafter cited as Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families website.

Louise Redman1

F, #4979
Last Edited=7 Nov 2018
4th great-granddaughter of Daniel Redmon Sr.
1st cousin 1 time removed of Jody Ann Redman
     Louise Redman was the daughter of Samuel Simmons Redman and Mary German.1


  1. [S1698] Ruby Fellows, "Redman and Fellows Family Information", ca. 1973 (Caldwell, Idaho). Hereinafter cited as "Redman and Fellows Family Information."

LuAnn Redman

F, #4420
Last Edited=31 Oct 2024
5th great-granddaughter of Daniel Redmon Sr.
2nd great-granddaughter of Adin Fellows
1st cousin of Jody Ann Redman
     LuAnn Redman is the daughter of James Arthur Redman and Mabel Eileen Foreman. LuAnn Redman married Jim Peterson.

Lydia Mae Redman1

F, #4821, b. February 1877, d. 7 December 1905
Last Edited=16 Sep 2021
3rd great-granddaughter of Daniel Redmon Sr.
Grandaunt of Jody Ann Redman
     Lydia Mae Redman was born in February 1877 at Adams Co., Ohio.1 She was the daughter of John William Redman and Della Regina Kerr.1 Lydia Mae Redman married Eugene Mural Abbott on 15 October 1896 at Adams Co., Ohio.1 Lydia Mae Redman died on 7 December 1905 at Scioto Co., Ohio, at age 28.1,2 She was buried at Moores Chapel Cemetery, Jefferson, Adams Co., Ohio.2 The cause of death was typhoid fever.2

> > > Following from Tami Mockus email on 08Nov2010 sounds very convincing, additional research required:

My name is Tamarra (Honaker) Mockus, granddaughter of Zenna B. Abbott Turner, everyone list her and Aunt Bessie who died 25 Aug 1996 in Dayton Ohio as being the daughter of Lydia M Redman but I have copies of where they both applied for social security cards and list her as being Lydia Robinson who married Eugene Abbott. Zenna (she went by Berta) raised me and told me many times that he mother Lydia was an orphan and then Lydia died 7 Dec 1905 and made her (Berta ) an orphan and she prayed to be able to live to raise her children which she made it to raised greatgrand children. Grandmother Berta and Aunt Bessie always said their mother name was Robinson, I also heard the story of the trip to Illinois, Lydia and Eugene stayed in Ohio. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. My email is mockus@windstream.net.3

Children of Lydia Mae Redman and Eugene Mural Abbott


  1. [S1677] Robert C. Goodyear's website on The Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families (June 2005), online http://goodyear-mascaro.org/. Hereinafter cited as Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families website.
  2. [S2545] Findagrave.com website, database and images (Find a Grave, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah ), Lydia Mae (Robinson) Abbott, Memorial ID 97528981,
    Birth: February 1876
    Death: 7 December 1905, Scioto County, Ohio, USA
    Burial: Moores Chapel Cemetery, Jefferson, Adams County, Ohio
    Source: Find a Grave
    SourceCitation: Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed 25 November 2020), memorial page for Lydia Mae Robinson Abbott (Feb 1876–7 Dec 1905), Find a Grave Memorial no. 97528981, citing Moores Chapel Cemetery, Jefferson, Adams County, Ohio, USA; Maintained by Debbie J (contributor 46890655).

    Spouse Eugene Mural Abbott 1877–1904,.
  3. [S1954] Tami Mockus, "Email from Tami Mockus 08Nov2010," e-mail message from e-mail address (n/a) to Steven Harn Redman, 08Nov2010. Hereinafter cited as "Email from Tami Mockus 08Nov2010."

Maria Louisa Redman1

F, #4837, b. circa 1861, d. 19 January 1919
Last Edited=20 Feb 2024
2nd great-granddaughter of Daniel Redmon Sr.
Great-grandaunt of Jody Ann Redman
     Maria Louisa Redman was born circa 1861 at Ohio.1 She was the daughter of Samuel Redman and Susan M. Chamberlain.1 Maria Louisa Redman died on 19 January 1919 at Adams Co., Ohio.


Census8 July 1870Jefferson Twsp., Adams Co., Ohio, listed as 9 years old and born in Ohio.


  1. [S1677] Robert C. Goodyear's website on The Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families (June 2005), online http://goodyear-mascaro.org/. Hereinafter cited as Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families website.

May Redman1

F, #4820, b. circa 1897
Last Edited=11 Jul 2005
3rd great-granddaughter of Daniel Redmon Sr.
Grandaunt of Jody Ann Redman
     May Redman was born circa 1897.1 She was the daughter of John William Redman and Della Regina Kerr.1


  1. [S1677] Robert C. Goodyear's website on The Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families (June 2005), online http://goodyear-mascaro.org/. Hereinafter cited as Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families website.

Melvin Redman1

M, #4845, b. circa 1878
Last Edited=16 May 2021
2nd great-grandson of Daniel Redmon Sr.
Great-granduncle of Jody Ann Redman
     Melvin Redman was born circa 1878 at Ohio.1 He was the son of Samuel Redman and Susan M. Chamberlain.1


  1. [S1677] Robert C. Goodyear's website on The Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families (June 2005), online http://goodyear-mascaro.org/. Hereinafter cited as Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families website.

Minnie Belle Redman

F, #1145, b. circa June 1895, d. 18 April 1976
Last Edited=13 Jul 2022
3rd great-granddaughter of Daniel Redmon Sr.
Grandaunt of Jody Ann Redman
     Minnie Belle Redman was born circa June 1895 at Adams Co., Ohio, CENSUS: 1900 Ohio, Adams Co., Green twp. She was the daughter of John William Redman and Della Regina Kerr. Adopted a girl, Betty.1 Minnie Belle Redman married James Christopher Ashinhurst on 25 November 1920.1 Minnie Belle Redman lived in 1973 at Pendleton, Umatilla Co., Oregon.1 She died on 18 April 1976 at Pendleton, Umatilla Co., Oregon. She was buried at Canyon Hill Cemetery, Caldwell, Canyon Co., Idaho.2


Census21 June 1900Green Twsp., Adams Co., Ohio, lists John Redman born Jul 1850 in Ohio, married 17-years, blacksmith; wife Dellie born Jun 1860 in Ohio, married 17 years, 8 of her 9 children still alive; daughter Emma V. born Nov 1884 in Ohio, single; son Walter born Mar 1887 in Ohio, single; son Chester A. born Aug 1889 in Ohio; son Samuel S. born Jan 1891 in Ohio; son Homer H. born Mar 1894 in Ohio; daughter Minnie born Jun 1895 in Ohio; son James R. born May 1899 in Ohio


  1. [S1698] Ruby Fellows, "Redman and Fellows Family Information", ca. 1973 (Caldwell, Idaho). Hereinafter cited as "Redman and Fellows Family Information."
  2. [S2545] Findagrave.com website, database and images (Find a Grave, 1300 West Traverse Parkway, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah ), Minnie B Ashinhurst, Memorial ID 147665571,
    Birth: 1896
    Death: 1976
    Burial: Canyon Hill Cemetery, Caldwell, Canyon County, Idaho
    Source: Find a Grave
    SourceCitation: Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/147665571/minnie-b-ashinhurst: accessed 13 July 2022), memorial page for Minnie B Ashinhurst (1896–1976), Find a Grave Memorial ID 147665571, citing Canyon Hill Cemetery, Caldwell, Canyon County, Idaho, USA; Maintained by R.I.P. (contributor 47339884).,.

Nancy Susan Redman1

F, #4849, b. circa 1846, d. 29 June 1911
Last Edited=20 Feb 2024
Great-granddaughter of Daniel Redmon Sr.
2nd great-grandaunt of Jody Ann Redman
     Nancy Susan Redman was born circa 1846 at Kentucky.1 She was the daughter of Daniel Redman and Emily Jane Tolle.1 Nancy Susan Redman died on 29 June 1911 at Kentucky.


Census15 August 1850District 2, Lewis Co., Kentucky, listed as 4 years old and born in Kentucky.


  1. [S1677] Robert C. Goodyear's website on The Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families (June 2005), online http://goodyear-mascaro.org/. Hereinafter cited as Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families website.

Orrie Lee Redman1

M, #4970, b. 10 August 1915, d. 9 November 2001
Last Edited=24 May 2021
4th great-grandson of Daniel Redmon Sr.
1st cousin 1 time removed of Jody Ann Redman
     Orrie Lee Redman was born on 10 August 1915 at Watseka, Iroquois Co., Illinois. He was the son of Walter Redman and Bertha May Martin.1 Orrie Lee Redman died on 9 November 2001 at age 86.


Census12 January 1920Belmont Twsp., Iroquois Co., Illinois, lists Walter Redman as 32 years old born in Ohio, farmer; wife Bertha M. 30 years old, born in Illinois; son Horace M; daughter Blanche; son Ora R; son Rory E


  1. [S1698] Ruby Fellows, "Redman and Fellows Family Information", ca. 1973 (Caldwell, Idaho). Hereinafter cited as "Redman and Fellows Family Information."

Paul Redman1

M, #4977
Last Edited=28 Oct 2018
4th great-grandson of Daniel Redmon Sr.
1st cousin 1 time removed of Jody Ann Redman
     Paul Redman was the son of Chester Arthur Redman and Frances Rose (?)1


  1. [S1698] Ruby Fellows, "Redman and Fellows Family Information", ca. 1973 (Caldwell, Idaho). Hereinafter cited as "Redman and Fellows Family Information."

Pearl Bonn Redman1

F, #4819, b. 1900, d. 1900
Last Edited=23 Oct 2005
3rd great-granddaughter of Daniel Redmon Sr.
Grandaunt of Jody Ann Redman
     Pearl Bonn Redman died in 1900 at Watseka, Iroquois Co., Illinois; died at 5-months old.1,2 She was born in 1900.1 She was the daughter of John William Redman and Della Regina Kerr.1


  1. [S1677] Robert C. Goodyear's website on The Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families (June 2005), online http://goodyear-mascaro.org/. Hereinafter cited as Genealogy of the Goodyear and Mascaro Families website.
  2. [S1698] Ruby Fellows, "Redman and Fellows Family Information", ca. 1973 (Caldwell, Idaho). Hereinafter cited as "Redman and Fellows Family Information."